Gallstones - recipe sites for low fat/non spicy foods

Hi all. I eat an excellent diet, never deep fry/roast and avoid junk foods and have very low cholesterol. You can imagine my frustrations at developing gallstones (it is a family trait). They are too bad to operate on due to infection. Whilst I wait for surgery, I am looking for websites (pref UK) aimed at gallstone sufferers that provide ideas and recipes to vary my diet and keep tabs on any fat intake!

Thanks all


  • I had my gallbladder removed last year. Because of my school schedule I had to wait three painful months. I don't know of any websites or recipes (I tried sticking to a pretty bland vegetarian diet) but I will say that potatoes are pretty safe. I would avoid dairy and citrus fruits. The acidity in fruit makes it worse. I liked to make wraps- sometimes with Tuna but usually just veggies. Watch what dressing you put on them though!

    After you have the surgery it gets better but it does take time. Pudding and crackers are your best friend. Apple sauce has too much acidity. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  • gimny
    gimny Posts: 4
    Thanks so much :) I was just amazed that eggs are off the menu! Taking a look around Pinterest for any recipes etc that may be of interest.
  • superdeedooper
    superdeedooper Posts: 95 Member
    Hello. I don't yet have my official diagnosis yet, but a radiology technician shared with me my gallbladder is full of gallstones. I'm being very mindful of my diet and have noticed if I eat things that don't require a lot of digestion, it helps a little. Then other times, it doesn't seem to matter what I eat that brings on the pain.

    A couple of days ago I made a poppy seed chicken casserole and before I put the boiled chicken in my baking pan, I ran it through a food processor to break it down. I was really concerned about the multiple ingredients, but I did fine with the casserole and was happy.

    Some days I feel as if I will have to resort to baby food.. HA!

    Hope you are feeling alright.