Exercises to do at home?

Hi everyone! I am trying to get back into the healthy routine, however I can't afford a gym membership at the moment, which was my exercise place of choice. I mostly used the treadmill, elliptical and the arc trainer, so I need some help finding a routine that I can do at home, without machines. I have two five pound weights, but that's about it. I am trying to lose weight and tone up, I have about 100 pounds to lose (yikes!), so any suggestions that will increase heart rate, as well as work muscles, would be great. Thank you :)


  • desirebre
    desirebre Posts: 5 Member
    I work out using Leslie Sansone Walk away the Pounds DVD. You can visit her website and some of the routines are free. walkathome.com. She is also on Facebook. Youtube also has a variety of workouts.
  • yeah just to a youtube search for workout routines. when I'm too lazy to go to the gym or the weather doesn't permit, I can get a good burn from doing workout videos in my living room.
    good luck
  • Look on Pinterest. I have found alot of abs, arms, hiney: challenges. I have begun using some of those strength training with some cardio (good ole jumping jacks and jogging/bike riding in my neighborhood). It works well if you spread it out throughout the day in small incriments just like food. 6 small meals is better than 3 large ones.....same goes for working out. If you do 15 mins througout the day at different times, your metabolism will work harder and you burn more. I lost 45 lbs doing this in the past (got emotional and gained it back but in process of starting it again).

    Good Luck!
  • suz_ers
    suz_ers Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks ladies, I will check out some videos online. I'm also looking for specific exercises, eg. jumping jacks, burpees, those type of things that I can do without having to follow a video. I like to switch it up!
  • suz_ers
    suz_ers Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks dancing, that sounds like a good idea! I didn't even think to look on Pinterest. And never would have thought to do 15 min intervals throughout the day. Thanks again!
  • jammajish
    jammajish Posts: 7 Member
    I love to do dvd workouts like Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire and 30 Day Shred. I also have an interval timer app on my phone and set up different sets of intervals to do jump rope routines. Youtube also has a bunch of really great interval workouts if you're looking for more ideas!
  • fitpiglet24
    fitpiglet24 Posts: 44 Member
    if you have an iphone, "nike training" is a great app. they have beginner, intermediate and advanced workouts ranging from 15-60min (i think). pinterest has some great workout routines that i pull from when i need to change things up a bit. fitsugar also has some good ones, and they're all free! ( i might of paid 3 bucks for the nike training app, can't remember, but it was worth it)

    if you're willing to spend a bit more, insanity is a super intense workout that will get you awesome results as long as you are eating a healthy well at the same time. al the beachbody dvds are good. i also sometime use my billy blanks kickboxing dvds. they're a bit dated but the moves really tone and lift exactly where i want them to:)

    try to pick up some heavier dumbbells to challenge yourself and incorporate squats and lunges, chest flies, upright rows, bicep curls etc.

    have fun!
  • mel090170
    mel090170 Posts: 13 Member
    May I suggest going on YouTube and checking some stuff out? When I really can't get motivated I do Billy Blanks 8 minute tae bo. It is old so never released on DVD, I go to youtube and do it. Also try Windor Pilates….I do the 20 minute beginner and it is great….you are laying down most of the time so it seems easier…..LOL If you have a little money I highly recommend Kettle bell. I have bad knees, elbows, shoulders, and I am also 100 lbs overweight (or more) and I can do all of these. Don't forget planking.Start at 10 second, add seconds every day and give yourself a rest day once a week….
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    Lots of good ideas... especially the kettlebell. On youtube you can find a lot of variety with fitness blender.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    For the weights side, it sounds like you should be able to make body weight stuff work fairly well - lots of information out there on google.
    You can often make stuff easier or harder by adjusting your body position - so you can make push ups easier by doing them on a chair, or better a couple of stairs (so you can then come down to progress), or harder by raising your feet instead of hands.

    You can often get a basic weights setup very cheap or free.

    For cardio - walking and jogging, though you'll have to leave your house :). Also, cycling - again can often find free bikes if you don't have one. I mostly do local stuff on a push bike - in a fairly crowded british town it's often quicker than the car as well as giving me some free exercise.
  • Blogilates is AMAZING. She has beginners workouts and even a 4 week beginners calender to get you started - she is a registered personal trainer and has won a tonne of awards. You can find her on Youtube, and she has her own website.
  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    I fill a old gallon milk container with water or sand and use it like a kettle bell.
  • I was looking for some place to work out, and gyms where out, but I found that the community centers had fitness centers that where just what I was looking for, and the cost was just $13.00 a year what a bargain, now I 'm not sure where you live, but I sure you've got to have a center there some where, but it's defiantly worth checking out.
  • Hi all, i just checked out youtube and the beginners Pilates it was great, i also want to thank all the posters for adding here advice on home exercise i will in time checking out more. I have quite a bad back and Sacro Illiac joint pain and am awaiting surgery on the SI joint which has added to my weight gain as i had to stop going to the gym and any physical activities but i am stable at the mo so I want to resume some gentle exercise. So again i say thank you to all for the info.
    Cheers Dee:drinker:
  • drenergy
    drenergy Posts: 112 Member
    Run outside, silly! You don't need machines to do cardio. Find a public space in your town with a ton of stairs. Sure, people think you're crazy, but you'll get fit! Also look up body weight exercises, find things around the house that you can do/lift, and so on. Good suggestions from others like the 30 day fitness challenges, too.
  • Wow, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Beach Body to you. They have some great at home fitness programs such as T25- which only takes 25 minutes and they're most popular P90X!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I work out using Leslie Sansone Walk away the Pounds DVD. You can visit her website and some of the routines are free. walkathome.com. She is also on Facebook. Youtube also has a variety of workouts.

    And fitnessblender.com

    Those are pretty much all I do.