How to endure?

Can anyone tell me how you endure a long weight loss journey? It is always easy at first because you are motivated but the excitement quickly disappears.

What do you do to stay in this for the long run?


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I started in 2010 and am still going slowly (do to thyroid issues) but steadily. You need to make it part of your life and lifestyle to make it stick. Incorporate changes slowly and make them habits so if you don't do it you feel like something is off.
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    Surround yourself with people who are encouraging and have similar goals. Also, keep pictures of yourself that you don't like, and before you started your weight loss. You will have days that you slip, but it's important to get back up. Log on to MFP EVERY day...even if you haven't done as well as you hoped that day. I am trying to do this. Only buy healthy stuff at the market. Set up gym dates with friends. Before you eat, drink first and see if your hunger was really just thirst. Just some tips. Good luck!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Have short term goals for yourself with the weightloss, not one long terms huge goal that seems so far away. Also, find other goals that will help you reach the goals, eating more veggies, drinking more water...anything that helps you get to the ultimate goal.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I have been here 16 months, so I understand the getting tired of it after awhile.
    The way it works for me, is by

    accepting that I will always have to watch my calories, even when I reach goal.

    Getting rid of 'all or nothing' thinking. Moderation is the key. Going over my calories one day doesn't completely ruin my diet and make me want to chuck it all and start over later.

    Patience. I am not going to keep losing at the same rate I was in the beginning. If I expect to do that, I will be disappointed and discouraged. I have actually maintained my weight for several months over the course of this.
    Learning maintenance is a good thing, even before you reach goal.
    I have also just recently gained 10 pounds over the holidays, and it was tough getting back on track. But 5 are already gone, and the rest will eventually follow. Life happens.

    It can be very tough keeping the motivation going after awhile. You don't have that same fire that you did in the beginning.
    But I know that I still have more to accomplish, and I have a lifetime of good habits to continue.
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    You need all the determination, self-discipline, consistency and gumption to be able to do this even when you're not motivated.

    build momentum and teach yourself from the very beginning how to do this even when you arent in the mood.

    motivation makes it fun, but you wont always be motivated.

    do it because you promised yourself you would.

    and yourself deserves to have that promise kept this time, dang it.

    screw motivation.

    not having it - is just an excuse not to do what needs to be done and the time for that is over.
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    Just a few things that have helped me:)

    1. Employ visual motivators. I keep a photo of myself and another of my goal body, then look at them when I feel like slacking. It's hard to give up when Megan Fox's abs are glaring at you!
    2. Find a friend to keep you accountable. My buddy and I have monthly photo swaps to keep each other from caving into laziness.
    3. Keep your workout routine fresh and fun. I get bored easily so I'm always looking for something new and challenging.

    Good luck OP:)
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    High did you endore, 3 years of middle school and 4 years of highschool?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Can anyone tell me how you endure a long weight loss journey? It is always easy at first because you are motivated but the excitement quickly disappears.

    What do you do to stay in this for the long run?

    Actually it's easier now than it was in the beginning. At first, I thought you had to follow a bunch of rules, like never eat sugar and limit "bad" carbs, and don't eat at night, etc. Turns out, that's all a load of crap. Now that the only rules are eating enough protein and sticking to my calorie range (yes, range), it's all easy-peasy. It's just a lifestyle now that's working.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Make it a point to change your lifestyle to support your goals. Then it's only tough in the beginning. Once you've grown accustomed, the rest of the time you are just living life. Getting in the groove makes the months and years melt by.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Can anyone tell me how you endure a long weight loss journey? It is always easy at first because you are motivated but the excitement quickly disappears.

    What do you do to stay in this for the long run?

    Actually it's easier now than it was in the beginning. At first, I thought you had to follow a bunch of rules, like never eat sugar and limit "bad" carbs, and don't eat at night, etc. Turns out, that's all a load of crap. Now that the only rules are eating enough protein and sticking to my calorie range (yes, range), it's all easy-peasy. It's just a lifestyle now that's working.

    This... It is pretty easy once you throw all the dumb diet myths out of the window and keep it simple.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I started in 2010 and am still going slowly (do to thyroid issues) but steadily. You need to make it part of your life and lifestyle to make it stick. Incorporate changes slowly and make them habits so if you don't do it you feel like something is off.

    This. Still getting foods you love... finding activities that you love... that is what makes it easier. Yesterday, I had ice cream, wine AND chocolate.... and I didn't work out.... I fit it into my calories. Now... I don't have these things everyday... but I make sure I fit them in when I want them because I learned the first time around many years ago (when I first used MFP, lost, and gained it again) if you give all that stuff up.... it won't last.

    I don't do workouts I hate. I lift... I run... I do Wii Dance. Those are my workouts... and I love all of them and I look forward to it. You'll find what works for you.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I agree with some of the other ladies... don't think you have to restrict all of your favorite foods. You can still have them You just fit them into your calorie goal. I pretty much have ice cream every night... because I can and I know it's not hindering my loss one single bit. I also look for activities I truly enjoy. I walk & hike outdoors when it's warm, and I do Zumba when I go to the gym. I've just very recently started jogging on the treadmill, because it's exciting to me that can even do 20 minutes on it, whereas I couldn't do 30 seconds before. Keep challenging yourself. Give yourself small goals, some weight related, some not. Make a goal to make it to Logging in 30 days in a row. Make it a goal to hit the next BMI category down. Make it a goal to run 10 minutes. Things like that.

    Don't beat yourself up if you have "one bad day". Pick yourself up, move on, and eat the damn chocolate. lol! :laugh:
  • PaulaRicco
    PaulaRicco Posts: 35 Member
    I've been on a lifestyle journey for about a year now and what really helps me is focusing on all the other benefits of training and eating healthy besides the weight loss. Like how much stronger I am, how much more stamina I have, and how I get sick far less frequently.

    Living in the present helps as well. Instead of looking at the entire process as a whole with a start and a finish, think about your life as a whole - about how today you will be healthier than yesterday. Living each day in the present has helped me a lot this time around. So many other times in my life I was focused on the future - the "one day" when I would look and feel the way I wanted. Now I focus on how I look and feel right now. This has helped me stay dedicated to myself and my journey regardless of the past or the future.

    You've already accomplished one of the most challenging parts of your journey - you have the courage to start. Love yourself everyday and make yourself a priority.
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member

    motivation makes it fun, but you wont always be motivated.

    do it because you promised yourself you would.

    and yourself deserves to have that promise kept this time, dang it.

    screw motivation.

    not having it - is just an excuse not to do what needs to be done and the time for that is over. awesome

    Don't beat yourself up if you have "one bad day". Pick yourself up, move on, and eat the damn chocolate. lol! :laugh:

    I learned that I can't be to restrictive, you are right I can eat the darn chocolate, just 1 piece, not 5.

    Love yourself everyday and make yourself a priority.

    This is so true, it is so easy to forget that you need to endure because you are worth it.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Find ways to stay motivated.

    When workouts become boring and monotonous, search for something else that is fun, yet physical. Also, working out at different times in the day has helped me.

    Seek out new foods and recipes that are healthy and nutritious. Maybe try restaurants that specialize in healthy cooking.

    If you can, and you are the type that likes company, try and recruit some friends. Or . . . . make new ones that share your interest in being fit and healthy.

    Ultimately, you should be doing this for you. It will not always be easy. But the key to sticking with it, is to do just that. Do. Not. Give. Up.
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    Thanks everyone, your responses have really helped me. I have been on myfitnesspal for 2 yrs. when I first joined I lost 10 lbs than I became discouraged because the weight was coming of slowly. I stopped and regained the weight. This time I want to last through thick and thin.