Foot Problem

Hello! I am fairly new to running, have been running almost a year now. Over the weekend, I went for a run and didn't have any problem. The next day I woke up and my right foot right around where my big toe connects to the rest of my foot was very sore. I didn't think much of it, but by Monday there was a bruise on the top of my foot where the knuckle is and the pad of my foot was really painful. I could hardly move my toes it hurt so bad. I could hardly walk on it as well. I kept my foot elevated the entire day and took ibuprophen. The swelling went down and by yesterday it was better. Today it is still painful to put weight on, but I think it's better. Any ideas what it could be and what I need to do for it? Any help or advice would be appreciated!!


  • angelnorgaard
    angelnorgaard Posts: 25 Member
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Maybe a stress fracture? Maybe gout? See a doctor for a proper diagnosis.
  • oes82330
    oes82330 Posts: 18 Member
    LOL, Gout was honestly not something I had thought of! Looking it up, it doesn't sound like it is, but thank you for your response. I don't have a local doctor, so I was hoping that maybe someone would have had a similar experience or an idea of what it could be before I took that route.