Any plateau advice???

I was just wondering if any of you have plateau advice. How to beat a plateau? Your experience with plateaus? How to get past plateau with exercise? Any facts regarding plateaus. Any advice would be helpful and appreciated!

As far as working out, I'm doing about 40 mins of Cardio and between 15-20 mins strength training. I've heard that eating more calories for one day of the week helps with plateaus is this true?


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I'm still in the beginning stages here so I have not hit a plateau yet, but if you want helpful answers from people who do know, you're going to need to:

    1. Open your diary so people can see what you are eating and how much.
    2. Provide more information - how long have you been at a plateau, how frequently are you exercising, how much weight you've been targeted to lose per week, when was the last time you made a change to expected pounds per week goal number.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but some people might have other questions. If you can put that info up people will be able to answer you more quickly.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Hi there! If you open your diary and provide your stats (height weight, how much you've lost, how much you want to lose, etc.) then we can provide a lot better answers. For now all I can say is that yes, generally upping your calories can help beat a plateau. Also, I'd do a little less cardio and a little more strength training - changing up your workouts can help with plateaus, plus strength training has more benefits for your body IMHO. I'd also recommend you stop paying so much attention to the scale and focus on taking measurements and seeing how your clothes fit - sometimes you may not be losing "weight" but your body is still transforming, and that's the important part! Finally, patience - I don't know how long you've been at a plateau, but sometimes you just have to wait it out. I'm sure things will start moving again soon!
  • Portlandmom
    Portlandmom Posts: 31 Member
    Have you changed your workout plan up? Your body gets use to the same workout.
  • fitness_camxo
    Hi there! If you open your diary and provide your stats (height weight, how much you've lost, how much you want to lose, etc.) then we can provide a lot better answers. For now all I can say is that yes, generally upping your calories can help beat a plateau. Also, I'd do a little less cardio and a little more strength training - changing up your workouts can help with plateaus, plus strength training has more benefits for your body IMHO. I'd also recommend you stop paying so much attention to the scale and focus on taking measurements and seeing how your clothes fit - sometimes you may not be losing "weight" but your body is still transforming, and that's the important part! Finally, patience - I don't know how long you've been at a plateau, but sometimes you just have to wait it out. I'm sure things will start moving again soon!

    Hi Lauren! Thanks for your feedback! How do I make my stats available (I'm pretty new to the message board)? My plateau has lasted for about 4-5 weeks now. My weight and measurements have remained the same. Honestly, the most weight I've lost was during the first few weeks of working out and using myfitnesspal. Then in later weeks I saw a difference in my physic rather than the scale (which is still good!). It's just been the last several weeks, like I had mentioned that I've seen no improvements.
  • fitness_camxo
    Have you changed your workout plan up? Your body gets use to the same workout.

    Well, I have started to do interval style cardio (run for 5 mins, walk for 2 etc.). My strength training changes daily. Some days I'll do legs, the next day I'll try to work on a different part of my body.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Have you changed your workout plan up? Your body gets use to the same workout.

    Yah no...

    Exercise is for body health...weight loss comes from a deficet in calories.

    In 29 weeks I have yet to hit a plateau and I have been doing the same workout for 21 of those weeks. And for 8 weeks did the same one prior to that.

    Typically if you are not losing weight you are eating more then you think.

    Do you weigh your food (kitchen food scale) and do you log everything you put in your mouth.

    Stats are height/weight age etc...and you need to make your diary public go to HOME/SETTINGS/DIARY SETTINGS go to the bottom and click Public
  • fitness_camxo
    Have you changed your workout plan up? Your body gets use to the same workout.

    Yah no...

    Exercise is for body health...weight loss comes from a deficet in calories.

    In 29 weeks I have yet to hit a plateau and I have been doing the same workout for 21 of those weeks. And for 8 weeks did the same one prior to that.

    Typically if you are not losing weight you are eating more then you think.

    Do you weigh your food (kitchen food scale) and do you log everything you put in your mouth.

    Stats are height/weight age etc...and you need to make your diary public go to HOME/SETTINGS/DIARY SETTINGS go to the bottom and click Public

    Hi Stef! Wow, really same routine for 21 weeks! I don't weight my food. Maybe I should? Although, I'll admit that does seem like quiet a bit of work (to weight everything you eat). This could be the problem! This really helps thank you!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Have you changed your workout plan up? Your body gets use to the same workout.

    Yah no...

    Exercise is for body health...weight loss comes from a deficet in calories.

    In 29 weeks I have yet to hit a plateau and I have been doing the same workout for 21 of those weeks. And for 8 weeks did the same one prior to that.

    Typically if you are not losing weight you are eating more then you think.

    Do you weigh your food (kitchen food scale) and do you log everything you put in your mouth.

    Stats are height/weight age etc...and you need to make your diary public go to HOME/SETTINGS/DIARY SETTINGS go to the bottom and click Public

    Hi Stef! Wow, really same routine for 21 weeks! I don't weight my food. Maybe I should? Although, I'll admit that does seem like quiet a bit of work (to weight everything you eat). This could be the problem! This really helps thank you!

    I thought that a food scale would be too much of a hassle too, when I started out. But I find that it's actually easier for me than trying to measure things with the measuring cups/spoons. It really doesn't add any significant amount of time to your day once you get used to using it and I know that my measurements are always accurate now (especially with fruits and veggies).