Anti-depressants and weight loss?



  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight while being on medication. I have been on several types of medication since my early 20's and still am over 20 years later. The medication did not make me fat, the depression did. Since then I dropped 5 sizes and am almost out of the plus size stores. It is slow but it is happening.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    You need to stop. Your comments are flat out ignorant and dangerous.

    Guess what? I have not been on meds for 11 years. Recently I have been through hell. The WHOLE time I was eating right and working out. I just got put back on meds for severe anxiety 2 days ago and the difference already is amazing. So, you are 100% wrong and uneducated on these things. So just stop the BS posts that just show how much you do NOT know.

    It's not BS. I'm living proof. And so are a lot of other people. SOmetimes it's mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. :) Only you can let yourself be stressed out by things you cannot control. Only you can decide how you feel. YOu think it's the pills that are helping but really, it's your state of mind. YOu think the pills are working so you feel better but I'll bet you could be taking a placebo and if you didn't know better, you would still feel better. It's all in our heads. Ever heard of Obecalp? Check out the studies they did using that and you might see my point of view.

    So I should just change my state of mind about my cancer, or the effect of the other medications that I take? You are one person, and your experience does not prove that everyone in the world is just like you. Perhaps you just got over your bout of self-pity and that's why you didn't need medication anymore...... others have more serious problems.

    We're talking about depression medication here. No need to drag this into a big thing. But actually it you do some research, people have gotten better from some pretty terrible diseases using only mind power.

    Well, OP, if you were paying attention to MY original post, you'd see that I am on anti-depressants because of side effects of another medication, as well as the trauma to my psyche of having a terminal illness. If I do some research? After being diagnosed, I've done nothing but. People with brain cancer don't get better with mind power. If they're lucky, surgery, chemo and radiation will give them a few more years.
    You've made this into a pretty big thing with your blatant statements about topics you obviously know nothing about. And if you really want to preach to me about doing research, perhaps you should go over to your other thread about sugar and carbs and do some research about that rather than asking forum people about it and then being rude to them.
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    I'm not even going to comment on the debate that's going on here, because I know it'll just make me totally annoyed, but I have been on Lexapro, Prozac, Zoloft, and I'm currently on Wellbutrin. None of them have caused weight gain, but they have caused a decrease in anxiety, and a sense of apathy. Both of those things led me start eating more, and I became much less careful and concerned about my weight. I don't find it difficult to lose, because of the meds, but sometimes I find that it makes me not quite as motivated. Wellbutrin has been the best, because I don't have that "flat" feeling, that I had on the other meds, which made me feel a total loss of caring about anything.

    I commend you for knowing that you need the meds, and continuing to try and get to a healthy weight!
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    That is bad advise and not very supportive.
  • TEMMEAlexa
    TEMMEAlexa Posts: 79 Member
    Anti-depressants are okay. You can go with it. But keep one thing in mind that you don't need them forever. Have 1200-1300 calories a day and approx and hour of cardio exercises. Have a lot of water, but not too much... ;)
    And, cheer up, you can do it. :)
  • JesusBiscuits
    Replying to OP, since other people simply won't admit being wrong...

    Been on Prozac 20 mg since 2010. I was fit, played roller derby and did cross country. My depression sprung for no reason: I do not have financial issues, had a happy relationship at the time, family is great, studied at a good university, etc. Can't pin point an external reason for it, but my entire family (father's and mother's sides) has cases of major and minor cases of depression.

    The medication itselt did not make me gain weight. After I started taking it, my self esteem increased and I stopped with destructive habits such as starving and overcompensating bad diet with strainous exercise. I ended up gaining a little weight, yes, but I feel more beautiful now than I did back then.

    Whenever I have short breaks with my medication (or even change the brand, mind you) I feel prominent changes on my mood swings, lack motivation and drive, etc. I think it's a key ally on my weight loss since it allows me to do things like someone who is not depressed would -- like myself, when I was not depressed, would.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    If a mental health professional prescribed anti-depressants, she should take them. To tell someone to just stop taking them is irresponsible and dangerous. It also implies that depression isn't a real disease, which it most definitely is.

    It would be better if they were prescribed and monitored by a mental health professional, but unfortunately in most instances they are not.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I gained 20 lbs on SSRI, lost it here with no great difficulty while remaining on medication. It might mess with your metabolism or hunger a little, but it can't break the laws of physics - eat leass, move more and the weight will come off.
  • xombiebite
    xombiebite Posts: 273 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    i find this very insulting. i "got off the pills" with medical help, i exercised and ate properly and guess what happened? i ended up in the hospital. so now I'm back on pills i still am not completely back to normal (this happened in June) and i have **** days like everyone else. some people need medication to get by. I've seen it and i live it. this is something i have to live with my entire life i don't see myself as a victim of depression/anxiety i have a ****ty brain that doesn't work properly and I'm a survivor of it. maybe getting off the pills worked for you but some of us are born with chemically imbalanced brains.
  • babayaga1676
    I did manage to lose 8 kilos with a (much too) low calorie diet whilst being on Deroxat (Paxil). I gained the kilos back afterwards and I think I had a few health issues because of this unhealthy diet (more wrinkles and hair loss) but just to say it is possible.

    I am now on Cipralex (Celexa) and have gained quite a bit of weight from the moment my anxiety came back with a vengeance. I'm reading this book now about serotonin and dieting. I'm finding a few interesting guidelines in it and I will be trying the recommended diet as it seems healthy and accurate for people who are on antidepressants. The book is "Serotonin Power Diet: Use Your Brain's Natural Chemistry to Cut Cravings, Curb Emotional Overeating, and Lose Weight" by Judith Wurtman, Nina Frusztajer Marquis.

    Hope this helps!
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    Well. I am glad that you found what worked for you. And maybe your "mind power" thing worked for you in how easily got you off drugs (ADs and weed) Unfortunately you come across so arrogant and rude that anything you think may be remotely helpful gets lost in translation. Maybe you should go here for information on how to relate to others...
    Oh wait---or the homeless man under the bridge?

    I have reported you for providing dangerous medical advice. Now take your toys and go home.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Replying to OP, since other people simply won't admit being wrong...

    Been on Prozac 20 mg since 2010. I was fit, played roller derby and did cross country. My depression sprung for no reason: I do not have financial issues, had a happy relationship at the time, family is great, studied at a good university, etc. Can't pin point an external reason for it, but my entire family (father's and mother's sides) has cases of major and minor cases of depression.

    The medication itselt did not make me gain weight. After I started taking it, my self esteem increased and I stopped with destructive habits such as starving and overcompensating bad diet with strainous exercise. I ended up gaining a little weight, yes, but I feel more beautiful now than I did back then.

    Whenever I have short breaks with my medication (or even change the brand, mind you) I feel prominent changes on my mood swings, lack motivation and drive, etc. I think it's a key ally on my weight loss since it allows me to do things like someone who is not depressed would -- like myself, when I was not depressed, would.
    Well said.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Argument over.... Pandora_King deactivated. OP, I hope you were able to get the information you needed out of the helpful posts that were included in your thread.
  • SerenaKitty
    Argument over.... Pandora_King deactivated. OP, I hope you were able to get the information you needed out of the helpful posts that were included in your thread.

    People really deactivate over arguments here?

    This site isn't at all bad compared to many online message boards. :laugh:
  • wiscck
    wiscck Posts: 185 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    You need to stop. Your comments are flat out ignorant and dangerous.

    Guess what? I have not been on meds for 11 years. Recently I have been through hell. The WHOLE time I was eating right and working out. I just got put back on meds for severe anxiety 2 days ago and the difference already is amazing. So, you are 100% wrong and uneducated on these things. So just stop the BS posts that just show how much you do NOT know.

    It's not BS. I'm living proof. And so are a lot of other people. SOmetimes it's mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. :) Only you can let yourself be stressed out by things you cannot control. Only you can decide how you feel. YOu think it's the pills that are helping but really, it's your state of mind. YOu think the pills are working so you feel better but I'll bet you could be taking a placebo and if you didn't know better, you would still feel better. It's all in our heads. Ever heard of Obecalp? Check out the studies they did using that and you might see my point of view.
    You cannot think your way out of a chemical imbalance. I suggest you stop spouting dangerous advice.

    I'd also recommend that you wake up and realize that the world does not revolve around you, and that just because something worked for you does not mean it will work for everyone.
  • kathrinnbauer
    kathrinnbauer Posts: 74 Member
    She deactivated her account, but I still would like to add that her failure of showing empathy and her aggression might be a symptom of some mental illness that she did not get over just with good will....
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,264 Member
    Argument over.... Pandora_King deactivated. OP, I hope you were able to get the information you needed out of the helpful posts that were included in your thread.

    To be blunt... good. We do not need people posting like they did. Their posts were the opposite of what this site is about. Real support. Though I expected them to post a "OMG bullies!" thread first.

    OP, I do apologize for being a part of what took your thread off topic. It is just that that sort of thing makes me so mad because it is so dangerous. There is no logic, compassion, or thought in that sort of advice and I refuse to just let it be.

    Now, I have only been on anti anxiety medications, but I have never had an issue with weight gain on them. I had weight and food issues without them though. I do feel a bit more hungry on these new pills, but nothing I can not handle. Keep track of your calories (log, log, log) and exercise are the top things to do. Also, keep a lot of lower calorie snacks around as well as snacks that may be a bit higher in calories, but are very filling. Lower calorie wise think things like raw vegetables (celery, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli,) and hummus or laughing cow cheese. For higher calorie but more filling look at nuts. Those are just 2 simple examples.

    Another I have noticed with my cravings and "hunger" is that if I eat the "diet" versions of foods, I won't be full or satisfied. So I eat real cheese, 2% milk, full fat dressings, really butter, and stuff like that. My portions are less, but they taste better and keep me satisfied longer.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Weight loss and exercise are anti depressants! Get off the pills.

    You are full of it. You also have no right to say that people should stop taking a medication they need.

    I am so sick and tired of the ill informed BS from people like this. When you hear people constantly say "get off the pills" or "you don't need meds" or "meds are bad" it makes a person ashamed to be on them. Well guess what? Sometimes people need them. Yet they might not get the help they need because it is stigmatized so badly in society still. It is disgusting.

    ^^ This. Absolutely and completely this.

    You need them because you've trained your brain to "need" them. Really, you just want them. You've decided life is easier with them. And that's true. Life is easier when you can take a pill to solve a problem. But it's not BS. I promise you. I was just like you, loaded up on AD's and I started exercising and got off them. I feel great now, mentally, and I will never go back. When I get down or upset, I go for a walk or a jog and it's amazing how the crap just floats away.

    I would tell you to stop posting crap for fear that someone might actually listen to you... but I have faith that no one is so unwise as to do that.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Argument over.... Pandora_King deactivated.

    Good to see evil defeated.
    OP, I hope you were able to get the information you needed out of the helpful posts that were included in your thread.

    I second this.
  • Anng1988
    Thank you everyone for the motivational words. This is definitely not the first time I've had someone tell me to just stop taking them, but know they have no idea what having depression/anxiety/mental disorders is like, so they are just ignorant. I responded earlier but figured I would again by saying this. I wish everyone the best of luck and hopefully someday I'll be sharing my own success story! :smile: