What do you say when people comment about your food?



  • h_jeffrey
    h_jeffrey Posts: 23 Member
    I used to hate those comments, as well. I just changed the way I interpreted them. My fiance, for example, has said many times "are you allowed to eat that?" I could let it bother me but, instead, I realize that it's just his way of trying to understand what I'm doing and be supportive.

    I have noticed an anecdotal increase in comments from coworkers as the new year rolled around. I eat the same snack almost every day, have been for about 6 months now. Around 3-3:30PM, I have a plate of veggies w/ hummus and 2 hard boiled eggs. It fills my mid-afternoon rumblings, the veggies are crunchy and sweet...It's a favorite! Anyway, no one's ever really made any comment at all as I fix it, aside from the occasional "that looks good!" Since the new year, I've gotten "Oh, eating healthy, huh?" "So, you're going low carb?" "New year, new diet!" It's funny...I usually just answer "I just like my veggies!"
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    If I'm eating with someone other than my immediate family I will ALWAYS get comments. Potlucks and parties are brutal :tongue: It seems to boggle people's minds that I can look the way I do and eat how I eat. At first I'd get embarrassed and a bit defensive, but now I'm comfortable with my maintenance plan and I refuse to feel bad about eating the way I do. So when the comments come, I just smile and keep eating my fries :drinker:
  • ChrisS30V
    ChrisS30V Posts: 157 Member
    I STILL get those kinda comments to this day, even though I stopped losing weight coming up on a year ago. I really do believe most of the remarks like that are made out spite instead of genuine concern, at least in my experience. It'd be nice if such people would have as much concern for what they themselves are eating instead of what other people are.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    most comments I get are "that smells so good" to which I would respond "yes because I made it and did not buy it" =)

    about 80% of my office buy their lunches every day...don't know how their wallets can take it
  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    The comments I get range from "you eat so healthy" to "how have you managed to lose weight and still eat that?"
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I never get those comment because 1) I don't tell people I'm trying to lose weight and 2) for those who do know, they know I know what I'm doing.
  • KellyJannine
    KellyJannine Posts: 56 Member
    my boyfriend once made a comment about a THOUGHT that I had. I expressed my desire to have a cheese Danish and his remark was "that doesn't sound very healthy" meanwhile, he is lining up for a Chinese buffet. LOL

    It is one Danish.. that I was thinking about having. I hate that I let him bother me.
  • Dugleik
    Dugleik Posts: 125
    I get it at work, although it's usually to say something about how I've started to bring my own food instead of buying, and a general 'is that all you're having'. It's a bigger problem when I work afternoons.

    Yes, this big *kitten* container of vegetables, fruit and chicken is really "all" I am having. It's also known as dinner.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Unwad your panties, there's no reason to get defensive

    The correct answer is "I KNOW, can you believe that I can eat and get healthy?!? Who knew!!!"
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I had a really funny incident a t work one day!

    We had an occasion so I made a cake (I can't eat normal cake and I wanted to be included) but everyone else was on a diet so while they ate grapes I had a nice slice of my cake before heading to my planned gym visit! And I still had loads of calories left that day! :)

    My response was "Oh well, I am off to the gym and I figure that if I don't deny myself anything, I wont crave anything and end up binging or giving up. Plus I eat properly most of the time and this is a marathon not a race."

    That put an end to any comments at work. Now I just have to deal with my annoying mother! Lol!!
  • yarinathan
    yarinathan Posts: 36 Member
    I usually just reply with a shrug and simple, "yup", and am left alone. Food for thought (my apologies for the pun): Most people don't ask about or point out your eating habits unless they're feeling uncomfortable about themselves. It's a projection of their own feelings onto you.

    I agree! When my coworkers comment on my "daily" salad--- I say "it's the same salad I eat everyday." After that they walk away and leave me alone. I don't understand why people get amazed with "healthy choices" when they should be amazed on how much fat they are eating at their daily fast food joint. I eat the same food just about every day--so that my dinners can be fun--in hopes to satisfy the husband and his appetite
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    It use to bother me but now I just say yep!! I can eat like this all day why don't you join me, just so you know you will gain 5 lbs on your gut or your a** and it will show, as for me I won't gain a pound!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    nope, because I know I will be getting shredded while they stay obese/get fatter..

    Ignore it and keep going ..

    People are natural aholes and can't help themselves…

    I would of just looked up and started said person down and said nothing…that will shut them up real fast….acknowledging the comment just gives them power over you ...

    ^^ This

    Most of the time, they believe the dieting myths and i just laugh while I eat my candy.
  • kcvance
    kcvance Posts: 103 Member
    "I am not currently soliciting diet of fitness advice."
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I never get those comment because 1) I don't tell people I'm trying to lose weight and 2) for those who do know, they know I know what I'm doing.

    Same here on both counts. If anything, people ask me for advice on what to eat but since I am still overweight and all, it's usually more targeted to health since I am never sick, always full of energy, sleep well, etc...people want to know my secret to those things rather than dieting.

    Although I do get some rude/weird comments, it is always about something I eat being "weird" as in healthy or exotic. And I find that hilarious really because my food is NOT that unusual and to the average MFP-er it would be nothing to comment on at all. But I guess for someone who eats nothing but burgers and pizza, it is remarkable to have kale and nuts on a salad or bake something that isn't sold in Walmart Bakery.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    shut up.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Comments don't usually bother me. I just answer honestly. If they are asking if I should be eating that cookie on my diet, I may say "I wouldn't be eating it if I shouldn't" or maybe "No, probably not." (depending if the cookie is a treat that fits or one treat too many). I ike letting people know that my diet keeps me heatlhy without my having to be "good" all the time.

    The only comment that really bothers me is something like "I didn't bring you a cookie because I know you like to eat healthy". :grumble:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I agree that silence tends to speak the loudest in these situations. When someone says something rude to me, I don't acknowledge them at all. And I think commenting on things that are none of your business, like what someone else is eating, is egregiously rude.
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    You all need to stop talking about cinnamon rolls, it is making me really crave them. Pillsbury is EVIL!! :happy:

    I have made people aware that I am not on a diet, I am managing calorie intake and adding exercise with the aim of a lifestyle shift. I have had very few comments about what I have stuffed in my mouth in the last 12 months, but then 102 lbs in just 12 months tends to silence the few critics. I will say though that I was on the edge of my seat wanting to comment on another person's 'diet' the other day, they were eating some goofy combination of foods that was not only not healthy but wasn't really going to help them toward their goal, but they didn't ask so I kept my trap shut.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    "Why are you eating that? Why don't you eat XYZ? Why don't you have some cake, go on, just a slice or two?"

    Usually a couple of months later when body fat is gone it changes to "how do you look like that? What do I need to eat? What supplements do I need to take?".

    My response?

    Normally: "I don't tell you what to eat, what I think of what you eat, or how often you eat XYZ. My meal choices are my own, help me meet my goals and live the way I want to live. I'd like it if you'd do the same".