So mad at myself gained 10lbs

:sad: I can't believe I have let myself down. I have been at this for 2 years this March and lost 50lbs. I went from a size 20 to a size 12. At the end of July I was at 161lbs, best I've looked since high school. We went on vacation with the kids, school started and my husband had to travel about 4weeks with work, and lets not talk about Halloween candy. I got out of my exercise routine, and my healthy eating. Not that I wasn't watching, but I would have cake, here and there, or something fried, or some pizza. It really makes me mad that I can't fall of the wagon without gaining weight. God didn't make me one of the lucky ones who could eat anything. I am always adding calories in my head. I still eat way under what I used to and so much better. It just seems really hard to get back on. I was thinking about doing 1400 cal a day and trying to exercise 4-5 days a week. I'm 5'1 170lbs, still in a size 12. I currently attend Boot camp 3week of the month 3 days a week. I have fibro, so there are times I can't work out due to feeling really bad, I haven't worked out any this week. I have a really hard time losing weight , it took me about three months to lose 10lbs before. I would like to lose the 10 I gained by Christmas, any suggestions from those that have fallen off the wagon.


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    It is so hard to lose it and so easy to gain it back. I also have fibro so I can relate. Dont overdo it or you wont be able to move. Just watch what you eat, log it in the food diary everyday and start out doing what you can for exercise and try to increase a little at a time. You can do it.
  • autumnater
    autumnater Posts: 42 Member
    I get it girlfriend!!! I lost over 42 lbs 2 years ago...went to Hawaii for our 20th Anniversary and ever since I have put it all back on plus 10 additional...UGH! I just restarted my healthy eating plan and its a bit of a struggle to feel satisfied since I started 4 days ago,BUT...there is hope. When my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic...that was all it took...a real wake up call., I do not want to start stciking myself with needles every day....OUCH! No more getting thinner and healthier for a trip but for my "life"....literally.

    Don't beat yourself up because you got in a have come this far and done great. Fill up on proteins and that will keep you feeling fuller...also foods higher in it has the same effect. Even if you are sitting in your favorite chair you can exercise your mind....tell yourself over and over that you are beautifully made by the hand of God and He desires you to be healthy....that will get you moving again!

    I am a slow loser too...but better slow and steady than too fast just to relapse cause I am looking and feeling will be just fine, Keep those positive thoughts...look into your husbands eyes and see the beauty he sees...even if you're not happy with where you are at....let his love be your motivation! And see those precious babies you have....they need their mama to be healthy too~

    I am learning at 47 years old that I will never have the 20 year old bod that I once had (and I thought I was fat then at 125 lbs)....UGH! But Being healthy is the most important thing. My current weight was a shock to find out...I looked in the mirror and didn't see it really...yes its there but I got "comfortable" in that mirror by avoiding it at all costs...having to lose over 70lbs just disgusted me and to think that I let myself get to this point was even worse...but I am looking at is as motivating me now. We all got our reasons and excuses but it doesn't change the facts that we are the ones that made the bad choices to begin with....friend me and read my'll understand better!

    We're in this together girlfriend...and there is so much support here with this group...I am just so thankful. Hang in there and contact me anytime you need a pick me up!

    My quote at my signature says it all.... I'm here for ya! Good luck!
  • baroidmudman
    Your situation is very similar to mine. I had been doing a great job of either losing or maintaining my weight for the past 20 months. ( 50 lbs ) I gained about 10 pounds back over the past few months just by letting my guard down. It is very hard to get back on the horse after you fall off. This website kinda gave me a spark again. I just try to remind myself that it is not worth the health risk to stay overweight. Don't be too hard on yourself either. Slow & steady wins the race. Good luck !!!
  • toribug
    toribug Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone, it is hard and people just don't get it. They are like "it's only 10lbs no big deal", but 10 leads to 20 and so on. I just want to get a handle on it before I gain anymore. I have felt so good this summer and I was maintaining but just lost my sight and feel into a slump. It's so easy to be tired at work and come home and do nothing, but I do hate that. I just need to get the cardio back in, I was starting to run in July. Maybe that will be the trick because I wonder if my body has gotten used to boot camp even though my trainer mixes it up. And, I need to get rid of the Halloween candy, read the bag after the fact and 3 small pieces were 60 cal, not telling how many I ate (no wonder I haven't made any progress the last two weeks). I am gonna try to wean myself off the sugar the next few days. Went to store and bought protein shakes, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, chicken breast, banana's, etc. Hopefully, I can get back into the zone
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    You can do it! Make sure you log EVERYTHING. Even on days you go over. Sometimes having a visual of what we are doing and figuring out why we are doing it can help break the cycle, especially if we aren't able to exercise. Maybe with fibro, you can do yoga or pilates at times where you aren't able to work out hard. That at least lengthens your muscles, stretches you out, and gets oxygen running through your body, which helps the metabolism. You are doing great. Don't lose heart. You can lose those 10 lb. Keep going.