When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • not fitting in my favourite dress anymore :(
  • For me, I just got sick and tired of being tired! I've yo-yo'd my whole life, but something about this time just feels different...plus I'm prepared. I didn't plan a certain day to start (and then fail to start) as I have in the past. I just decided I was ready, signed up for MFP since my friends rave about it...and I'm actually into it this time whole-heartedly!! I'm not in it to just lose weight this time...I'm in it to be healthy :happy:
  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    I've been very short of breath and arthritic. I had bloodwork and was shocked to see that I was pre-diabetic and have two indicators of lupus. I took it to heart. I'm literally in a life and death fight to reclaim my health and quality of life.
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    Four things really:
    1. I had to buy new pants in a size bigger (18) because I "outgrew" my old size 16's
    2. One day I bent over to tie my shoe and was "huffing" because it was difficult to even reach my feet.
    3. I get winded when walking up one flight of stairs (shame!)
    4. I weigh more now than when I was 9 months pregnant with my daughter (and even then I was't thin). My end of pregnancy weight was around 220 and I was back to pre-pregnancy weight within a week (190) due to having gestational diabetes (probably due to my pre-pregnancy weight). The only good thing that came out of that (besides my beautiful healthy daughter) was I was on a "diet" the entire pregnancy and didn't gain much actual weight (outside water weight and baby).

    All in all, my hubby and I decided to make the change together (we both have gained something around 20 lbs in the last year). I want to be able to buy regular clothes and avoid Type II diabetes (like both my sister and dad have because of being overweight).
  • aia4
    aia4 Posts: 10
    What made me want to lose weight is someone asked me at the supermarket when the baby was due!Nothing fitting me and my wedding ring being to tight...
  • Tracie524
    Tracie524 Posts: 65 Member
    I saw myself in pictures from a Christmas work party. I was shocked how big I looked in those photos. I was so embarrassed. It was a major wake up call. I am also greatly concerned about my health. I watched my mother struggle with diabetes and eventually lose her battle with cancer. It scares me that could be my future. I've decided to take control of my life and not have those health issues in my future.
  • lilli5150
    lilli5150 Posts: 13 Member
    Me and my husband have talked about having a baby for the last 5 years. However, my genetics suck, and my mother and grandmother both had severe complications (Preeclampsia, Gestational Diabetes) that may be an issue for me as well. And I know that being Morbidly Obese does not help in those situations. I have been trying for the last 3 years to get my insurance to approve Lap-Band surgery, but I keep hitting a wall with them, and cannot get approved (even though I am a candidate). At this point, I can hear my biological clock ticking loud and clear, and it kind of sounds like "Now or Never".

    I finally stopped telling myself that surgery was the only solution, and stopped telling myself that I needed a drastic tool to achieve my goals. I've been on several diets, and several plans with NO results at all. I decided to stop following a "diet" and to start getting honest with myself. I avoided diets that are "low carb" in the past because I am a severe carb addict. This time around, I have cut my carb intake drastically. I am also consuming the minimum amount of calories suggested for someone of my weights. I've also started a food diary, which I was always scared of before. Nothing like seeing your mistakes on paper (or a computer screen) to make you realize where you've been sabotaging yourself. I'm slowly introducing exercise into my daily routine, instead of going out and going hard core on the exercise and burning out (like I typically did in the past).

    I want to be a mother, and I want to have that connection to something that is bigger and greater than myself. But I cannot risk my life and health in bringing another life into this world. So for everyone involved in my life, I've decided that this is the last straw. I'm 30 years old, I'm 330 pound, and I'm done "trying". As the great Yoda once said, "Do. Or do not. There is no try." I'm doing this, and I'm doing this now before it's too late.
  • llm161
    llm161 Posts: 14 Member
    I bought two pairs of jeans the week before Christmas and when I put one of the pairs on over the weekend . . . . they were tight. That's it !

    No more, cookies, cake or fudge.

    Actually, I did have one cookie yesterday and then walked away from them. That's much better than a handful a couple times a day. LOL!

    This time, I have to be serious. I've hit an "all time high" and that's quite enough. I go back to work in another month and then I'll be planting and moving plants for six-seven hours a day. That will certainly help,

  • Maggs1973
    Maggs1973 Posts: 3 Member
    A trip to Kohl's. So sad...:sad:
  • doglover1984
    doglover1984 Posts: 54 Member
    Well, it all started at my sons soccer practice, when the coach decided to have parents vs kids, and after about 10 mins I'm huffing and puffing and feeling like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. My little boy come up to me and say " common mom we have to get the ball", I did go with him well more dragging behind my 5 year old son, wanting to cry because I didn't want to be that mom who couldn't play with her kids ( all three of them ). Needless to say I haven't looked back since then and every day all I can think about is next summer and running and playing soccer with my kids.
  • carys2014
    carys2014 Posts: 19 Member
    Not being able to put my trousers on.. they were size 14 which is the biggest i've ever been in my life
  • GhostriderMav
    GhostriderMav Posts: 308 Member
    two things. 1. buying my wife a dress and heels for Christmas but feeling guilty I didn't look good for her in my new sports coat.
    2. my son saying that when he is older will he be fat like dad.
  • AHack3
    AHack3 Posts: 173 Member
    I had to buy clothes for a Disneyland trip at Lane Bryant and in the biggest size I had to ever buy, I cried in the dressing room, a couple people I am really close with had a talk with me and told me I was obese, I had heart issues and a bloodwork test showed that everything that should be low was high and everything that was high was low. It was a combination of all that , it started really hitting home in August and by December 2004 I was at the highest weight I had ever been and decided for that New Years in 2005 to make healthier lifestyle choices and I've never been that heavy or unhealthy again. I still struggle, but I know I will never be that version of me again, she's long gone!
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    watching my mum, age 80 with type 2 diabetes suffer through numerous heart surgeries, heart attacks, strokes and a right leg amputation

    i needed to make my move NOW and i'm trying with every fiber of my being not to travel down that same road - she is my hero and it's been heartbreaking to watch as systemic disease just eats away at her

    i'm working with the DASH plan and lost 10.5 lbs in December
    hoping to lose 50 lbs by my 50th birthday in Jan 2015 - and keep it off for life
  • raileneperkins
    raileneperkins Posts: 37 Member
    Let's see,I had always had a curvy , healthy body that was great for my self esteem.Then I moved to another state and my lifestyle changed a lot. I was no longer working and was home all the time happily raising a young one. I gained about 30-40 lbs. I still felt good and proud of my body. Well last year I went to a shindig in my home town and was mortified when people that I used to consider friends just looked me up and down and I could see in their faces that they did not care for the weight I had gained. They would barely even talk to me! The nerve of these people! Well I can admit that I have looked and felt better so I decided to get it back under control. No more Mac-n-Cheese and chicken nuggets for lunch or 3 servings of Fruity Pebbles for breakfast or 3 pieces of pizza and a couple hot wings for dinner. Those fair weather friends can go to hell I am going to get healthy for me and my family!
  • icywindow
    icywindow Posts: 33 Member
    Caffeine and stress and anxiety led me to change my diet and activity.

    I did, however, find that I liked being active - it gives me no crash or jitters like coffee does and exercise makes me feel good.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    A hideous photo.
  • davoiscool
    davoiscool Posts: 125 Member
    My girlfriend, my girlfriend's parents and my own parents, all commenting (Directly, indirectly and directly in that order) how I've gained weight. Which is true, I have.

    But now I need to sort it out, and get back to how I looked a year ago, but BETTER.
  • Finding an old shirt from High School, and realizing that I could not fit in it...

    The shirt was a size small, which was the fashion then.. umm... it still is now.. considering I graduated HS in 2010.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Mid-November I woke up one morning with my toes numb and feet tingling. After a couple of weeks I saw my doc who ordered some tests. Yep, newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. As much as I love ice cream and cookies, I'd really like to be able to feel my feet as I get older.

    So I met with an educator, starting doing a lot of reading and joined this site. I'm happy to report that within the first week of being on a reduced carb diet, the feeling returned to my feet. :smile: