I need some advice regarding workouts etc.

I desperately want to come up with a proper fitness plan but don't know where to start. I've just given up my job to launch an online business, so I'm lucky in that I have no real restrictions on my time and can workout at any time of day. I can't afford a gym membership but I do own an elliptical trainer/exercise bike and a rower/mini multigym type thing. I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by countryside, and I have access to a mountain bike, wing chun wooden dummy and wall bags from when I used to train, xbox kinect and a few fitness dvd's. I also want to fit in at least 30 minutes of Qi Gong and meditation every day too.
I'm really overwhelmed by where to start, what to do, when the best time is, how often, before or after eating, first thing in the morning or later in the day etc etc etc. My main goal is to burn fat ( I need to lose around 70lb), tone up and get into a reasonable enough shape to get back into a 3 class a week wing chun regime again. I'm also 41 and diabetic so health is a big motivator.
I want to come up with a set routine that I can realistically stick to and don't know where to start. Any advise would be hugely appreciated :)


  • naurugirl
    naurugirl Posts: 17 Member
    If your main goal is fat loss, the most important thing to focus on is diet and eating at a reasonable caloric deficit. I'd suggest calculating your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure, aka calories you burn in a day) and subtracting 20%. I would NOT use the MFP calorie goals -- they tend to be way too low!

    As for exercise, don't over think it! It doesn't matter when you work out, before/after eating, etc. It just matters that you do it! Start with small, feasible goals -- maybe walk/bike for 30 minutes a day, or do a fitness dvd 3 times a week. As those goals become habit and part of your routine, add on or up the intensity of your workouts -- maybe walk/jog for 30 minutes instead of just walking. If you like more structure, maybe look into doing something like the C25K (couch to 5K) program, and sign up for a 5K to keep yourself motivated! I am personally much more motivated to run when I have a race to train for.