Feeling too easy?

I don't know if I'm going wrong but I'm on week one of using my fitness pal and at the moment I'm pretty much keeping under my calorie allowance every day without me feeling hungry. I've been doing exercise most days which has increased my allowance but it means most days I can have something naughty like lower calorie crisps or a lindt lindor chocolate ball. I feel like I should be suffering more? Am I going wrong somewhere?


  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    When I started I had a lot more calories that I was able to eat, because I weighed more. The more I lose, the less calories I seem to be allowed :P Plus...it doesn't need to be that hard-not if you're doing it right. I eat chocolate every single day...you just work it in. Isn't that the great thing?! You eat and exercise the right ways so you aren't suffering and therefore....it's actually sustainable!
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    You're doing it just right. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself as long as your diet is balanced overall and you're sticking to your goals. You can view my diary as an example.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I've been here since March 2013, so almost a year now...and I know what you mean, as my experience has been quite similar. I have honestly felt hungry/deprived only a HANDFUL of times in the past 10 months. I've gone to bed with a growly tummy like six times. And it wasn't even that bad, or I would have eaten something despite being at calorie target for the day.

    I believe you're doing the correct thing in eating those exercise calories back. However, if you find that your losses are slow or halting you might under-log the exercise calories to ensure that you're not actually burning fewer than you think. But that's for down the road. I find the MFP calorie burns for many activities are quite high so I purposely under-log a bit (but I do "eat back" exercise calories).

    Just keep on keepin' on!!
  • Billybegood
    Billybegood Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone, I keep some calories in reserve as I wasn't sure how accurate the exercise calories were. Ie today I've got 86 calories left and a few days I've had the message saying I've not eaten enough calories but as I've honestly not felt hungry I've not worried.

    I know where I go wrong, I love crisps and chocolate and had got myself into bad habits ie having a stack of Pringles with my tea and a bar of chocolate at bedtime :-( I've stopped these!
  • claire7q
    claire7q Posts: 4 Member
    I kind of feel the same as the OP - I started counting calories in July 13, just out of interest, to see how many I naturally consumed. I ate fairly healthily but drank a lot of hot chocolate! After a week or so of filling in a diary on another calorie count app, I cut out the hot chocolate, switched to sweetener in my coffee, and generally paid a bit more attention to what I was eating.

    I weighed 153lbs and at 5'7" I was fairly happy with that weight, I didn't expect to lose weight or gain weight, but here I am six months later and weighing 136lbs. I still eat chocolate and ice cream a few times a week, I just eat a bit less of it. I tend to eat around 1800 calories a day, but can fluctuate anywhere between 1500 and 2300. I'm continually surprised at how the weight has come off and could kick myself for not doing it sooner!
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I don't know if I'm going wrong but I'm on week one of using my fitness pal and at the moment I'm pretty much keeping under my calorie allowance every day without me feeling hungry. I've been doing exercise most days which has increased my allowance but it means most days I can have something naughty like lower calorie crisps or a lindt lindor chocolate ball. I feel like I should be suffering more? Am I going wrong somewhere?

    Sounds like you're doing it right!
    I've been doing it for a year now, and it's actually been pretty pleasant.
    Just make sure you log everything accurately and consistently, and you should be good to go!:smile:
  • Billybegood
    Billybegood Posts: 32 Member
    I've just weighed myself today so week 1 of weighing in and i've lost 1.9kg! So chuffed, i know i won't maintain that weight loss and alot of that will be stopping eating so many salty foods but i'm still smiling :-)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    it doesnt have to be difficult, some people just like to make it difficult! glad to hear its going good for you!!!
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    I am feeling the same. I am on day 4 of 1,200 cal diet with light exercise. By now I am usually ripping my hair out and fantasising about fish and chips... no such thing is happening!

    I don't know what the difference is this time, but I feel great! :)