Sick of diets !!



  • Pedro_Infante
    Pedro_Infante Posts: 116 Member
    Me too. I want dead animal on my plate!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Meeeeeeeeeeeee tooooooooo! That is what drew me to MFP. This is a tool that is helping me form lifestyle changes. I am done with diets. I am eating to live! :bigsmile: Good luck on your journey!:heart:
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    DIET is a 4 letter word. Try replacing it with lifestyle change where you eat healthy and limited portions, but you are not restricted to not eat anything. Yes, I eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit, but also eat quite a bit of "dead animals" in smaller portions than I used too. Still enjoy an alcoholic beverage and chocolate, but definitely in smaller portions than I used too. Have successfully lost 46 lbs. and maintaining. Good luck on your journey! It is a hard road, no denying that, but You can do it. Adjust your vocabulary and mindset.
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63

    In order to continue this you must think of it as a way of life, and working it into your life. Calling it a diet gives us some kind of time line and loss hope is already stored in the word "diet" after a week of starving and the scale doesn't budge. As much as we want to deny that there is some sense of "mental gaming" to weight loss, well, there is. I've found that thinking of it as a life style change, which allows you to make smarter, smaller choices. Your still allowed to eat certain "bad" things just not as much as before, and your aware of it. Also you know that it will be a new way of life for you, so you now it will take time for you to get use to this new change. Dieting, well after you get to where you want and you stop the weight comes back, or once you get frustrated you give up. Try looking at it from a life style change perspective!
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    I soooooooo understand how you feel. But, as the others have said. Think of it as a lifestyle change. Not just a diet. It has to be a whole new way of thinking about food and how you eat and live. Trust me I know how frustrating it can be. But, you can do it.