30 day shred.

Has anyone here done the 30 day shred? Did you like it? I am doing c25k and wondering if it would be a good supplement. I'm not looking to lose weight, rather tone and become healthier. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good program? I don't have access to a gym right now (looking into that for strength training in the future) so I need something I can do at home. I do have a few dumbells at home that I could use.


  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    Hey there! I'm doing level 3 of the shred right now actually. I love it! I'm a single mom and it's hard for me to hit the gym. I like it because it's only 20 minutes and you can pretty much fit it in at any time. It's fast! It deffinetly kills you tho. I used too actually work out 3 hours a day before I got pregnant and I think I have better results with jillian in 20 days so far then I did the whole time I was dedicated! I would highly recpmmend atleast checking
    It out.
  • golfergirl92
    golfergirl92 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm on Day 10...switched to Level 2 yesterday because Level 1 was getting too easy. I definitely like the program because Jillian pushes you and she breaks it down into 3-2-1: 3 minutes of strength (2 moves), 2 minutes of cardio (2 moves), and 1 minute of abs (1-2 moves). You do three circuits of 3-2-1 plus some warm up/cool down exercises for a total of about 25 minutes. All you need is some dumbells. It's a fairly good workout to do at home when I'm not feeling like going to the gym or I'm short on time. Add me if you'd like!
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Just bought a copy yesterday as I seem to have misplaced a dance workout I was originally wanting to try. Giving it a whirl on my days off.
  • JonMB
    JonMB Posts: 49 Member
    It's very good, lots of people on MFP have had great results with it (when combined with eating properly). It's not quite as hard as something like P90X or Insanity, but I think that's a good thing for many. It's still challenging.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I just started yesterday! So far, so good. I'm feeling quite sore today, but ready to get back to it. Scrolling through some of the results threads on here is a major motivator! Do a search and have a look. Good luck!
  • agalassie
    agalassie Posts: 48 Member
    I was wanting to start it as well, but I am confused a little. i know it is 10 days at each level, but are they consecutive days or are there rest days? I feel like doing it over and over in a row would be too much.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Sounds like you take a rest day here and there if you need to, or you push through for all thirty days. I plan on listening to my body. I'm going to try to at least make it through the first 10 days before resting, but I think 6 days a week is reasonable too. The main thing is that you do the full program, even if it takes longer than 30 days straight.
  • tbird9702
    tbird9702 Posts: 10 Member
    I do 30 day shred and love it, but I am curious- do you just count it as general circuit training when tracking exercise?
  • MallieRose91
    MallieRose91 Posts: 159 Member
    I am on Level 2 Day 7! I love it as it passes (somewhat) quickly! Sometimes you want to reach through the screen and smack Jillian but you push through. hhaha Anyone can add me if they would like! I am using 30 Day Shred and the plank challenge as my replacement of the gym until weather becomes manageable!