I need help!

So, I'm a 38 yr old mom with a 3 yr old son - figured out it's time to change, get off my butt and take action. So, I've started with a personal trainer 2x a week in additon to trying a spin class and this and that at home. My BIGGEST issue is knowing what to eat. I am all for eating what I will when I maintain - but I also want to incorporate good eating. When I go to the store - I get a glazed look in my eyes because I'm just not sure what to do and what are the best choices in grains/beans etc. I can handle the lean meat and veggie/fruit thing. It's the extras!

I used to be a secret dieter because I didn't want anyone to know, in case I failed then I wouldn't be held accountable - well, that mindset is going out with the bath water.

So, I have a BIG goal of 140ish pounds to lose, but I'm starting it 10 at a time!

Please share - receipies, good habits, foods etc. I am happy to accept any friends who are willing to be an accounatbility partner and cheerleader!

Thank you in advance!


  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP and all the best in reaching your goals! A few tips I have from things that I do regularly are: 0 Fast food (period); fresh fresh fresh, look for and buy fresh foods, fruits veggies, meats, etc. Avoid, if possible, prepackaged foods, canned or otherwise, I know that's a tough one for lots of people due to cost, but the calories, salt and sugar in most of it is a killer. Walk - go for walks regularly, enjoy the fresh air and burn some calories at the same time!

    Good luck!
  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    ask your trainer, I'm sure they'd be happy to help you, good luck!
  • lauriemueller9
    I agree wth whole foods, cut out processed, junk and fast. Veggies, fruit, whole grains and protein. You can do this.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Hey there! Thought I'd share my favorite diet recipe trick...

    Replace noodles with zucchini! You can slice them with a knife, or invest in cool gadgets like a mandoline, julienne peeler, spiralizer, to make different shapes.

    They take way less time to cook and are way lower in calories! Great way to get more veggies in your day too. Very mild flavor so you can use them in any dish that calls for pasta. Mac n cheese, lasagna, spaghetti with meatballs, stir fry, ramen, the possibilities are endless!
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Hey there! Thought I'd share my favorite diet recipe trick...

    Replace noodles with zucchini! You can slice them with a knife, or invest in cool gadgets like a mandoline, julienne peeler, spiralizer, to make different shapes.

    They take way less time to cook and are way lower in calories! Great way to get more veggies in your day too. Very mild flavor so you can use them in any dish that calls for pasta. Mac n cheese, lasagna, spaghetti with meatballs, stir fry, ramen, the possibilities are endless!

    Love this!! Great idea, thanks!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hey there! Thought I'd share my favorite diet recipe trick...

    Replace noodles with zucchini! You can slice them with a knife, or invest in cool gadgets like a mandoline, julienne peeler, spiralizer, to make different shapes.

    They take way less time to cook and are way lower in calories! Great way to get more veggies in your day too. Very mild flavor so you can use them in any dish that calls for pasta. Mac n cheese, lasagna, spaghetti with meatballs, stir fry, ramen, the possibilities are endless!

    Love this - I also use spaghetti squash for this purpose - I admit I am a carb nut but I use whole wheat pasta and usually just put a cup of the squash on my plate before adding what a "proper" portion of pasta would be (this keeps me from feeling deprived and I still get my carbs)
  • hdg1822
    hdg1822 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there. I am in need of motivation myself. I need to lose between 80-100 pounds and have the same issues with foods. I would be glad to share ideas and tips with you as I learn them. Please feel free to add me.
  • sarabethclark1
    Great idea, thanks! :)
  • melgchildress
    I'm in the same boat...I have 4 children-8 yr old twins, a 19 month old and a 7 month old-and have a hard time finding time to exercise. I've been walking at night around our neighborhood but would like other options to get more cardio involved.

    I need to lose about 90 lbs myself and know that if I'm held accountable and have others to help motivate and give good tips, I WILL be successful!! One thing that I have done is make cauliflower rice in place of either white or brown rice when I think it is appropriate or will use brown rice when I really have to have rice.
  • sarabethclark1
    We can do this girl! :)