Thoughts and Prayers for my Uncle's Battle with Cancer!

Hey everybody. I don't know if this is the forum for this or not, but I honestly can't think of a better community to lift up my uncle and family with thoughts, prayers, name it we appreciate it all! My uncle Tom has started a renewed battle with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. He has been in the hospital since the end of November and the hits just keep rolling in. Right now, he has a small spot of pneumonia in his lungs that has to be cleared up before he can even start chemo again. As of about 15 minutes ago they had to move him into ICU because his BP was so low and he was struggling to breathe. The hope is he can kick this and eventually become stable enough for transport to Seattle, WA for stem cell treatments. For a small spot of good news, his most recent MRI scan showed no cancer in his brain or spinal cord, which was a huge fear as he has been having bouts of altered mental status, and non-responsiveness.

The following is a donation website to help the family with what is starting to amass to huge $$ out of pocket expenses. I don't expect anyone to donate but if you wouldn't mind sharing and keeping us in your thoughts and prayers:

The family's costs are adding up quickly since the hospital is over 2 hours away from their home in Alaska, and he isn't expected to leave the hospital any time soon. My father flew up to be with him over Christmas and returned home New Year's day...just to turn right back around and get on another plane to go back because Tom isn't doing well. His son has taken a leave of absence from his work to stay at the hospital with him and help care for my Aunt who has MS and isn't able to handle things on her own. Whether you can donate or not, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and your thoughts and prayers...nothing at all is expecting and everything is very very appreciated

The website can also be followed for updates on my uncle's condition.


  • My goodness, you all are getting one punch right after another! I will absolutely join your family with all the positive energy I can. I've saved up a little Karma that I'll donate as well. My heart goes out to your uncle and all of you who love him. I'm sure you know how important a strong support system is, and he's so lucky to have one. Many blessings to you and yours.
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    My goodness, you all are getting one punch right after another! I will absolutely join your family with all the positive energy I can. I've saved up a little Karma that I'll donate as well. My heart goes out to your uncle and all of you who love him. I'm sure you know how important a strong support system is, and he's so lucky to have one. Many blessings to you and yours.

    Thank you very much! My philosophy is the more positive thoughts out there the better! Truly truly thank you!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Thoughts and prayers to your uncle and your family.

    Romans 8:28
    New International Version (NIV)

    28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    Thoughts and prayers to your uncle and your family.

    Romans 8:28
    New International Version (NIV)

    28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

    Thank you for you prayers!
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    Update: They were finally able to start administering low dose Chemo last night, but his kidneys aren't handling it very well. They are standing by to see if they need to start dialysis. Uncle Tom was much more responsive today and is able to make facial expressions and opened his eyes all the way, but still isn't able to talk.

    There is a longer update on the website

    Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers!!
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    At some point yesterday, Uncle Tom's breathing tube was removed for awhile and he seemed to be able to breath VERY WELL on his own!!!! Thank you, prayers are being answered! They are in the process of removing it again and will see how he does on his own today!

    The nephrologist (kidney doc) said that the dialysis is helping move fluid out of Tom's body, even though he'd hoped to see more improvement in Tom's edema than he did this morning. BUT...we'll take EVERY bit of good news as a cause for celebration. The dialysis has also cleaned Tom's blood of any lymphoma debris at this point. :-) There is a possibility that they will be administering the other half of Tom's chemo treatment in the next day or two since the first half was tolerated without adverse effects and seems to have made a small increment of improvement. - See more at: