30 day shred

This is a thread for those doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I've never posted a topic, but I figured now is as good a time as any. If you are embarking on the 30 day shred and want motivation from like minded individuals please join in. List any strengths, struggles, goals, questions, or result you have. Remember to keep it positive and motivating!


  • littlemissy86
    im starting the 30 day shred tomorrow. heard alot of positive things about it so really looking forward to starting :) bring on the shred!!
  • lmharger
    lmharger Posts: 14 Member
    Completed Day 2, Level 1. Legs and arms really sore. Already really hate jumping jacks, but I push through them just because of Jillian's taunting! I might switch it up tonight for another Jillian DVD with a longer workout as I'm not sure if I will be able to squeeze in an workout on Thursday. When I do the workout Friday, I will still consider it Day 3.

    Just had a random thought...I forgot to take measurment! I read a lot of different people say to take measurements and pictures for before, during and after.
  • lydiaannepage
    lydiaannepage Posts: 172 Member
    I just completed day four. It sucks. Bicycle crunches were invented by the devil himself. However - it is a great workout!!!

    Just thought I would share a couple of things from the website incase you didn't know. Jillian recommends that you shouldn't actually do 30 days straight, rather 6 weeks of 5 days a week with your break days falling one midweek and one on the weekend - that is the best way to avoid injury and give your muscles time to repair themselves!

    Also for those logging exercise calories burned - if you don't have a heart rate monitor to tell you your calories burned here is a simple method for the workouts so you can log it: 30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply by weight to get how many calories per hour you would burn and divide by 3 to get each 20 minute work out. I did this for the first three days (27 min workout including warm up and cool down) and used my heart rate monitor today, the HRM told me I burned 30 calories more than the calculation did, but hey it's better to be under estimating what you are burning as opposed to over estimating right?!

    Good luck anyone, feel free to send me a friend request if you wish, but please include a note! :smile:
  • littlemissy86
    im not taking measurements simply because i cant find my tape grrr but im sure we will notice the difference ourselves :)
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I finished the 30 day shred about a week ago, and I paired it with cardio. Level two was by far, the hardest to me. That said, my body tightened up quite a bit. I lost a few inches, which for me, since I'm already fairly small, was a big deal. It's a pretty tough workout, but if you finish, you will see some good results. Good luck!
  • tiffanylafollette
    Yes it is definitely a workout but keep pushing through. I've only completed through level 1 day 7 so far, but it has gotten so much easier (at least I assume it will be until level 2). Day 3 was the hardest but totally worth it. As for measurements and pictures, I'd take them. I did measurements because it's hard to notice a different when you see yourself everyday. This way you know exactly howmuch you've changed.
  • Stacy_Merrell
    Stacy_Merrell Posts: 35 Member
    I'm struggling today…yesterday was day 4 30DS; it was tough, but I pushed through…I am trying to do 2 days of 30DS and then one day of cardio…tonight was really tough for motivation and sticking with my cardio…kept trying to talk myself out of working out…I got through most of it, but admitting it was tough…I hope tomorrow is better…I've just gotten myself so out of shape…where are the rest of you at in this weightless/get fit journey? I'm starting over after a serious fall off the wagon for about 3 months…amazing how quickly one can go down hill….
  • tiffanylafollette
    I totally understand that. I was always athletic and in shape growing up so I never worried about what I ate. Now many years and two kids later it's so hard to lose weight and get results. That being said it makes it hard to stick to exercising, but it's time for me to make a change. I gained 20 lbs in 2013, and this year it is my goal to say I lost that. 30 day shred is hard, but any good thing is and it takes work. Just keep with it; it will be worth it in the end.