P90X3 - Who's with me?!



  • cobalt719
    cobalt719 Posts: 9 Member
    I did Agility X this morning. Good Cardio, some of the moves are tough but that will get better with time.
  • x3 is my fav program by far. just a little bit of everything. tony is pretty much the man when it comes to all round programs.
  • molonlabe762
    molonlabe762 Posts: 411 Member
    Just got P90X and Insanity, will be starting soon.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    O my goodness. I've always wanted to do ShaunT25
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Today was my first day back to work since the infamous "Polar Vortex" decimated the entire Northern Hemisphere. As a weather forecaster, it cracks me up how the media adds doomsday adjectives to what we simply call an Arctic outbreak. I hear the words "Polar Vortex" and I imagine Dennis Quaid finding his way through a frozen NYC or a sequel to "Sharknado" with polar bears landing on unsuspecting victims. Anyway, everyone was allowed to report to work a few hours later than normal, so I had a relaxing breakfast and gave myself two hours to make the 25-minute journey.


    The roads were not good at all. Basically packed ice underneath packed snow. I saw one poor guy at an intersection, trying to move, his wheels spinning helplessly while his car went absolutely no where. I wondered what scientists would make of him when they discover him in a block of ice thousands of years from now. There was also the obligatory rear-ending, although this one involved four vehicles. By the time I made it to work, it had taken me 70 minutes. Not bad, after all, I made it safely, right? I even had time after work to go to the Commissary and stock up on necessities including eggs, milk, and bread. YAY!

    Got home and had a squirrel moment. By that I mean I went to put my exercise clothes on, saw my laptop, thought of something I wanted to research on the internet and.... SQUIRREL! I eventually pulled myself away from the laptop and completed Agility X.

    Keep pressing play!


  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    This week started week 2 for me. I missed out on Total Synergistic yesterday due to a horrible migraine that took me out for the day. But I added it to Agility X today and got both done.

    Today was miserably cold so I looked forward to getting my heart rate up and warming up after work.

    Welcome to all the new faces starting the program, everyone keep up the great work!
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    Week 2 day 4 done. Really enjoying it so far.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    The challenge is done and boy oh boy were doing those pull ups a challenge. With every ounce of my strength I managed to do 1 wide grip pull up and 2 chin ups and couldn't be prouder.
  • I just started Monday! Feel free to add me. I did T25 first and P90X3 is completely different. I honestly don't feel I get a good workout. Anyone else feel this way? I'm skeptic on te results I'll get from the program.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    it was featured in oxygen magazine too!!! which is awesome!!

    I loved Tony Horton, and I loved p90x, except for the length of the work outs. this is perfect for me, because 30 min is usually about all i have to get a work out in! I just finished 6 mo of T25, so this is a really nice change for me. getting back to my roots with tony, and lengths like T25!

    If you wonder which celebrities do P90X3, I saw Mark Schlereth, famous football player and ESPN analyst, tweeting his copy of P90X3 arrived in the mail today.


  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    I just started Monday! Feel free to add me. I did T25 first and P90X3 is completely different. I honestly don't feel I get a good workout. Anyone else feel this way? I'm skeptic on te results I'll get from the program.

    I finished T25 a few months ago and am feeling the same concerns as you about X3. I have never done a more strength training type program though so I am giving it 100% effort and will see how it goes. Fingers crossed for some good results. After my first week I lost 1lb and 1inch overall so it must be doing something :) Probably would have been a better loss if I could get my diet totally in check, it's not bad but could always be better. Good luck to you!

    Today was X3 Yoga for me. Also did 30 minutes on the stationary bike to get some cardio too. Keep pushing play everyone, you're all doing great!
  • I just started today. Does anyone know how to calculate calories burned? I just finished Total Synergistics. I was surprised by what I was able to do. I did all of it and some with modification but I DID IT but now want to record it.
  • larsfromars
    larsfromars Posts: 88 Member
    Hi !

    Hope one more is welcome. I'm a veteran of p90x, and p90x2, and have 2 more days of Supreme 90 left.
    I've been previewing the discs and am soooo ready for a the new challenge of P90x3 !! I am going to start
    on Monday 1/13 and will do Mass me thinks. It's time to rock !! :glasses:
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    I just started today. Does anyone know how to calculate calories burned? I just finished Total Synergistics. I was surprised by what I was able to do. I did all of it and some with modification but I DID IT but now want to record it.

    I think the most accurate entry for Total Synergistics would be "circuit training, general". Actually, I have used this for each workout other than The Challenge and Yoga X3. The Challenge I log as "calisthenics, vigorous" and I log yoga simply as "yoga". It's really a shot in the dark with these estimates - having a heart rate monitor may be more accurate, but even the accuracy of monitors is called into question when doing anything other than steady state cardio. I just use MFP's general estimates.
  • cobalt719
    cobalt719 Posts: 9 Member
    Just did the Challenge this morning. Reminded me of 90x Chest and Back. Good work out but I was toast by the burnout.... pun intended
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    P90X3: CVX is in the history books. Yesterday was suppose to be Yoga but I have decided to switch it out with the naughty flexology class I take at the pole studio. I will do naughty flexology tonight.
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    Second week- The Challenge today. It did not get any easier from last week! My arms are still shaking 4 hours later!
  • drgca
    drgca Posts: 3
    Count me in!

    I have done P90X which I loved (cheesy humor and all) except the time committment made it very hard for me to sustain past the 90days. I later found Jillian Michael's Body Revolution which I really liked for the variety and 30-35min length of the workouts. Now I am really excited to change it up and get started on P90X3!!

    I am doing it with my hubby so I will have a home based accountability factor but always nice to have the group support!

    I plan to start tomorrow...yipes!
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    Starting week 2 today! After week 1 I am down 5 pounds! Too excited! Bring it!
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Today was week 2 day 4 - The Challenge. My arms are feeling like rubber right now. Welcome to all the new faces, hope you are loving it!!

    Keep it up all :)