Success with eating all my calories???

Hi everyone! I am new to MFP (signed up several months ago, but only using since 12/26/13). My question to those of you who have consistently lost weight, do you eat all your calories? Including the ones earned by exercise? I posted this on my news feed earlier and got a few responses from my friends (which, btw, I only have 6, so feel free to help a girl out in that department). Honestly, I have been going over my 1200 cal allowance daily and have not been earning enough through exercise to pad this. I have been averaging under 1500 calories daily. I realize that my weight loss will be slower and I am fine with this as long as I am on the path to losing. I am actually happy with the progress I am making. I am making better choices, eating more mindful, and know that I have definitely created a calorie deficit when compared to my previous (2 weeks ago, lol) eating habits. Thank you for sharing your experiences and any advice is also welcomed!!! I also apologize if this question was posted elsewhere (I did try to search before posting).


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Yes. On non-exercise days I follow the goal MFP gives me, and on exercise days I eat all (or most) of my calories back. I wear a heart rate monitor for exercise, so my burn is more accurate than what MFP or machines would give me. If you're going by MFP. you probably don't want to eat them all back, since the numbers there a typically inflated. But in general, yes, eat them back.

    And to be honest, even if you're eating 1500 calories, chances are you're still in a deficit and will lose weight. You don't have to be all gungho 2 lbs/week about weight loss. The goal is sustainability. Don't be restrictive or miserable. Eat a moderate deficit, be well fed, eat the foods you love and be happy. Losing weight is the bonus. ;)
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Yes. On non-exercise days I follow the goal MFP gives me, and on exercise days I eat all (or most) of my calories back. I wear a heart rate monitor for exercise, so my burn is more accurate than what MFP or machines would give me. If you're going by MFP. you probably don't want to eat them all back, since the numbers there a typically inflated. But in general, yes, eat them back.

    And to be honest, even if you're eating 1500 calories, chances are you're still in a deficit and will lose weight. You don't have to be all gungho 2 lbs/week about weight loss. The goal is sustainability. Don't be restrictive or miserable. Eat a moderate deficit, be well fed, eat the foods you love and be happy. Losing weight is the bonus. ;)

    This. :smile:
  • dhogan72
    dhogan72 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for the responses and I applaud you all on your success. I am in it for the long haul, no short cuts, no gimmicks. I want to eat real food when I want. Although I have been going over that 1200 cal allowance, I have been able to keep it under 1500. I have not felt deprived or had cravings. I am learning portion control, which is key for me. I have also been totally honest with my logging which is another big step for me. I am learning to use my calorie budget wisely because some things that I would eat just to eat are really not worth blowing the calories on. I am getting an incredible education and feel really positive about these changes. Thanks for your support fellow MFP-ers!