Diastasis Recti: crunches made it worse, now what?

Since having my 3rd child three years ago, I have done crunches off and on, and other abdominal exercises that lifted the front part of my body off the floor. I didn't realize I was causing more harm than good :(. I now have an ugly dome/ point in the middle of my abs when doing certain exercises that engages the core. Also, my mid stomach sticks out some at all times. I HATE it!!!! Is there still a possibility to correct the damage i have done with proper exercises. I found some great an workouts to help correct diastasis recti. I just can't find any stories of people who made it worse with crunches, and then were able to fix it and flatten out those abs.


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Have you been to the doctor about it? There are exercises that can help, but depending on the gap the doctor may prescribe a splint to help pull the muscles together.

    ETA: I didn't mean that to sound like it was one or the other, if you have a splint you still have to do the exercises. I just didn't want you yelling into the wind with the exercises and getting more frustrated, only to find out the gap is too pronounced to be pulled together by exercises alone.
  • I did the self test, and can fit two fingers. From what I have read, the splints is for more of a 3-4 finger gap? Is this splint something you can order online without needing a prescription? My doctor did tell me that only surgery will correct the seperation completely. I did have about a 4 finger gap about a year ago....so some improvement.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Did you try planks ? It really helped mine but I guess it has its limits
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Maybe try and look for information on doing this: stomach vacuums.

    You probably want to research it first, but that's what I thought about.
  • Look into the Tupler technique, it's a set of exercises that work to repair this issue and most of the exercises are done seated at the start. She wrote a book, Lose Your Mummy Tummy (pretty sure that is the title) and there are classes you can take but I think if you Google Tupler technique and read up, you could get the basics for free.
  • LinaS1976
    LinaS1976 Posts: 52 Member
    get in contact with a physiotherapist specialising in post pregnancy. My gap was 5 fingers (i had twins) and gave me the correct exercises to fix it. now back to normal. Goodluck. And yes i heard if all else fails surgery will fix it. Lets hope you dont have to go down that path
  • I was/am doing planks, but was also doing crunches.