Hey Hey round 2 :/

I was a memeber here a year or so ago, but I left because some people are just rude as I don't know what, rather judge you than explain what they're so pissed at me, anywho, I came back basically because I liked tracking my eating and my weight loss(and sometimes gain) and knowing people were around me, I'm not as sociable as I was before (days are busier) but I would like friends to speak to every now and then, ya kow?

I restarted my WLJ Jan.2.2014 and I've already lost 6 pounds (Blame Mother nature LOL)

I'm trying some days are great others are little upsetting and then there's the suicidal ones :explode: (NOT SAYING I'M DOING THAT, but you all feel me, right?) I never give up I will have the body I am deserving of! but I have to prove that I want and hav earned it!

Thanks for listening lol




  • delta229
    delta229 Posts: 29 Member
    Congratulations on your restart! Don't let what people say affect your results! I have had it happen too! The journey is about yourself. Get your mind on the right track, figure out what program works for you and stick to it! I wish you all the luck in the world!
  • leeza89
    Thanks Delta! :)
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    Well done losing so much so quickly!

    Remember that weightloss is not about cutting OUT foods as much as it is about cutting them DOWN. So instead of having a whole bowl of ice cream just have one scoop. Space out small meals instead of having a couple of huge ones and then feeling 'munchy' an hour or two later. Reach for things like strawberries which will bulk out your stomach for virtually no cals instead of cookies which will leave you hungry for more. Or have one cookie and a punnet of strawberries as a compromise.

    You can do this! And if people aren't being nice to you just don't participate in the discussions. It's not mandatory, you can just use the diaries etc if you want to.

    If you'd like a positive friend feel free to add me.
