Night shift/ shift work?

Hi there! I work an overnight shift (11pm-7am) and have gained a lot of weight since I began working nights (50lbs over a 7yr period). My job is pretty sedentary in nature and working nights really messes with your metabolism. On top of that, I struggle to maintain a "normal" eating schedule, and logging in my MFP diary is often challenging as a result. Does anyone have any advice? Feel free to add me as a friend also :)


  • ShorelyReady
    ShorelyReady Posts: 10 Member
    Hey. I have the same problem... sorta. But I work a combination of 1st and 3rd shifts. So my eating schedule, sleeping schedule, etc is all out of whack all the time. I've decided that I'm going to do midnight to midnight instead of when I wake up till when I go to bed. That way, when I'm working 3rd shift, I can get on and log everything for the day, and then start over at midnight for the next day. Keep my calorie count that way. I seem to have more time to log everything when I'm bored at work.
  • I work second shift 2-10 and weekends are 12-9 and 8-5 so yeah 2 days of the week i eat breakfast. the other 5 i sleep through it. I usually get my workout in at night between 11 and 12a. even on my days off I mainly try to stick with my wacky night shift schedule. I'm still figuring everything out. :)
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I have the same issue. I have a semi - active job that goes until midnight sometimes. I don't go in until the late afternoon, giving me plenty of time to sleep in. But I waste my day in the process. And at night I come home tired, wired, and unable to sleep until dawn, and you've probably noticed that sleeping in until the early afternoon is less restful than sleeping through the night.

    Also there is a higher risk of binge eating. At night I come home craving sugary, simple carbohydrates and that is typically when binges occur. My calories until then are typically perfect.

    The key to addressing this problem I think to get as much sleep at night as your schedule allows, try to eat balanced foods with some source of protein if you must eat late at night, get in your exercise shortly after waking in order to get it out of the way, and try to relax and wind down an hour before bed. I really am a hypocrite though, It's past three in the morning here...
  • heth120
    heth120 Posts: 32 Member
    Ive been a shift worker for 25 years now, doing 12hr shifts 2x day/night rota. I find the best way to manage my eating has been to do the same as ShorelyReady and log my cals from midnight to midnight (I am fairly lucky in that I have no problems sleeping thru the day and get a good 8 hours whether I am on days or nights). I think there can be no hard and fast rules, as people deal with shifts differently depending on their own personal circumstances and how well they cope with the routine changes (I work with a guy who only gets 2 hours sleep between his night shifts as his body clock won't let him sleep during the day), but if you are not eating over your cals for 24 hours at a time surely that must mean you stay on track, whatever sleep pattern you have?

    Hope this helps, and you find a way thats right for you. :)
  • laurenh729
    laurenh729 Posts: 16 Member
    i have been working overnights for over 2 years now, and although at times its been a struggle, ive managed to loose 20lbs while on them. In the beginning my nights were in a row, now they are scattered and have to go back to days on my days off due to the kiddos.

    Heres what works for me ; Whenever i wake up or go to bed i count my days as hours. so whenever i wake up and have breakfast i will graze 2-3 hrs until my next "snack" and so on. If I have slept during a meal i will BRING one to work with me. If i am up all day and all night I will try and space them out a little more so i can actually have something while at work that night. Example: Wake up at 11am on saturdays (i work 2pm until 6am on sunday morning) I will have breakfast (300 cals) when i get into work at 2 snack (1-200) cals, "lunch" between 5 and 6 (3-400 cals) snack at 9 and "dinner" at midnight-1am. (400cals)

    If you wake up about 4pm for work eat breakfast when you wake up, at 3 hrs in between meals and pack your food for work. I always end up doing terrible when I dont plan and end up sending out. I have a sit down job and everyone at my work LOVES to eat. So when they order, i eat with them~ just my meals :) I hope it helps and isn't too confusing. It took a lot of trial and error for me and months of "maintence"

    Another guy at work also does the midnight to midnight plan and logs everything in between and it works well for him!

    Best of luck, its so hard when you are tired and not able to think clearly! And SLEEP when you can!
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    First and foremost i want to point out that the struggles you point out are normal for many Graveyard shifters. I get it and i know where you are coming from. I have been on nights for 7 years straight. It can be a challenge to come up with a system that works for you.

    Now that i have said that let me tell you how to fix it. Realize that every obstacle in your way, real or not, is an excuse. That is what they are, just excuses. Stop talking about things being a challenge and just find a solution. No excuses.

    Go work out and log every single thing you eat. Period
  • brettball
    brettball Posts: 3 Member
    I've been on a static midnight schedule for close to 4 months and a shift worker for much longer. When I first started my job I gained quite a bit of weight in the first years. In the last while I've reworked how I eat and when to improve my diet. While only 10 lbs has changed in weight I FEEL much better.

    Some of my colleagues swear by always eating at the same time of day no matter what time you're supposed to sleep.
    That means if you eat lunch at 12pm then you eat lunch at 12pm even if you're trying to sleep. Some of the others I talk to like to change things up depending on personal commitments. I've found the most important thing is to keep track of how many 'meals' I've been having in a 24 hour period.

    When I'm working a night shift I generally have some dinner as soon as I wake up around 5pm. Before going to work around 830pm I'll have a snack, sandwich or light meal.Once at work I'll go for a coffee at around 11pm. If I didn't eat much before work I'll grab a bagel or soup to go with the coffee. At around 3am when I'm starting to feel a bit groggy I'll have another meal I tend to go for sandwiches, soups, and/or salads. Recently I've been bringing my own food to work which is a huge saver of time and money. Depending on how I do sometimes I'll have a meal in the morning around 7am.

    The benefit I've found from this is not having to break up my sleep due to hunger pains in the middle of my downtime. The downside is that I can find it hard to eat when I shift my sleep pattern back to a more normal day schedule on my off days.

    Hope this helps!
  • staveshabr
    staveshabr Posts: 74 Member
    whoot whoot part of the overnight crew. number 1 dont make excuses for yourself im good at that still but i always tend to get back on track after of day or two in regards to exercise. and if you can when 3am hits and you start feeling that sleepness come on do a little work out instead of snacking work feel free to add me we gotta stick together and help one another lol:drinker:
  • metulchik
    metulchik Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding. I found many of your ideas helpful. I think I am going to log from midnight to midnight, as this idea seems common among many of you shift workers. Also, I like the idea of "time-slotting" meals. For myself, "breakfast" is typically at 5pm and dinner around 3am. However, whereas in the past I have eaten dinner with the family at 5pm and called it breakfast, I believe I should eat actual breakfast foods at this time instead. I will try this and see how it goes.
  • staveshabr
    staveshabr Posts: 74 Member
    o yea I ALSO work from 10pm to 730am and i usually eat at 12pm 3am 8am sleep from 830 to 12 or 1pm and 1pm then workout then i sleep from like 3-4pm until its time to get ready for work again
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding. I found many of your ideas helpful. I think I am going to log from midnight to midnight, as this idea seems common among many of you shift workers. Also, I like the idea of "time-slotting" meals. For myself, "breakfast" is typically at 5pm and dinner around 3am. However, whereas in the past I have eaten dinner with the family at 5pm and called it breakfast, I believe I should eat actual breakfast foods at this time instead. I will try this and see how it goes.

    you don't have to eat breakfast foods at any certain time. You can if you like but if your family is having lasagna then have lasagna and log it as your morning meal Your body cant tell the difference.
  • No matter what shift I work, I take snacks (hard boiled eggs, crunchy vegetables) and a protein drink.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I work 11pm-7am 5 days a week. I work in IT and I am at my desk through out the night. I don't concern myself much when it comes to eating "breakfast" foods or "dinner" foods. I focus on hitting my calorie and macros as close as I can. Typically do a IF (Intermittient Fasting) type of eating. This just means I will eat most of my calories in 1 sitting. Usually at work but sometimes I will wait until after I workout in the late AM. I try to squeeze in walk breaks when I can. I find it helps boost my alertness and wakes me up. Above all else I make sleep my #1 thing. I find doing chunks of 3-4 hrs then waking up to do things for a few hours then falling back asleep didn't work for me. I get between 6-7hrs straight sleep and I find it works for me.
    When I lack sleep I over ate trying to stay awake at work and didn't bother exercising since I was too tired.

    Typical day for me
    10:30pm wake up go to work
    4-6AM Eat
    7AM Off work and hit the gym between 8-11am it just depends on what I have planned.
    Noon-2pm. Eat again if I haven't eaten all of my calories from earlier
    3-4pm in bed asleep

    On my days off I flip back to normal schedule but still eat 1-2x a day.