24 years old from New Zealand

Hello everyone I'm Tania born and raised here in NZ.
I have gained close to 30 kgs (66 pounds) since leaving my dairy farming job 6 years ago and moving to the city.
Currently in a fairly sedentary job at a vet clinic which requires much standing and very sore feet!
Luckily for me I don't like chocolate etc but I have a pathetic weakness for V energy drink :(
Looking forward to loosing some weight with you all!


  • hikiwix
    hikiwix Posts: 23
    Hi Tania! My name is Caity and I am also from NZ :) I feel you on the V weakness, that was also one of mine!! lol, I have added you, good luck with your journey :)
  • kiwimelnz
    kiwimelnz Posts: 1 Member
    hey guys,
    anotther kiwi here - from Wellington...
    all the best!
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    Just because your job is sedentary doesn't mean you have to be. Join a gym, take up running (C25K), walk more, etc.