Need motivators

This is my 2nd go round with MFP....I did it in 2012 and lost 30+ pounds. There is no doubt it works......counting calories and exercising. Well, I fell off the wagon last year, and gained all 30+ pounds back. I decided to delete my original profile and start a new one a while back....and now that I'm back at this again...hopefully for the long haul and reaching my ultimate goal this time....I am looking for friends that will actually give me the "good jobs" or the "try this, instead of that." I'm not getting many comments at all with the friends on my list now, and I just really need some motivators. I'm a firm believer that the more help you get, even mentally, the "easier" losing weight is. about it? If you're serious about losing, and want feedback from me, please add me, and give me feedback as well. Together, we'll win this battle. Thanks!


  • Good morning. i did the exact same thing :) Sending a request now. We can do this with eachothers help
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome back. You are right, support is a major factor in losing and maintaining weight loss and fitness. We all need help from time to time and I have found that as long as I stay active here, I stay on track. I back slid over the recent months and im working to get that back off now. Lets do this together

    Sending a request
  • aplatt41
    aplatt41 Posts: 88 Member
    I just started yesterday...I tried MFPin the past and I didn't have anyone to help keep me motivated, looking for support this time. I am not going to give up! Sending Friend request.
  • You are so right we all need motivation and I would glady like to be your friend so that we motivate each other. Having help makes it fun and easier. Send me a friend request.
  • jenns717
    jenns717 Posts: 32 Member
    Nice start to the new year! You are already down a few and now looking for support! I have found if I am reading and supporting others as well- I feel more motivated.I lost 50# three years ago, but with the help of a bad thyroid I have put on 30 :(. Came back here to seek support and give it too! I will send you a request-would love to do this journey together!
  • RRB2000
    RRB2000 Posts: 77 Member
    I appreciate all my new friends....its going to make this journey that much easier. :)
  • bohojourney
    bohojourney Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there,
    First time Iv'e replied to a post and like you this is my second time at MFP. My weight loss journey carries on after loosing 24lbs and gradually gaining that and more back on.

    I love motivating people in all walks of life and over the years have collected and gained masses of healthy tasty recipes/alternatives/swaps and tips, some from a previous Weight watchers leader who happens to be a nurse too.

    I'm really getting stuck into MFP and find that I'm having fun both with the flexi nature of balancing calories treats and exercise.

    I would like to wish you well and hope that this time MFP will be all that it needs to be, and more for you in 2014.:smile:
    If I can help motivate you in any way...then I'm happy.
    Kind Regards
    Nicole (England)