Any Tae Bo success

I'm thinking about doing the four Tae Bo videos, and Zumba Cardio Party, while starting to lift in February. Has anyone lost on Tae Bo? Thanks! My goal is losing inches and pounds. (Mainly inches).


  • Jacqson84
    Jacqson84 Posts: 189 Member
    I religiously did Tae bo for a full year and had great success! I'd lost a considerable amount of weight but that was also due to my diet. The first few physical changes I spotted was definition in my abs, shoulders and arms. Didn't really do much for my problem area: thighs and butt. Now, that I'm lifting, I'm thinking of including it in my workout routine as cardio. That should afford me great results!!! Best of luck!
  • Thanks! What do you suggest for your thighs and butt? (Those are also my problem areas).
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Tae Bo is on YouTube...
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I was doing Billy Blanks DVD's on the weekends and a few times during the week a few years ago (along with regular gym-going) and had good results. I didn't measure my results but I know by the way my clothes fit and the way I looked that I was leaning out. But again I was also lifting at the gym and running during the week.

    Edited to add "DVD's" because I really wasn't doing Billy Blanks :laugh: :blushing:
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    1998 called, it wants its fitness craze back.

    Just kidding... seriously, though, don't buy the videos. You can watch them for free online.
    I would also suggest adding some weights to your workouts--squats, lunges, deadlifts. That should help your problem areas better than aerobics masked as "martial arts".
  • PolkaDot_Princess
    PolkaDot_Princess Posts: 314 Member
    im doing jillian michaels 90 day body revolution and I hate the cardio DVD's that come with the program, so i bought some others to mix it up a bit. I have a turbo taebo DVD that is 8 10 min workouts so you can pick and choose how many you do.

    Today i did 3 and holy crap that's HARD! I'm not going to lie i couldn't even keep up, i did what i could and like anything else it will get easier with practice but yea i think it's a good workout!
  • Those saying I shouldn't buy it, I didn't. My parents had them and gave them to me a long time ago. Thanks for the advice on lifting!