I miss me...

I am so tired of my "new" life. It's only 45 pounds, says my friends and family, but I feel like it a hundred. I get winded at the top of a flight of stairs, I can't fit into any of my clothes, and recently I've even been asked when I'm due. I'm not pregnant. When am I due?!?

I was in the Army for three years and discharged for failure to meet height and weight standards. I "tried" to lose the weight but made no progress, so I gave up and lost the only job I have ever loved. Now when I look back I can see that I didn't "try" hard enough.

I miss the military life and the only way I'm going to get it back is if I can lose this weight and keep it off. So....Here I go, keep on me guys, don't let me quit or give up. Keep me on task.


  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there,
    well I have lost 40+ pounds so I can tell you it is doable! I was fat and miserable when I started and in a right rut, i still have miserable days, I still lose motivation and I still lack confidence sometimes BUT those three are so much easier to cope with when you are 40lbs lighter! This site has been great for me I have the ipod app, i log everything it suits me and my obsessive little ways.....
    So how you gonna do this?
    I eat well (yesterday was the first time I was hungry coz i did no exercise calories to eat and i am mixing it up a bit) and I have lost steadily...... my diary is open feel free to take a look. You can do this for you, it is a change of lifestyle, do you want that? if you do do it!!!! lol! you can add me if you would like I warn you I swear, I am not god fearing and I am a *kitten* if you can cope having a virtual friend like me send the invite !
  • CharlieWolt
    I totally understand. The way things used to be, almost laughing at you - it's such a horrible feeling. I myself have been struggling to lose weight - and everyone here is in the same boat, so we're all by your side.

    I'll add you and I'll help you if you help me. Always looking for help and motivation - and this way with someone watching over you - virtually - it can motivate you more so.

    So goodluck, and I'll totally help you out if you need - if I can.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    Totally understand. If only losing weight were as easy as gaining! I've lost and gained so many times. Now I'm three quarters of the way through the latest regime but the motivation is almost gone. I feel like I could eat for England at the moment! I've stayed the same weight for the last 3 months because I lose a few pounds then put them back on again. I'm totally stuck in a rut. It's not that I don't know what to do eat or how to exercise, it's just that I can't muster up the enthusiasm to do it!
  • MissJennaBelle
    I am striving to lose 42lbs in total...42lbs feels like it will take me ages to move but I have recently found that it's a lot easier to handle if I break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks...why not set yourself mini-goals!?

    I am trying not to look at the bigger picture (because I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle) and concentrate on a manageable goal... at the minute I am working towards a 7lb loss mini-goal which I hope to achieve within the next week by losing another 2lbs hopefully. I'm more motivated to reach the mini-goals because I know that it can be done and doesn't feel like it will take me ages to get there.

    I find that I'm spending more time reading through different topics on the MFP message boards because the people on here are so motivational and inspiring it’s what keeps me going.

    Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • rdennis1990
    rdennis1990 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks guys! It really does seem like a huge task lies ahead but I plan on trucking through it.
  • kaye1122
    kaye1122 Posts: 5 Member
    I know how you feel. I have gained 70 lbs...life was completely different at 125-130. I've had a tumultuous three-and-a-half years and as a result have gained back nearly all the weight I lost after my last pregnancy in 2005. I'm just disgusted with myself. I signed up this weekend hoping to make a big change. (Planning, not hoping!) I've been down this road a million times before...I'm not sure what I can do to make it finally work this time, but I am petrified of gaining any more weight. As it is, I hide from all social engagements, including ones involving my children (not fair to them, of course). I am always stressed and eat from 3:00 through the evening. I hope I can find and provide support for others.