Has anybody noticed a difference after giving up diet soda?

I drink about 1 can of diet coke per day, and I need motivation to give it up because I know that even though it's 0 calories, there's no way it's good for me.

For those of you that have given up diet soda, what changes have you noticed? I've read things about having less sugar cravings, having clearer skin, etc., and I was wondering if anyone had any direct experiences with this?


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  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    The only changes that I have noticed is that I don't seem as bloated and I drink more coffee....lol
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    I gave up diet soda for six months and saw zero difference - and I was expecting such a huge difference in bloating, etc.! Really disappointed. So I went back to having one a day. (I don't drink coffee, so it's my little caffeine boost for the day)
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I drink about 1 can of diet coke per day, and I need motivation to give it up because I know that even though it's 0 calories, there's no way it's good for me.

    For those of you that have given up diet soda, what changes have you noticed? I've read things about having less sugar cravings, having clearer skin, etc., and I was wondering if anyone had any direct experiences with this?

    It's 4 calories per can ;) Anything under 5 calories can be labeled as 0 calories, a law in the U.S.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I cut my soda to almost nothing.
    I'm tired and cranky and SNAP at people for things.

  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    I gave it up for a while and didn't notice a remarkable difference either... it's coffee mostly now and the occasional diet soda whenever the feeling hits me :)
  • thka1102
    thka1102 Posts: 5 Member
    I switched from regular to diet soda and eventually just quit drinking it. I noticed I didn't have nearly as many tummy troubles and my stomach flattened out a bit even without working out. And you're right about the reduced sugar cravings. I get my fix now from eating fruit or drinking Crystal Light Pure.
  • jmartin1219
    jmartin1219 Posts: 31 Member
    I noticed that when I tried to drink it again after taking two weeks off to drink only water and green tea that I felt sick to my stomach. Thought I was going to throw up and started to get shaky. I hadn't noticed much of a difference before that, but that was all the motivation I needed to kick the habit for good. Every time I want a soda now I just remember how terrible I felt that day...
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    The only changes that I have noticed is that I don't seem as bloated and I drink more coffee....lol

    Same here, I'm not as bloated but I haven't given up soda completely. I still drink one now and then but I have majorly cut down. It use to be my main source of water, drinking 7 + cans a day and now I just have a non diet soda now and then. I think its helped me get through my exercises better as well.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I haven't had soda in almost a year. I started eating healthier at the same time. At first, numerous people asked if I was wearing a different makeup because my complexion looked better, but I feel like that look is gone now. Other than that, I don't notice any difference. I still crave sugar. I still crave soda. I've read where if you just give up regular soda you'll lose ten lbs in a year. That frustrates me because that means all my other efforts are not bringing much results because I've not lost that much. :( I think it's a good thing to do. I'm definately glad I just drink water and occasionally when eating out, tea, but I haven't seen any "magical results" from it.
  • kparks2
    kparks2 Posts: 121 Member
    I used to drink at least 1 can of diet soda a day or 2 and I weened myself off and I drop belly weight (on the scale as well) quickly after. I also make sure I get my 8 cups of water a day and not more. Sometimes I have one can a week or 2 a week but normally I do not drink it and I am fine without it. I feel I have lost weight a little easier (as well as increasing the workouts and watching what I eat) once I gave it up. One less chemical I am putting in my body.
  • I didn't drink it for months and saw no difference. Now I have one a day AFTER I've drank my 8 glasses of water(this just helps me keep from drinking sodas and juices all day long). That's just to keep my artificial sweetener intake lower and to keep my sanity...I love my dr.pepper.
  • lulukayrobins
    lulukayrobins Posts: 1 Member
    I gave up diet soda because I had daily headaches and thought it might partially be due to the fake sugar... and I was right!
  • NikkieLite
    NikkieLite Posts: 126 Member
    I don't know if it was quitting diet soda or drinking more water that made me feel better. But once I did that, I felt more awake during the day, more full and therefore less likely to feel the need to binge, these little headaches I used to get went away, my complexion improved and some other little things. I'm back to drinking some diet soda because yeah it's good and a little addicting haha but it's really NOT good for you, low calorie or not, and I'm trying to quit again. :/
  • Candoall
    Candoall Posts: 81 Member
    I noticed a difference. I used to drink a 2 liter of diet pepsi (diet coke, diet sierra mist, diet anything) in about 1 week. Basically, I substituted diet drinks for sugary snacks. Well, the soda kept my body bloated. Now that I no longer drink diet sodas, the bloat is gone, along with about 10 lbs of unnecessary water weight.... and... I no longer have those intense sugar cravings. (( I still crave sugar, but it's manageable and no longer intense )).

    BTW... water is my drink of choice now :)
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    Carbonated, caffeinated, and and stains your teeth. My teeth are whiter, I don't feel like I eat as much with water(I still occasionally indulge in diet, more lately for some reason, back to water now) and overall I just feel better with water. Much more hydrated.

    Removing caffeine was good for me. It just makes you more agitated/jittery and I feel a LOT more calm and collected without it.
  • deenadi
    deenadi Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, 3 weeks ago I gave up diet coke, diet Pepsi an all foods containing aspertame, equal, splenda etc. I am craving diet soda so bad right now, and I used to drink 2 to 4 sodas a day. I have not caved in, but I have noticed a few differences. I am not in as much of a fog as I was. I feel like buying diet coke and just drinking it right now, but after reading all the horrible thing about soda and apsertame I will try to continue staying away.
  • GramCrkr
    GramCrkr Posts: 3 Member
    Diet soda was giving me horrendous headaches with auras. Once I stopped diet soda they went away!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Haven't had a single diet soda in 2014. My head has hurt for 8 days now and I still drink coffee. And I'd kill someone for some Mio right now - I ran out and this plain water is freaking boring.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    A few years ago I gave it up to see if I felt any differently. Nope, nothing changed. I have a can of Diet Coke a day and will continue to do so.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I don't think I would ever need or want to try giving it up, so I don't.
  • I quit drinking it for awhile about 2 years ago (which then led to my coffee addiction) and saw no measurable difference. Now I have maybe 1/day, if that, and for me, it actually satiates my cravings for sweets.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    I noticed that my regular soda tasted better than the diet soda. I don't drink much soda but my family got a soda stream....which is pretty badass.
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    I too drink way too much diet soda. i have to limit my sugar intake for health reasons which is why i drink diet as opposed to regular. ive tried to quit a few times but i crave the carbonation. As a 5 year cancer survivor I am trying to be healthier and eliminate as many of the additives and chemicals from my diet as possible, things like hfcs and aspartame are top of the list. I started eating better and drinking a meal replacement shake every day and since then i dont crave the pop as much as i did before. I have even gone several days without it. At this point I would have to say I wouldnt know if any changes were due to less pop or due to a healthier diet and more water. If you decide to give it up best of luck and let us know if you see any changes.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Hello, 3 weeks ago I gave up diet coke, diet Pepsi an all foods containing aspertame, equal, splenda etc. I am craving diet soda so bad right now, and I used to drink 2 to 4 sodas a day. I have not caved in, but I have noticed a few differences. I am not in as much of a fog as I was. I feel like buying diet coke and just drinking it right now, but after reading all the horrible thing about soda and apsertame I will try to continue staying away.

    Hello and welcome. Good for you for giving up something you wanted to give up. Most of the horrible things you read about soda and aspartame are myths, but hey- I toast to you with my Diet Pepsi in thanks for reviving this important 2-year-old thread! :drinker:
  • clairercoll
    clairercoll Posts: 6 Member
    Cut it out at the end of the summer, after one week I already felt waaaay less bloated, and maybe this wasn't related but I felt like I had better energy levels too. Aspartame is really awful for you, from what I've read.

    Two months after I had cut it out, I decided to try a coke zero and almost gagged. I can't believe I used to drink more diet beverages than water. Then I tried Fresca and had the same reaction - felt sick, bloated, and the taste just no longer appealed to me at all.

    Everyone is different, but I highly recommend cutting it out cold turkey. After a few weeks you won't even crave it anymore.
  • Dominique14614
    Dominique14614 Posts: 45 Member
    I know I need to give it up but I feel like it helps me keep my sanity. I'm on a low carb diet. I'm gonna finish the one I have today then go cold turkey.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    B R A I N S ! ! !

    brains are better than diet soda!!!! :smiley: