Sleep cycle changes with new diet and increased exercise

Hi All,

I'm fairly new so have only been using MFP for the last 12 days or so. So far I'm going really well and am enjoying the increase in energy and not feeling overfull and bloated all the time.

One unforeseen and unwanted side effect for me is the sudden inability to go to sleep!! At the moment I'm only sleeping about 5 hours a night which is totally abnormal for me. Before I started this health kick and for most of my life I've been a heavy and long sleeper, usually sleeping 10-12 hours per night.

I can't find much info about this on the net so am wondering i anyone else has experienced this and whether it is a temporary effect? I am thinking that perhaps my body has just been tired for so long eating the wrong foods and not exercising that this is now a significant adjustment for it to suddenly have all these nutrients and exercise?

I'm doing the standard better diet and exercise, no significant exclusion of any food groups and no excessive caffeine. Also no underlying medical condition as far as I know. As I said, I feel great, just can't sleep.


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Lots of different factors could be happening. It could be the timing of you exercise is not giving you enough cool down time before bed. If you have cut carbs at night it can impact on melatonin production. It could be something as simple as having a different nightly routine. Shutting off all electronic devices including TV, cell phone and iPad about a 1/2 hour to an hour before bed may also help. Good luck.
  • Thanks for your response :) I've managed to eliminate all the variables I can think of and can only put it down to the change in diet. Your suggestion around the effect of no carbs at night is an interesting thought that I might need to look into further...
  • jas16
    jas16 Posts: 15 Member
    I have been waking up in the night after 5 hours as well. I have a snack and then go back to bed and that seems to allow me to get a couple more hours. It is hunger that wakes me up.
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    I find I sleep much better on days that I exercise vs. days that I don't.
  • I find I sleep much better on days that I exercise vs. days that I don't.

    Good point. I have only been exercising on weekends so maybe I just need to burn some more energy off.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I wish I had that problem. I'm so tired I tend to sleep about 9hrs/night. I would definately ask about what time are you eating... working out... etc? Make sure you have enough time to wind down in the evenings before bedtime. My hubby always has trouble staying asleep so he takes melatonin and valerian supplements at night.
  • I wish I had that problem. I'm so tired I tend to sleep about 9hrs/night. I would definately ask about what time are you eating... working out... etc? Make sure you have enough time to wind down in the evenings before bedtime. My hubby always has trouble staying asleep so he takes melatonin and valerian supplements at night.

    I know I miss my much-loved sleep a lot!! I don't eat past 7pm, don't have hunger cravings and don't exercise except for weekends (building up to more days soon). Also have a desk job during the day which isn't particularly stressful so I'm not anxious at night or anything. I basically just want to find out if sleeplessness was/is experienced by others starting on their weight-loss journey.