I was told that it would be good to drink half of your body weight in water? Does anybody know this to be true?


  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    in ounces. so if 1/2 your body weight is 80 lbs, drink 80 oz of water.
  • dubrey84
    dubrey84 Posts: 6
    Okay, I'll give it a try
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Totally myth. If your urine is pale yellow, you are hydrated. There is no advantage to drinking huge quantities of water, it has no magic weight loss properties and drinking large amounts puts extra strain on your kidneys.
  • PinkNinjaKitty
    PinkNinjaKitty Posts: 32 Member
    Try adding lemon slices to your water. It is good to get out toxins in your body :-)
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    I don't think that you should over do it on the water. As long as you're getting your 8 glasses a day then you're fine. Serious athletes can actually over do the water and it's caused deaths, it's creepy.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    The recommendation is half your BW in ounces of water, yes.

    Remember that your body gets water from food (think about how much water is in raw fruits and veggies, soups, etc) and other beverages.

    Drink according to your thirst. If you urinate every 2-4 hours and it's pale yellow to clear, congratulations! You are adequately hydrated.

    But as long as you're not running a marathon without replacing electrolytes or have some sort of kidney problem, drinking 80oz of water isn't going to kill you, it will just keep your kidneys busy.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I've never heard that. I've always heard that you should drink atleast 8 glasses of water, which is 64 ounces. It wouldn't hurt to drink a little more than that, but if you drink too much, it can really screw up your body. Drinking excessive amounts can actually kill you.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I find it helps flush out excess water retention :)
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Totally myth. If your urine is pale yellow, you are hydrated. There is no advantage to drinking huge quantities of water, it has no magic weight loss properties and drinking large amounts puts extra strain on your kidneys.

    I agree with this. I am prone to kidney and bladder infections and I always do the wrong thing and try to flush them out myself. Last year, I had a pretty bad one and my back was starting to hurt. So, my solution was to drink even more extra water, on top of the 10 glasses I normally have a day, for a few days. My back kept hurting worse and worse, and I finally ended up in the emergency room with a severe infection. The doctor there told me, while drinking a little extra water IS good when you have an infection, I was putting an extra strain on my kidneys which caused more pain. Additionally, he told me to STOP drinking sooo much water every day, as it was straining my kidneys also and was the cause of me being dizzy and light headed often. My pee was pretty much CLEAR (sorry to be gross lol) and he told me it should be PALE YELLOW, nver clear. More water is NOT always better!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I just drink when I'm thirsty. I usually end up at over twice my weight in ounces and my kidneys haven't given out yet.
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    I just drink when I'm thirsty. I usually end up at over twice my weight in ounces and my kidneys haven't given out yet.

    I find myself to be quite thirsty and I have a hard time drinking even my 8 glasses a day if you are drinking twice your weight in water and that's from your body telling you that you're actually thirsty then there may really be a problem there like diabetes or something. I'm sure that more than likely you're perfectly healthy but I just thought that I would throw that out there because that doesn't sound normal. In fact I know that excessive thirst is a sign of diabetes and that my dear is excessive.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I just drink when I'm thirsty. I usually end up at over twice my weight in ounces and my kidneys haven't given out yet.

    I find myself to be quite thirsty and I have a hard time drinking even my 8 glasses a day if you are drinking twice your weight in water and that's from your body telling you that you're actually thirsty then there may really be a problem there like diabetes or something. I'm sure that more than likely you're perfectly healthy but I just thought that I would throw that out there because that doesn't sound normal. In fact I know that excessive thirst is a sign of diabetes and that my dear is excessive.

    Thanks, I actually thought that, too. I went to the doctor and my bloodwork came back fine though. I was little concerned but idk I guess I'm just thirsty for no reason.
  • minijag06
    minijag06 Posts: 70
    I drink at least half of my weight (in oz) in water. I love Sassy Water. It's really hard to drink plain ole water - unless it's hot out - and we are not there yet in Illinois!!!!
  • The simpile fact is that when I drink a good amount of water I lose weight, and when I dont drink I dont lose !:wink:
  • tabbyxxcat
    tabbyxxcat Posts: 102 Member
    I was freaking out the first time I heard this rule, too.
    Then, I cut out all over drinks.
    Along with a way less intake of food, I find myself to be thirsty often and can chug 8oz no problem, whereas that was the only amount of water I used to drink each day.
    It's a process. Eventually, you will become best friends with water, and will find that there is so much more physical activity your body can do when you're fully hydrated!!! :)
  • This is TRUE within reason. The 8 cups a day rule is for HEALTHY BODIES -- Overweight/obese are not healthy. I drink a gallon a day and LOVE it -- I'm currently 210 pounds (down from 270 since August 2013). I started drinking a gallon a day and have not adjusted according to my weight because, well, I like it. Water makes me feel good, it makes me feel clean :-)

    Like someone said - just watch your urine. Mine is clear and odorless (with the exception of in the morning after I've woken up). Listen to your body. It will tell you what you need.
  • vhannosh
    vhannosh Posts: 1
    In response to the person who said there is no advantage to drinking excess water. That is simply false. Drinking too much water in one sitting is dangerous and can be deadly, however spanned out over the course of a day is perfectly fine. Water is an essential biological solvent that is required for almost every physiological process. That being said, half your body weight in fluid ounces is more than sufficient. For weight loss, ehh probably not gonna attain significant weight loss. More or less you would end up filling up your stomach which would cause hormonal release of ghrelin to stimulate your hypothalamus that you are full. However, your capillaries would be excessively permeable to water and that would increase water store (characteristic water weight). I would only imagine a potentially OVER-excessive amount of water would be a 1:1 lb to fl oz ratio consumption of water. That could put you at an elevated risk of hyponatremia. But the cool thing about the brain is that it knows when you're over doing it. So, before coming close to that point you begin losing the urge to drink water to complete disdain for it! Good luck :)
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    I think you folks are all VERY confused, VERY confused. As a 580lb person if i drank 8 glasses of water a day I would be dead. It is all VERY much weight dependant. I Have been drinking about 280oz a day which is half my bodyweight in water and the weight has just been falling off.

    ABSOLUTELY DO NOT drink 8 glasses a day, HALF your bodyweight in oz. Do the research before you post. Pleanty of info on it out there including your OWN DOCTORS!!!
  • I think you folks are all VERY confused, VERY confused. As a 580lb person if i drank 8 glasses of water a day I would be dead. It is all VERY much weight dependant. I Have been drinking about 280oz a day which is half my bodyweight in water and the weight has just been falling off.

    ABSOLUTELY DO NOT drink 8 glasses a day, HALF your bodyweight in oz. Do the research before you post. Pleanty of info on it out there including your OWN DOCTORS!!!

    You took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you for bringing common sense to the table. Everyone's body is different. Therefore, everyone will require different needs. Do the research!!! When all else fails... ask your doctor.