Looking for Inspiration

Hi All

I've been working pretty hard for the last couple of months and lost 6.5kg (14.3lb). This brings me down to the lowest sustainable weight I have ever been at - 68kg (149.6lb) and I'm feeling great - for reference I'm 5'3.

My trouble is, I've lost this same 6.5kg 2 (or even 3?) times before, and never managed to get past this point. I feel like I'm going strong, and this will be the time I break through but I'm still worried. I have a 2.5 week ski trip to Canada in a few weeks (I live in New Zealand, this is a big deal!) which will disrupt my routine and I'm a little concerned I wont be able to get back on track after my return.

I have some very supportive friends on here who have been fantastic - but to be fair, only a couple of them are... inspirational. I'm looking to find a few more very active friends - people exercising most days, incorporating HIIT/Circuit/Crossfit or lifting + cardio etc, with open diaries so I can check you out, get wowed, and get inspired.

My current exercise includes: Circuit/HIIT class 2 - 3 times per week, Indoor Netball 1 - 2 times per week, Spin Class 1 - 2 times per week (although I am dropping this in favour of running cos the new instructor at my gym is boring as), and running a couple of times a week to train for Round the Bays fun run in March (8.4km). Just got my personal best 8km time on Tuesday!: 52:52 (aiming to do the 8.4 RTB in 50-ish min). On Sundays I do Yoga or Walk as an 'active rest' day.

If you are similarly or even more active, I would love to hear from you!


  • Geologynerd
    Geologynerd Posts: 3 Member
    I may not be inspirational or what you're looking for. But, while you're here in Canada, a piece of advise I can give you to help you stay on track. All restaurants here must have nutritional information available to patrons. Some won't because they're mom and pop places, but all the chains will have your info so you can choose wisely while eating out. Enjoy the cold, hopefully it'll move out a bit before you show up.
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks for the tip, I wish we had that rule here in NZ!
  • arachne42
    arachne42 Posts: 3 Member
    You know, I've been thinking the same thing - about finding inspiring role models. This might sound callous, but I don't want to have a hopper full of people as friends here/anywhere who are at the same stage of the fitness journey as me; I want to have friends who are fitter, stronger, cooler than me to whom I can look up.

    While I'm not one of those people yet (sigh) and I am probably behind you in the journey at present, I can suggest a couple of sources:

    Do you read reddit? r/fitness, especially r/xxfitness, is full of fit people. Tons. I'd probably avoid r/loseit or ask there specifically for the experience of people who have succeeded rather than those starting out. I always get inspired when I read there. Also r/bodyweightfitness, which sounds like something you could do while you are away - HIIT in your hotel room! Burpees galore.

    Fitocracy is also full of all kinds of people including some very fit ones. The groups there might be helpful, but you can also see the activity feed of everyone (who keeps it public, which is almost everyone) tick by and 'like' and comment on anything other people are doing. There are some swole people on there.

    I struggle a bit with managing all of the various sites available, though. Here's my strategy: Reddit is for info and general discussion, Fitocracy is for workout tracking ('cuz more workouts = levelling up!), and MFP is for everything food-related. I don't discuss as much here on MFP because I only have a couple of friends, but I want to change that.

    I think you might catch more discussion from the super-active, fit set on Fito or Reddit, personally - YMMV.
  • arachne42
    arachne42 Posts: 3 Member
    P.S. Here's a link to sign up for Fito, if you haven't and want to: http://ftcy.me/DCHb57

    Also re nutritional information: as MFP is based in the US, the database for US and Canadian foods will be phenomenal. I know you can keep on trackin' while you're gone! It'll be so easy.
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks Arachne, will check out reddit etc.

    My main issue for logging while away will be not having as easy access to the wifis, rather than finding foods. Roaming data is crazy expensive, and not sure if US/Can will be like Japan when I was there - free wifis practially everywhere! I'm sure my local mates would let me hotspot off their phones when needed - although come to think of it in the US don't many telco providers often lock phones out from doing that? Not sure if its the same in Canada?
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    Well, we're already friends, in real life even!! But I'm also going to try and break the barrier this year - I'm planning on keeping on with my running, but also introducing swimming back into the mix. Sadly, however, for me the main thing isn't a lack of fitness, it is eating too much!! Somehow I am going to try and stop eating so much so that the exercise will bring me into deficit.
    My short term goal is to lose 3kg, which would bring my bmi under 25. After that I'd like a bit of a buffer, maybe another 3 or 4 kg... I think 7 is probably realistic!!