How to stop an obsession with calorie counting?



  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    It does sound like you might want to talk to a professional already. But to go it alone, I would recommend setting your MFP goal to maintenance and really eat that (including eating back exercise calories). Then you can still log/track in the detail you want but get the calories you need. I think that after working hard for your goal, it's only natural to fear backsliding. Also, you said that you decided to relax, so you had cake and a cookie. Maybe instead of that, make yourself estimate a *healthy* meal each day--or maybe even just once per week. That way, you'll get used to estimating and see that it doesn't make you gain a ton of weight.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Unfortunately, this website is not for everyone. For some, it can turn into obsession or make an eating disorder. For others, they don't have that problem. We are all different. My only advice is if it's bothering you, step away from it and try to do something else that will help you feel good about yourself.
    This. You've got to consider whether counting and weighing and measuring is getting you to your ultimate goal: a healthy maintainable lifestyle.
  • stephenryan758
    stephenryan758 Posts: 72 Member
    What you are suffering from is the fear that you will gain back the weight you worked so hard to lose. As long as you stick to a 2000 calorie day diet you will be fine maintaining your weight. Nothing wrong with having sweets during the week as long as you stay within your calories. There is nothing wrong with being careful of what you eat, but also do not keep yourself from rewarding yourself here and there. Counting calories with My Fitness Pal and things such as Sodium and Saturated fat on labels is a healthy way to live. But you also have to set a night where you allow yourself to enjoy the foods you really like to reward yourself with. That's why you work hard every day and then reward yourself for it once a week. If someone wants to treat themselves to a Pizza and a couple beers or a pop on Fridays there is nothing wrong with that. Because the rest of the time you exercise and eat well. The only time you start gaining weight back is when you get into the old daily habits that caused you to be heavier than you are now. Key words here are "old daily habits." No you are not going to gain weight if you work out regularly and eat well 99 % of the time. If you eat a piece of cake once a week for dessert then so be it. It won't hurt you. Just don't eat the entire cake! LOL

    Everyone is entitled to a cheat day! For example myself. I give myself one cheat day a week and the rest of the week I stay within my calorie limit of 1700 a day and I work out 6 days per week. Now on my cheat days do I go all out and eat two large pizzas and drink a case of beer? No. I reward myself with one or two drinks and a couple slices of pizza. I have lost over 50 pounds and am going to drop another 20. Over indulgence is never a good thing. But allowing yourself to enjoy your favorite things in moderation is fine.

    Also do not weigh yourself 4 times a day. Weigh yourself once a week in the morning. Choose that day at the end of the week after you have worked hard and made sure to eat well. I recommend doing this on Friday Mornings right when you get out of bed. Do not drink water or eat anything before you do so. Then when you see that you are at your weight goal and maintaining the weight you want to, reward yourself! Have a little dessert and eat it with a smile on your face holding your head high and knowing that your hard work is paying off. Then the next day its back to exercising and eating the things that have caused you to be happy! Be proud and feel beautiful when you look in the mirror because you are doing a great job! :)
  • Vegan_85
    Vegan_85 Posts: 40 Member
    I was like that for a while, after I lost 35lb and reached my goal weight. Although I only weighed myself once a day, rather than four times, like yourself. To be honest, I had to go to therapy to get over it. One hour a week, for a few months last summer. Then I met my boyfriend, and he encouraged me to talk about it, and gradually eat in restaurants etc. again.

    Have you tried any medications? I started lithium a few weeks ago, and it's definitely reduced my OCD traits.

    Edit: I stopped using MFP for a few months, until I was over it. Now I'm back just to make sure I'm getting enough protein, calcium and so on. I'm aiming to eat between 1,400 - 1,700 calories every day.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I have also been obsessing over my calories and now... Macros. I'm terrified that I'm going to gain weight (as rapidly as I did the first time). I went from being 5'7 120lbs to 155lbs in a little over a year. I am now flip flopping from 125-130lbs (lost 25lbs in 8 months from using this app, love it). I don't know how to drop (and keep off) those last few lbs. it's driving me crazy. Should I start running 30 minutes a day? 5 days a week? Would that help? (I don't work out anymore...).

    Didn't mean to randomly drop in. I just don't know who to ask.

    Sounds like you are doing fine - maintaining a healthy weight in a 5 pound range. Just add some activity back in your life - maybe 30 minutes or so. Wear a fit bit or nike fuel band or pedometer. Just a thought.
  • cammade
    cammade Posts: 11 Member
    My fitness pall helps you! You can still keep your obsession with calorie counting, just set your goal to maintain your weight. My fitness pal will set how many calories you need to maintain it and make sure you have those calories, you can still be obsessed, but in a healthy way! :)
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    I've been on a diet and have achieved my goal weight of 125 pounds, down from 150 pounds. However, now I am obsessed with food and counting calories. I weigh everything I eat so I can count every single calorie as accurately as possible. I feel stressed whenever I eat something without nutrition info on meaning I often avoid eating out etc. I obsess with weighing myself and do so at least once a day, sometimes up to 4 times. I try to not drink much in case that makes me put on weight.. Every day I feel like I'm getting worse but I just can't stop. Today I told myself to relax so I had a chocolate bar and cake but now I feel so guilty and can't stop thinking about it. I need to know how I can stop this obsession before it turns into an eating disorder.. It's not just a case of stopping the obsessions because I want to do it as I'm so worried about going back into my old eating habits and putting all the weight on again. Does anyone have any advice please? Thanks.

    You sound EXACTLY like me.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    My counselor tells me to replace negative activities with positive ones or the negative ones will never go away.

    Thought for you: when temped to count the calories, worry about the weight, do something fun or good for you. Try going for a quick walk around the house, neighborhood or office. Read a book. Call a friend. Send am email with a joke.

    My jeans tell me everything I need to know about my weight and conditioning.

    Good luck.

    If creating healthy alternatives doesn't work, I agree with several other posts. See a doc.

  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    My fitness pall helps you! You can still keep your obsession with calorie counting, just set your goal to maintain your weight. My fitness pal will set how many calories you need to maintain it and make sure you have those calories, you can still be obsessed, but in a healthy way! :)

    No advice for the actual issue since I struggle with the same obsessiveness, just wanted to say that "obsession" is generally never healthy.
  • AdrianLBM3
    AdrianLBM3 Posts: 3 Member
    Do a break without counting anything and eat what you like. I did this with me and this helped me.
  • cammade
    cammade Posts: 11 Member
    I never said it was a good thing, I only stated that there is a way that this sight can help you, she doesn't need to be told it's "unhealthy", I think she already know that... What she needs is ways to make it better... Only offering my help
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Just relax. There is nothing wrong with counting your calories to maintain. The more you worry about it, the more obsessive you'll become. Do something to take your mind off worrying - take up a hobby or do volunteer work or something to keep your mind busy. Or do some fun activities - join team sports, etc. When you're busy, you'll just have time to count your daily calories at night! Or maybe you won't, cuz you're too tired :)
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Eat out. Log it. See that you can maintain weight even if not 100% accurate. Lots of people do it all the time. You're not going to suddenly gain 20 pounds. You see that the scale is slowly (and consistently- not overnight) going up, you cut back on the eating. You see it going down, you have an extra snack. Embrace the fluctuations. They're normal. Stop making yourself crazy.

    Nice plan. Take baby steps. Go out to lunch once a week. Estimate your breakfast instead of measuring it. Then go from there.

    You've done an amazing job - I bet you feel you have changed your whole life. But you need to enjoy the life you've found.