20 days in and need some motivation

Hi. I have been on mfp for 20 days. I have lost around 6lbs. I work out 30-40 minutes 5-6 times a week doing mostly cardio and a little weight training. I use my exercise calories so I am around 1500 cal a day. I am starving. Or I think I am. I feel really crabby. I want to eat sugar. I feel like I use up my calories so quickly and I am eating pretty healthy. I eat fruit, veggies, Kashi Go lean cereal with 2% milk, no soda, I drink 4-5 oz of water a day. What should I be eating? Does anyone have a menu for a day to share? Just feeling super frustrated with myself. Should I not use my exercise calories? I feel like I would starve if I didnt. :) I dont want my body to go into starvation mode. Thanks for your help and support. How did YOU do it?


  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Let me start out by welcoming you to MFP. I see that you posted that you drink 4-5 oz of water a day. You need to drink 8 8oz glasses of water, to make sure you are well hydrated. When I drink a lot of water, I feel full more and longer. You can also go to the market and get some natural turkey breast and ham. You can eat those and eat low fat/calories. I like to drink fat free milk over any of those othere. Very low on calories and fat. There are so many things out there to eat and drink, that are good for you. There are a lot of people on here that will help you meet your goals. Just ask. We are all on here for the same reasons. Good luck again.
  • ccabnto27
    ccabnto27 Posts: 1 Member
    I can totally see where you are coming from but don't make your diet so boring! Enjoy cheese pizza, diet soda, popcorn, fries, etc (not everyday of course) and trust me it works! Use your exercise calories always! or your body WILL go to starvation state and you will want to eat even more!
    Also make change your workouts or you will get bored of working out. Make it fun and take friends with you...
    You've lost 6 pounds already and that should be your motivation to keep going! Just imagine how amazing you will look this upcoming summer :)!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I am at the same calories as you, and I eat my exercise calories back too. If you make your food profile public it would be easier to see where you can improve. I agree though, I would starve if I went much lower than 1500 calories plus exercising. haha

    My profile is public if you want to see how I do it.
  • tina8884
    Breakfast i usually eat plain oatmeal with splenda and sometimes cinnimon and then i have a piece of fruit or yogurt with it. Sometimes I'll have scrambled eggs and toast or cereal. Lunch i usually have a turkey or tuna sandwich (light bread, 35 calories a slice) and salad or progresso light soup and saltine crackers. For dinner i usually have chicken or fish with either brown rice or baked potato and either salad or veggies. Or i eat a healthy choice complete meal. For snacks i usually eat 100 calorie popcorn, rice cakes, nature valley granola bars (they are filling), yogurt, fruit, or salad. Try drinking water, coffee, and tea to help keep you full as well. I'm on a 1320 calorie diet w/o exercise but I hardly ever use them all. I noticed that carbs help me stay full so make sure you eat them
  • paticap
    The real key I have found is heavy protien. My sister sees a weight loss dr. who says that you must have a min. of 14 grams of protien for breakfast. It makes all the difference in the world in my hunger and sugar cravings. I am doing things like whole wheat english muffins with turkey bacon, scrambled egg white and a slice of cheese in a sandwich form. I also substitute bacon with turkey sausage patties. Another trick is to count out 28 almonds with sea salt(1 serving). I put it in a ziploc, put them in my purse and pop them all day long when I have the urge to eat. I'm telling you protien has saved me. Good luck!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Keep pushing along and sooner than you think you will start to hit your stride. The refined foods and sugary things make me more hungry now. Eating high fat and junk makes me ill! I'm eating food, not just salad. Low calorie foods when I can, proteins. Fruits and vegetables are hard for me because i'm not a fan, but i'm enjoying them more all the time. I quit cereals and crackers whenever I can help it. I cut back on the breads. They suck out my calories and leave me hungry. The thing I haven't given up, mostly, is my morning bagle. Half of it helps me feel like I had what I wanted. Not just rabbit food. I don't do well with barely any food, so high fiber, whole grains, and protein help keep me full. The more raw and fresh foods I eat without sauces and extras the better it goes!

    Keep reading lables and choosing better all the time. Find more exercises so it's not boring. Soon you will find you are getting good habits! Not exercising is my downfall. When I don't it's hard to stay in my calorie goal.
  • suzukigrl
    yes, you can eat back your exercise calories. would hardly seem worth it if you couldn't. your hunger is your body wanting to hold onto the weight. just look at it like that. lol. so, in fact, you're making progress.
  • maxolivia
    Thanks everyone! I love this site. I was so crabby last night and couldnt seem topush through it so I just went to bed. :)
    I kept telling my husband "I could eat a whole cake right now" That would have made me feel worse.