NSV- Best Weight Loss Compliments?



  • carebears1973
    carebears1973 Posts: 63 Member
    To be honest, I'd be happy with someone noticing I exist rather than being the invisible one that everyone walks past...
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    That second one is hilarious!! haha

    Well, I'm trying to recall them all actually but the first ones that come to mind are: when I tell people i have about 100 left to lose they look at me and one friend said: "Oh, I don't think you need to lose THAT much"

    Recently a friend commented that she liked my wrists, she said "your wrists are so pretty!" We use ASL (American Sign Language) at weekly meetings where we discuss the bible and that involves us being on camera to give comments/answers which go on these large screens so everyone can see... it's nerve-wracking at first to be on camera but now I don't mind and now people notice and have made several comments like that.
    The same friend was excited at seeing my waist haha, she said "look at you! you have a waist!" haha and others who have seen me have said similar things like one friend was watching the meeting via video at home and texted me saying: "your clothes are too big!" She had seen me give a comment and because we need to stand for the comments you can normally see at least my top half.

    I can't remember any other outstanding ones.. oh and a cool one: I have a friend that is DeafBlind and we use tactile ASL meaning signing in the hands, and she said she can tell a big difference! Love that!

    Oh I thought of another one: a friend said she didn't recognize me from the back, she told me she wondered who the new person was, then realize it was me! That was exciting. I think another friend at a large gathering didn't recognize me from the side as he passed right by me and normally we would chat for a while... I thought it strange at first and let it go, but then realized he didn't recognize me.. oh well.
    From a friend who I had not seen in around four months:
    "Holy ****, where did the rest of you go?"

    From my grandfather in law- "Is he holding out on you?" Me- "Huh?" Grandfather- "Is he holding food from you?"

    A friend from high school- "God! You're shrinking!"

    A random food cashier when I asked for Lite Ranch- "Girl, you don't need no lite ranch, you lookin' TIGHT!" (I order food from her all the time, so I'm assuming she could tell, it made me happy.

    What are some of yours?
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    My absolute favorite is when people do not recognize me.

    "...But I call all of my hot female friends [nickname]"

    I also appreciate the number of friends and family who say that I have inspired them to swim / work out / eat right.
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    New year, new resolutions. Suddenly people come to me asking how did I manage to lose weight. I started my journey in June 2013.
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Best compliment I got so far is from a longtime co-worker (that knows he can say things, others can't).

    "Now girl, don't you go losing all that booty! I like to watch you walk away and I can't bare to think of there being nothing there to watch!"

    I laughed all day after he told me that.

    Loving this one lol.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    My niece says I am a lot skinnier..
  • Arydria
    Arydria Posts: 179 Member
    Not really a verbal compliment, but when I picked my son up at the airport for Christmas (he hadn't seen me since July), he just about walked by me.

    He said he didn't recognize me I looked so different (in a good way, he said)
  • maddy_smiles
    maddy_smiles Posts: 36 Member
    This thread is awesome! Love reading these!!!!
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    The ones I can immedilately think of happened yesterday.

    1. Went to pick up my partner from work and his boss stopped to talk to me and said "gees girl you've lost more weight your gunna be a stick soon" he's given me alot of compliments lately :-)

    2. My partner and I were having a cuddle he hits my hip bone and says "what's that?"
    "ouch!! My hip bone what do you think it is"
    He just laughed and said "I know we just haven't seen it for a while"
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Ive gotten alot of "you were beautiful before, but now your inner beauty radiates on your outside".

    I am lucky I have alot of wonderful positive people in my life-as those are the only ones I surround myself with.
  • Janiemomof7
    Janiemomof7 Posts: 32 Member
    "You really have 5 children?"
    "wow I actually see some muscle on you. it's looking good. Those steps must be helping" (I don't know what muscles he was looking at *rolls eyes*)
  • Boyfriend: "Your boobs look bigger!" :D
  • jamiebxo
    jamiebxo Posts: 116
    "You're tiny!" I love that and I don't know why!
  • Murph1908
    Murph1908 Posts: 125 Member
    Lost 60 pounds 12 years ago. Have gained it all back, and working on shedding it again.

    My best NSV from back then that I am hoping to experience again:

    Walking out of a store, I spy a cute woman walking in. A few steps after I pass her, I turn to check her out. She has turned as well to check me out. I was too surprised to do anything about it!
  • Scratch_MJ
    Scratch_MJ Posts: 41 Member
    Boyfriend: "Your boobs look bigger!" :D

    I hope this happens to me! I like mine and don't want them going anywhere lol
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