Insanity - Losing Inches but Now Weight - Why?

Hi. I am 155 pounds and 5"5. I have completed a round of insanity and I am in month 1 of my second round. Every since I've started the program, I've lost quite a bit of inches, and I can see a slight 2 pack starting to come in. One thing bothers me though: I haven't really lost any WEIGHT with the program. I've been around 155 since the beginning. Some days I'm 153, some days I'm 158, but I haven't actually lost some permanent weight. Is there a reason for this? I am happy with the inches I'm losing, but I'm just curious. I eat about 1800 -2000 calories a day


  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    This is quite common, not only from my experience, but from reading other posts in this forum.
    For the most part, from what I understand, it's water weight.

    Insanity is a pretty rough and strenuous workout, and early on, your muscles are trying to heal. Muscles retain water in order to help with the healing process. Eventually, you'll see that weight fall off as your body starts to might even notice a weight loss spurt over a 24-48 hour period. In my personal experience, I did month 1 of Insanity, and saw myself only loose 2 pounds (at this time, I wasn't taking measurements). I almost got discouraged, but then I started the Recovery Week. 2 days into my Recovery Week, my weight dropped 3-4 pounds, and then a few more throughout Recovery Week. Going into Month 2, my body was a weight loss machine and it just started shedding off.

    Furthermore (and many others will echo this), don't judge your successes by the numbers on that scale. Your body's composition is made up of so much more, so bear that in mind. Weight is only one facet, and sometimes it can be the most misleading one.

    Trust the tape measures more than the scale
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Click a thread in this category at random.

    There's your answer.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    In my personal experience, I did month 1 of Insanity, and saw myself only loose 2 pounds (at this time, I wasn't taking measurements). I almost got discouraged, but then I started the Recovery Week. 2 days into my Recovery Week, my weight dropped 3-4 pounds, and then a few more throughout Recovery Week. Going into Month 2, my body was a weight loss machine and it just started shedding off.

    Which is great for you but not for the OP who has completed a FULL round and now on to Round 2 :wink:
  • xXBiGbOiiiXx
    Do you think that drinking ALOT more water would help?
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    Maybe you don't have any more weight to lose?
  • xXBiGbOiiiXx
    Maybe you don't have any more weight to lose?

    I've still got quite a bit of fat on my belly lol. And technically, I'm not really sure that's possible.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    In my personal experience, I did month 1 of Insanity, and saw myself only loose 2 pounds (at this time, I wasn't taking measurements). I almost got discouraged, but then I started the Recovery Week. 2 days into my Recovery Week, my weight dropped 3-4 pounds, and then a few more throughout Recovery Week. Going into Month 2, my body was a weight loss machine and it just started shedding off.

    Which is great for you but not for the OP who has completed a FULL round and now on to Round 2 :wink:

    Yes, and I was just sharing an anecdote to be supportive and let the OP know not to get discouraged.
    Not everyone's experiences are identical, so maybe the OP's loss is just around the bend.

    The other part I did add was that the scale should not be the only measure.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    There are a variety of possible reasons, but the big question may be: is that actually important?

    FAR too many people are hung up with the number on the scale. Most extremely fit people weigh far more than you'd think by looking at them, because their frame is covered in dense muscle. Muscle weighs more, by volume, than fat does, so a person of the same size who carries more muscle will be heavier. If you look better, feel better, and are healthier, than it's possible that you have a misconception about how much you actually want to weigh.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    Maybe you don't have any more weight to lose?

    I've still got quite a bit of fat on my belly lol. And technically, I'm not really sure that's possible.

    How tall are you?
    You're 155lbs right now...
  • xXBiGbOiiiXx
    I'm 5"5
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    I'm 5"5

    Yea, that's a decent weight. Just keep working on body comp