Anyone doing Slimming World?

Hi All

I have just joined and would like to know if anyone is doing Slimming World? I have had a bike for Christmas off my Husband so I've joined as I would like to start working out as well as healthy eating.
I'm looking at making some new friends here :)
My name is Stacey, I'm 28 and I live in a Derby in the UK.

Feel free to add me.
Stacey xxx


  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    Hi. I'd like to find out more about slimming world.
    I've added u. I'm from uk too x
  • Slimming World is fantastic. Ideal if you enjoy home cooked healthy nice filling foods.
    Even recommended whilst pregnant and breast feeding,
    I rejoined on 1st a jan.
    Looking forward to a fresh start now.

    I'm shocked no one else has replied but I guess this site is more aimed towards calorie counting x
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Slimming World is fantastic. Ideal if you enjoy home cooked healthy nice filling foods.
    Even recommended whilst pregnant and breast feeding,
    I rejoined on 1st a jan.
    Looking forward to a fresh start now.

    I'm shocked no one else has replied but I guess this site is more aimed towards calorie counting x
    Yep. It's because lifestyle change (that can be sustained for the rest of your life) is how people who succeed do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Wth is slimming world?
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I know many people who have used slimming world successfully and it is a pretty easy system to use, I have even used it in the past myself. However I am personally not a fan because of 3 things

    1. It does not seem to teach much about portion control

    2. I do not believe in free foods because they all have calories in them

    3 It costs money and I am tight lol

    This was a while ago and things may have changed a bit.

    I do use their recipe books though, I just calculate the calories in them because its not done for you
  • curly_jen
    curly_jen Posts: 1 Member
    I've just joined Slimming World online as I think the diet they use will suit me - really disappointed to see they don't have any forums though! A little lost and not quite sure where to start with it...
  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    I have done slimming world, it's confusing at first but very simple when you get the hang of it. What are you confused about?
  • mo247x
    mo247x Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there,

    I am doing slimming world... there is a fab facebook support group :

    slimming world syns ....

    add me as a friend if you like

    Good luck
  • mo247x
    mo247x Posts: 11 Member
    hi there... see slimming world syns on facebook... great support. add me as a friend too :-)
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi I am doing slimming world and love it, its one of the best things i have ever done
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Slimming World is fantastic. Ideal if you enjoy home cooked healthy nice filling foods.
    Even recommended whilst pregnant and breast feeding,
    I rejoined on 1st a jan.
    Looking forward to a fresh start now.

    I'm shocked no one else has replied but I guess this site is more aimed towards calorie counting x
    Yep. It's because lifestyle change (that can be sustained for the rest of your life) is how people who succeed do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This! Another fad diet.
  • kimmyatton
    kimmyatton Posts: 9 Member
    wouldnt call it a fad diet.....
    its been going years and it does work if you stick to it and change your eating habits, which really you should do if you want to improve your health and lose weight. Eat crap again and you will be fat again.
    I joined slimming world before New year and lost 3lb on my first week. was easy to follow and it really just encourages you to eat lots of healthy and not much crap
  • hi I am thinking of joining slimming world, what do you think of it? add me too I'm Laura I live in Bradford UK xx
  • Hiya, I've done slimming world in the past and had lots of success with it. I used to stay for the talk after weigh in and our group leader sometimes made foods for us to try. I learned how to eat sensibly with them. I don't actually go anymore, but I've still got all the red and green recipe books. I'm now using mfp to log all I eat and exercise. I've joined a new gym in Chesterfield and I'm hoping to get much fitter. Add me if you like....I log in everyday. And I'm a fellow Derbyshire girl.
  • katmits
    katmits Posts: 16 Member
    The minimis forum has a large section on slimming world which can be very helpful. It's a dot com.
    I think it's one of the best 'diets' possible, with the emphasis on eating lots of fruit and vegetable, some complex carbs and lean meat/fish, very little fat or sugar.

    In no way could you describe it as being a fad diet or not helping to change one's eating habits for long term health.
  • In no way could you describe it as being a fad diet or not helping to change one's eating habits for long term health.

    Uum, isn't a fad diet anything that most people only stick to for a small amount of time before moving on to the next 'diet'?

    Not trying to be harsh, just genuinely curious
  • angelfish257
    angelfish257 Posts: 81 Member
    I had a go of slimming world this time last year after seeing a girl in my work use it to successfully drop ten stone (she is still maintaining which is fantastic!)

    I signed up initially for their 12 week thing and followed the extra easy plan to start with but did also try the red/green option.

    I didn't find it hard to follow once you get in the swing of it and I really liked their magazine and their recipes - still use these to this day as they encourage cooking from scratch, lots of lean protein, fruit and veg and herbs and spices, rather than packets or mixes or shakes.

    I didn't continue as it didn't seem to be a good plan for me - in my first week I managed to put on 0.5lb which was a bit mortifying especially as I'd stuck to the plan religiously and everyone else was getting loses of several pounds each. I did lose weight but found that several times I seemed to lose and then just put back on the same 2-3lbs. I also found I would really really struggle to lose 1lb, but then manage to put on 3lb in a week which would then be painfully slow to lose again.

    After the 12 weeks I was 5lb lighter than when I started, I'd been hoping for closer to a 10lb loss over this time, it was at this point I tried switching plans as I'd been keeping a food diary and giving it to my group leader each week and she couldn't see where I could make changes to speed up weight loss as I seemed to be doing everything correctly. Sadly the results for the red/green plans were no better and I finally stopped going after 6 months - admittedly 7lb lighter but many more pounds out of pocket!!

    I have had much greater success with MFP and while I'll continue to use slimming world recipes, MFP is what I will continue to use to track my food and exercise along with my trusty fitbit.

    Best of luck to you, if you've used slimming world before and found it successful then hopefully it will work for you again now - it just wasn't for me.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    im broke.

    if it fits my palm.. i eat...

    palm of meat
    2 palms of vegetables
    palm of potato
    and water.
  • katmits
    katmits Posts: 16 Member
    In no way could you describe it as being a fad diet or not helping to change one's eating habits for long term health.

    Uum, isn't a fad diet anything that most people only stick to for a small amount of time before moving on to the next 'diet'?

    Not trying to be harsh, just genuinely curious

    You can follow the programme for the rest of your life very easily, no food groups are eliminated, no special foods are required, you eat normal everday foods.
    The difference is that by following the programme you learn how to prepare foods more healthily - for example, grilling instead of frying, removing visible fat from meat, having to limit the amount sugar or fat you add post preparation to food. Portion control is addressed by having to weigh certain types of food that are either calorie dense (fats, higher fat foods) or those that are too often consumed in a binge pattern (sugary foods, bread).
    Foods that are calorie poor can be eaten in large quantities (these foods are mainly fruit and vegetables) and there are options for vegetarians.

    I have no slimming world (or any other diet programme) axe to grind. I used it to lose the baby weight after having children.
    I am a biochemist by training and interested in health and nutrition and it seems to me that SW is a really sensible healthy eating plan, which can re- educate your eating habits.
    Having group support can also be very helpful in the addressing some of the psychological aspects of weigh control.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Sounds too simlar to Weight Watchers. I even ended up working for them for a almost zero pay so I got a free meeting. I totally believed it was so healthy for a very long time. Now I know it's way too low calorie and MFP is free so why pay when you can get much better knowledge and health on here?