Toooo good to be true????

Ok so I've been dieting since Sunday between slimming world, and here with the advice of 1200 calories a day 2 days ago. I've lost 6lbs!!!!! I'm amazed!!! I really need to lose weight fast due to personal reasons but surely this can't be right???



  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    i'm sure it's correct. Go YOU !
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    It can be right. Might be water weight. We tend to lose a lot of weight at the beginning but it slows down, but don't let this stop you!

    This. It'll probably slow down, but as long as you stick with it, the sky's the limit! :drinker:
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    It's water weight.
  • Janewoo1
    Janewoo1 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks peeps, see as I said tooooo good to be true haha hopefully I'm all water :-) how are you all doing? X
  • sweetnsassy1491
    sweetnsassy1491 Posts: 95 Member
    It's not uncommon for this to happen quickly, due to water that's no longer retained once your eating habits have been changed. What is uncommon is for this pace to be maintained.

    Also common, by the way, is that you may put on some water weight if you up the intensity of your workouts. The forum is full of people who see this and freak out. Don't freak out. The body is just adjusting to the increased intensity.

    By the way, losing weight fast is rarely sustainable. I'm not going to go into your reasons if they are personal, but "i am on a deadline to get into the military/have needed surgery" may justify a less sustainable weight loss, but "i really need to look my best for [random event]/I am just really sick of being heavy" is usually not going to set you on a positive track for long term success.
  • sweetnsassy1491
    sweetnsassy1491 Posts: 95 Member
    When upping the intensity of a work out program can cause water gain? I had NO idea. I was so MAD! I upped the intensity THIS week and I have been going hard with cardio and strength training, upped the protein quite a bit and I have gained 5 pounds. Still within my calorie goal and gaining. I was very discouraged.
  • JenJBS
    JenJBS Posts: 83
    I experienced the same thing my first week. I went from 132 to 128 in 5 days. As has been mentioned, it's likely water weight, but still a nice motivation for your first week! Just don't give up when the weight doesn't keep coming off that quickly.
  • sweetnsassy1491
    sweetnsassy1491 Posts: 95 Member
    I appreciate that more than I could ever express! Thank you!
  • sweetnsassy1491
    sweetnsassy1491 Posts: 95 Member
    OH! And now that I'm reading this article, it says you CAN lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. I just read somewhere on this site that you can't do both. Well, I'm pretty happy to hear that was wrong. Thanks for re motivating me. I was very discouraged this morning.
  • davoiscool
    davoiscool Posts: 125 Member
    I believe its the case that you can't gain muscle as efficiently at the same time as losing fat, as opposed to just doing the former. I could be wrong.