Lithium and Seroquel Buddies? Need to lose a little soon!!

Hi all,

I need (want) to lose 10kg for my sister's wedding at the end of much.

I'm 23, female and Australian. 5"1' and about 58kg - highest I've weighed in my life!
I've used MFP before when I was quite ill and got down to 42kg.

Since August I've been on a nice little cocktail of medications, currently:
- 150mg Zoloft
- 50mg Seroquel XR (am)
- 300mg Seroquel (pm)
-1000mg Lithium

I've put on weight reasonably quickly (for me) since and I'm desperate to get it off and keep it off.
I love being fit and I love cooking.
I'm even learning how to run! C25K yay!

So anyone who only has a bit to lose, anyone in their early twenties and anyone on these meds or similar, I would love to hear from you!


  • bfpower
    bfpower Posts: 92 Member
    First of all, good for you for taking care of your mental health. You're doing the right thing; I know firsthand what happens when you leave bipolar untreated. It messed me up for ten years.

    Seroquel is well known as a weight gaining drug even in low doses. As adjunct therapy to lithium it's even worse. Unfortunately, there's not really any other pharmaceutical treatment (not in the US, at least) that provides the same benefit WITHOUT the weight gain issue.

    I gained five pounds (about 2.3 kilos) when I started on my meds at age 30. I haven't gained or lost anything since then despite increased activity. I'm doing a modified Ironman triathlon this month (same distances as the Ironman, but over 20 days instead of one day). Hopefully that will jump start something.
  • Lemmon827
    Lemmon827 Posts: 27 Member
    I know how the meds are. I have gone from 140 to 167 on Paxil. I am switching to the generic of Wellbutrin as it is supposed to be weight neutral. I have heard people actually lost weight on it. Always take care of your mental health first
  • monicawesome
    monicawesome Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me and we can chat - I'm on the following now: Lithium, Wellbutrin, Klonopin, Pristique and Deplin. I gained a lot of weight while on Latuda and Seroquel, but I haven't weighed myself since switching. I'm just trying to drink a ton of water and work towards getting myself wanting to be out of bed and not-suicidal, but like everyone else said - you've gotta work on your mental health first otherwise you won't be able to move places whether it's weight or your other life goals.