Looking for some friends!

I am a 21 year old full-time college student who has joined MFP in an effort to drop some serious pounds! Would love to add a few friends on here to help keep me motivated! :)


  • Hey I'm new to this to been doin it for week...I'm 27 and trying to lose lbs before summer gota look cute in the bikini...welcome to mfp
  • aaf2014
    aaf2014 Posts: 11
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    im looking to gain some weight but feel free too add :)
  • Hi ! i am new too..im 18 looking to gain muscle and eat healthier.
    In need of a good motivation group!
  • casper1963
    casper1963 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone, I am Kaz ... and am on here to lose some weight, get healthy and get fit.. I am a pretty motivated woman , and have lost 37kgs a while ago, and still have about 20kgs to lose. Feel free to add me , if you would like to support each other, and let's share the highs and the lows....and encourage each other... simply because we can.... Feel free to add me Kaz
  • doyle8805
    doyle8805 Posts: 3 Member

    I just graduated college in December and it was a little difficult to log everyday, especially on the weekends.

    My last semester I got serious about it and logged everything, including weekends (beer and all) and I lost about 25 lbs, so it is definitely doable if you are motivated.

    I never added any friends before, but I am deciding to start because I think it can be really motivational.
  • Hello my name is Kellie. I'm 40 and I'm in the same boat trying to lose a lot of weight myself. I'm so in need of some motivation to lose this weight. So feel free to add me as well. Thank you :smile:
  • cmira5ol
    cmira5ol Posts: 1,246 Member
    i'm here with an open diary........feel free to add me for support.
  • amatheson28
    amatheson28 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I'm Amy. I have actually been a member for awhile, but fell off the wagon, So its time to get back on! I would love any new friends to help me along the way!
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    Feel free to add me, I love new friends, we are all here for the same reason and need that support group to keep us in check...
  • Wow...I am so glad to see all of these responses!! It's great to be part of a community online that has so many people encouraging each other to accomplish their goals! I don't have any friends that are currently trying to lose weight, and to say my boyfriend is resisting the change in our meals would be an understatement. Good luck to all of you on your wellness journeys! :)
  • inspiredjen34
    inspiredjen34 Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! Best decision that I ever made. Friends keep you motivated and also the best part is the logging and truly see what you are eating and how fast the calories go so you start to make better decisions. You will enjoy it.
  • I'm Dani and am really tying to get into shape. I am looking to train for a 5K!