
Hello All.

DH and I are both trying to lose weight and decided to do a contest.
We get points for water consumed, minutes of exercize, wall-sits, push-ups, taking our vitamins, saying no to caffeine for the whole day, saying no to sugar or corn syrup added in the first five ingredients of our intake for the whole day.

It's been a week. I've dropped 2 lbs. And I started going through the withdrawal phase now that the caffeine and sugar have been out of my system for the last 7 days out of 8.

Did I mention that I am a SAHM with twin 3 year olds, a 5 year old and still BF full time to a 10 month old, who doesn't sleep longer than 3 hour stretches...

Needless to say, my motivation is starting to falter...encouragement?


  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    You know you do not have to quit everything to be healthy and successful. In fact it is the best way to fall off the wagon because it is not sustainable.

    And don't forget to consider breastfeeding in your calories allowance ;)

    Good luck
  • MJ1975CA
    Yikes! You need coffee! Just breastfeeding is a challenge on it's own! :) small changes.
  • fallenoaks50
    What's the prize? Sounds like it should be a day off :smile:
  • jessicagilb
    jessicagilb Posts: 69 Member
    Holy smokes... Honestly I think you need to loosen up. Especially with all that on your plate. I just now have enough energy to start exercising again. My babys 5mos old, he started sleeping at night- but I wasn't even breastfeeding.. Alls I got is good luck.
  • Lukes_Dove
    Lukes_Dove Posts: 36 Member
    Since I am BF full time, I am not counting calories. The caffeine and the sugar are changes I feel are healthy for me baby right now. I am eating when I am hungry. Just craving the sugar (I drank some 100% apple juice earlier and it helps) and the caffeine. And not wanting to work out.

    Honestly, I could also be PMS-ing. Usually, this means sending DH out for some Coke and dark chocolate...but not tonight... I added some frozen berries to my water too.

    We ended up putting an episode of Biggest Loser on and I made myself get on the bike. DH beat me by 100 points last week. Mostly cause he said no to caffeine and sugar more than I did. No prize yet...although we are talking about prizes for when we finally reach some smaller goals.

    A day off...what's that? LOL. At least I'm never bored.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    2lbs in one week is a great loss. I'm not sure what you're upset about.
  • Lukes_Dove
    Lukes_Dove Posts: 36 Member
    Not upset about the weight loss. Upset about losing my motivation so soon. I'm not really good with keeping a routine on most things... I want to keep the pattern I've begun...and the shine is starting to come off the proverbial apple.
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Recognise that you will ALWAYS lose motivation at some point. It's commitment that you need to focus on, not motivation. I like to remind myself that I do things every day that I don't necessarily want to do, but they're necessary so I do them anyway (brushing my teeth? Ugh, boring. But essential). The same goes for making healthy choices when it comes to food and exercise. Naturally I mess up all the time but I am still improving. I don't beat myself up when I slip. I just get back on the wagon :smile:
    Frankly I am super impressed with your efforts! I struggle and I don't even have kids! You're a superstar :flowerforyou: you can do this!
    PS if you want some resources to help you through your sugar cravings have a look at and
    Both are Australian sites but they may be helpful. I quit sugar for a while but I wasn't addicted to it so it didn't really have an effect on me. I know many others struggle with it though. Best of luck!