New and wondering if this works???

djr135 Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to this site, I've used other diet communities but did not find them to be helpful, much of the discussions were not related to being healthy. I'm looking for a community of "friends" to support me through a 30 pound weight loss. I'd love to hear some feed back on your positive experiences! I totally need motivation and help with my 3:00 snacking (or should I say 3:00 free for all!!).

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Boston, MA


  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Yes, it works.
  • It defininitley works, the best thing I have ever done! I have tried Weightwatchers, Slimming World and all sorts of other things, but nothing has been as amazing as this! I love the way that even if you over eat your cals for a day, it still tells you how much you would weigh in 5 weeks if you ate like that everyday - for example if I over eat 300 cals, I would still loose a lb a week - so in actual fact, a bad day is still a positive! Keep going with it, lots of luck :-)
  • Thanks for the feedback Hannahbee79...I first logged on in August, but haven't done anything with the site yet. I too have done WW, the first time I had great success, then had a second child and now...8 years later I'm still trying to lose the "baby weight". I'm usually great the first week, then it all goes down hill! This time I will stay committed.
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Yes it does! I know this for a fact because I found this site a few months ago and I played around and didn't take it seriously and all of a sudden I realized my friends were getting smaller and smaller and I was staying the same, So, If you work it-- It will work for you!
  • My daughter introduced me to this site and what a difference it has made in my weight loss. I've lost 40 pounds in 14 weeks with a little exercise and using MFP religiously. It doesn't take you long to realize that calories are like money and if you don't track them they get away from you quick. The complete tracking of sugars, proteins and fat grams make sure that you are eating a healthy balanced diet. If you are serious then this site will help you stay on the right path by logging what you are going to eat all day every morning and then stick to it. Also if you have an I Phone or a Droid make sure to download their mobile app to be in constant touch with your calorie count for the day. Good luck with your effort.
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    My hardest time is from about 12:30 to 2:30, after I've had lunch. And I think you calling it a free-for-all about describes my eating at that time. The good news is that I'm pretty much done for the rest of the night. I can manage on water and carrot sticks.

    But I have found to get me through this time I have to spread my calories out. I have found that eating 100 calories every hour I'm awake is so much more easy for me than surviving meal times. Cause if I eat 300 calories 3 times a day and then a couple of 100 calorie snacks, I'm at 1200 calories and not happy. They are probably more healthy calories than under my 100 calorie and hour plan but it is so much more enjoyable because if I'm feeling like chocolate or chips then I use my 100 calories that hour on chocolate or chips. And honestly I can usually get by on llke 1/2 a Special K chocolate drizzle bar (45 cal) when I'm craving chocolate but you get my point. Spread the calories so that you are (1) eating what your body is craving (2) you won't stress so bad because you know you get to eat again in less than an hour.

    Plus, I find that those few bites of food just is just as satisfying. I find if I eat more than 200 calories, I'm full but over that it's like I flip some kind of switch and it opens an overflow room that is an insatiable bottomless pit. So my 100 calories, works for me.

    Find what works for you.

    Good luck

  • Hi Deb, I am Deb from Wisconsin...I wish you luck and I am happy to know someone else out there is looking for something that will work. Take care!
  • DeanaMarshall
    DeanaMarshall Posts: 22 Member
    Deb- you can totally do it! This site is terrific. I have the app on my phone so wherever I am I can log food or exercise. You'll be surprised what you won't eat because you don't want to write it down or log it in! And you'll find yourself eating less of what you like. One of my rules is that I can eat whatever I want, just not too much. I love hoagies- but I can't eat a HUGE one, just half. I can have ice cream, but only .5 cup. And it's all because I don't want to log the calories! It becomes like a game, how can I stay in the green and still have a pleasant day of eating? You'll get used to it quickly and find the pounds melting away. I am sure you'll have a Merry "15lbs lighter" Christmas. Best of Luck!
  • giventofly__
    giventofly__ Posts: 21 Member
    Deb- you can totally do it! This site is terrific. I have the app on my phone so wherever I am I can log food or exercise. You'll be surprised what you won't eat because you don't want to write it down or log it in! And you'll find yourself eating less of what you like. One of my rules is that I can eat whatever I want, just not too much. I love hoagies- but I can't eat a HUGE one, just half. I can have ice cream, but only .5 cup. And it's all because I don't want to log the calories! It becomes like a game, how can I stay in the green and still have a pleasant day of eating? You'll get used to it quickly and find the pounds melting away. I am sure you'll have a Merry "15lbs lighter" Christmas. Best of Luck!

    I loved what you said! lol I've turned it into a negotiation with myself! "I can have those French fries, but only this xxx many because otherwise I have to log xxx this amount" haha But I agree this site works as long as there is commitment. I'm down 23 pounds since August!
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