9 days in, no change in weight!

I've used MFP many times over the years and I very closely track my calories and try to track accurate calories burned. I started calorie counting and working out as much as possible (at least 3x/wk), all to seemingly no avail. Am I just too impatient? I honestly think my stomach has gotten BIGGER over the course of that 9 days. It's so discouraging. I don't mind working out. Once I get past about the first week of being at the gym, I actually start to love being there. Right now I'm just doing a lot of cardio and a "squat challenge", as my thighs and butt need the attention:) Would I see results if I added strength training as well? Totally needing advice!!


  • Haymonk215
    Haymonk215 Posts: 5 Member
    I am wondering if you are consuming enough calories? What is your calorie intake? If you are not consuming enough calories your body may be going into starvation mode and you will not lose weight this way.

    Sometimes when you first start a weight loss program, your body doesn't immediately adjust and that can be why you don't see results right away. You may end up seeing twice the results over the next period.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    I am wondering if you are consuming enough calories? What is your calorie intake? If you are not consuming enough calories your body may be going into starvation mode and you will not lose weight this way.

    No thats not how it works. Your body doesn't go into starvation mode unless youre like at 5% body fat. Your metabolism doesnt slow down to a significant degree either until you reach third world levels of starvation. However, if you're not consuming enough calories or not properly hydrated, your body will hold on to water. Also if you are new to working out, your body will retain water to repair muscle.
  • professormudd1
    I am wondering if you are consuming enough calories? What is your calorie intake? If you are not consuming enough calories your body may be going into starvation mode and you will not lose weight this way.
    Sorry, but this is a misconception of what starvation mode actually is.

    More likely is the new fitness program is causing an increase in water retention. Additionally, I would ensure your calorie counting is accurate via use of a good food scale, and weigh yourself under the same conditions each time. For instance, weigh yourself in the morning, after you use the restroom and before you shower.
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    Okay, you have only been here 9 days. Don't be so discouraged. It does take time, so be patient.

    You might have been eating more than you thought you were. Do you use a food scale?
    There are many other factors as well. Are you on your TOM? Have you been eating a lot of sodium recently?

    And another poster mentioned weighing yourself in the same conditions. Did you? That is so important because your weight can fluctuate throughout the day and extra clothing can add more weight.

    Eat at a moderate calorie deficit, be very accurate with your tracking (get a food scale), and you will start to lose weight. You got this! I know it can be discouraging at times, but you need to stay consistent in order to see results.

    And yes, strength training would help a lot.
  • Jordankempp
    Jordankempp Posts: 1 Member
    Remember that changes don't happen overnight, weight is not an accurate measure of body composition. You also want to consider hydration level as well as muscle tissue. Doing the squat challenge is working one of the largest muscles in your body, it is possible that you're simply replacing the weight that you lost with muscle tissue. Keep it up and you WILL see results.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Took me a few weeks to start noticing any type of change/ weight loss. Be patient and don't quit.
  • patrice357
    I am by no means a fitness expert but i would say be patient and try to measure urself in how your clothes feel first over the scale. Also remember, this app is just a guide. Its relatively accurate but not perfect or exact. I myself, lost 125lbs alone a few yrs back after my first son. I got pregnant again and am now working on getting back to where i was. I have lost 55 lbs since hes been born (hes 1yo) and 20 or so since i found this app. The weight will come off with time. When i worked out, i did tremendous amount of cardio and after about a month, started adding either resistance or weight training unless you are doing a workout program (such as turbojam, turbofire or insanity where they instruct you on a day to day basis.)

    Hope this helps or is at least encouraging. You are not alone:happy:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    9 days is nothing! Personally, I only weigh/measure once a month.

    How much do you need to lose? The less you have, the longer it takes...usually.

    Also, have you measured? Not that I'd expect much change after 9 days. When I started exercising again when my 2nd child was 8 weeks old, I was having PT sessions twice a week, going to the gym 3 times, eating 1200 calories (I know, not enough, that was before I discovered MFP) and looking after a newborn and a just turned 2 year old. I lost 5 pathetic pounds in the first month, after all that. I nearly cried in the gym. But I did lose quite a few inches.

    It took me nearly 2 years to lose 70lbs, but I lost so many inches.

    So, as others have said, be patient.
  • Shreyuu
    Its been 14days that i started counting calories using MFP and also i am working out 5days/week (45mins/day).

    i have reduced only 400gms till now. The App keeps projecting 1kg Weight Reduction per week but 400gms is way too less i feel.