Exercise for those with RA

Since my diagnosis I've gained some weight. I'm looking to only lose maybe 10lbs (starting goal), but my main goal is to put on more muscle and get rid of fat. If the weight goes away just a bonus. My problem is my RA hasn't been well controlled this past year and the medication side effects are making it difficult to even have the energy/want. I have an appointment scheduled to talk with my doctor about finding another medication, but that's still 3 months away. Until then I need some advice for low impact exercises. I've tried a variety of stuff, but so much of it I can't even make it through the warm up let alone get to the parts to help with strengthening muscles.

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Since my diagnosis I've gained some weight. I'm looking to only lose maybe 10lbs (starting goal), but my main goal is to put on more muscle and get rid of fat. If the weight goes away just a bonus. My problem is my RA hasn't been well controlled this past year and the medication side effects are making it difficult to even have the energy/want. I have an appointment scheduled to talk with my doctor about finding another medication, but that's still 3 months away. Until then I need some advice for low impact exercises. I've tried a variety of stuff, but so much of it I can't even make it through the warm up let alone get to the parts to help with strengthening muscles.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    I have RA but had to get completely off the meds as they made me sooo much more sick than RA ever does. But swimming was the only exercise I ever found that helped and didn't hurt. I have trouble walking, biking, elliptical, etc because the joints just wont hold up to repeated movement.
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis & lengthy wait for reassessment! I have RA also & have been adding more & more drugs to my daily regime. It really sucks but it's that or nothing. Mine is (sort of) controlled so most days I can walk or do the elliptical trainer (gently). I also like to lift weights but the way I do that has changed a lot over the past couple years, as things/disease progress.

    I'm not much help with new ideas regarding new exercise. I say, just do what you can. Only you'll know what that is. And perhaps it means taking it easy until you reassessment appointment? Then you can really give 'er and make up for lost time! lol

    Wishing you all the best!
  • wishings
    I never thought about swimming and I do have an indoor pool at my apartment complex. Do you just swim or do you do more?

    Thanks Cherp. I'm trying to be careful not to overdo it until my appointment especially since my meds make me very nauseous. I find that even with some small amount of walking I feel a little bit better so I'm trying to remain active. I know that a lot of research says it is important for those with RA to remain active, but it is definitely hard. I want to find something I can do that that is easy to stop when I need to maybe something I can do at home in addition to the light walking.