Calories burned in Focus T25 women?



  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I don't have a HRM but I also feel like I am burning more calories than I actually am during the workout. I'm on the second week of Beta and am hoping the addition of weights will help kickstart some weight loss and shave off some inches. So far, I would say that athletically I've improved with the program but I am not impressed with the program in terms of the advertised weight loss. I'm not following the diet program (no time for that) or drinking shakeology (no money for that) but I am eating better and drinking more water, so I supposed I expected better results by adding in this program when I wasn't exercising before. Oh well, three more weeks to go, then I guess I'll try something else.

    I would definitely try to follow the diet program as closely as possible if you really want to see results! The workout sculpts your muscles, but the diet trims off the fat so your newly sculpted mucles can shine through! I was surprised by how many calories I was (unintentionally) eating until I started tracking my meals. Once you realize how quickly those daily calories go, you really put a premium on the super foods that will fill you up without making you go over your calorie allotment.

    A lot of the T25 recipes I make ahead so I have them for the rest of the work week and can quickly grab them before I run out the door for work. I also did not use shakeology, but instead bought Ideal Shape which got great reviews and is a fraction of the price. I have probably weighed the same for about 10 years now, but once I started following the T25 workout and meal plans daily I went from 113 to 106 in just over a month, which was right before my wedding! It takes crazy discipline, but for me, it is worth it!

    I don't have the diet plan, just the DVDs. I have kids, still nursing one of them, which affects how much I can cut calories, and as a stay at home parent, I can't let my kids see me eating foods that are different from what they eat. Not only will that start major drama with requests for different meals every time they don't like what we're having, but as a mom to girls I refuse to let them see me worrying about calorie and fat content, or measuring and weighing out portion sizes. We eat a pretty good diet and I want them to have a healthy relationship with food.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    Well I am 5 foot 1 and am was pretty active before T-25 (I ran at least 3 days a week, did Stadiums 1-2 times, and did the elliptical 3-4 times a week) I burn between 310-340 for any on the Alpha workouts if I am doing the majority of the nonmodified. So not sure why so many others aren't burning much. I used to hear tje same thing about Hip Hop Abs...and I started of with a flabby stomach and Iall I did was HHA nothing else I had a 8 pack after...I guess everything doesn't work for everyone.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    God I hope I NEVER get to the point that one hour of Insanity would yield ONLY 300 calories burrned! I would cry! All that work for just that! =-(
    Your HRM may not be acting up. I'm 5'4" and 170. I'm lucky if I break 250 on ANY of the workouts. I am busting my *kitten* and it feels like so much more. Sadly, T25 is not the burn it is advertised to be.

    But the feeling I get is the same as I was getting with an hour of Insanity, given that I don't even finish the workouts straight without taking longer breaks lol and I burned around 300 then

    You just answered your own question.

    In 1 hour of Insanity you burned 300 and in 25 minutes you are burning 140.
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    my wife is 5ft 3in and weighs 139 lbs.. 38 minutes of insanity for her is about 300 calories. Same concept as t25
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    If yo burned 300 cals doing insanity than your hrm is probably right. T25 is roughly half the time so even if your heart rate is way up there you will be burning significantly less calories. T25 is a great program but if you want to have a max burn you will have to workout longer.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member

    When I say workouts are for fitness I mean we need to watch what we eat too. Not eat crap and expect to just workout like crazy people to make up for it. We shouldn't rely on our workouts to bail us out from an unhealthy diet.

    Also we cannot spot reduce. Doing ab work ≠ ab fat loss! I burn waaaay less doing the ab workout in T-25 but it is still a sweat fest. Best of luck on your plan

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Best Advice I have seen all week! =-)
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    The 300 was a typo actually it was a 500 I just got lazy getting back to correct it LOL
  • I'm 5 foot 9 inches and I'm 182 pounds and I burn around 250 calories after 25 minutes of Shaun T.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    I got a new HRM you guys HAHA i burn bet 200-300 in alpha :D
  • lgevans77
    lgevans77 Posts: 1 Member
    I have just started using T25 and I have completed P90x over the summer. They help but I just feel like doing something you absolutely love will help burn the calories you want. I love swimming! I plan to use T25 but will probably go back to swimming. I burns calories A LOT faster. 30 minutes of laps burns 401 calories for me.
  • After reading everything here it seems like the take-away here is "Listen to your body". Everyone says that they're feeling the burn more than the monitor is showing and that they're seeing results without burning 500 cals per workout. You know when you're body has worked hard. Don't let a piece of technology rule it.
  • Eyegina1920
    Eyegina1920 Posts: 2 Member
    =) thanks for sharing!
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    Upper burn for me with T25 is 200 cal, I'm 131lbs and 5'3 if that helps. The smaller, fitter you are the lower your burn is going to be, it's unavoidable.
  • lollypoppet
    lollypoppet Posts: 103 Member
    I was under the impression that Focus T25 was more about the after burn because its HIIT, so you burn more calories throughout the day because your heart rate is in the afterburn thing no? You know that chart with heart rate, and fat burning that beachbody programmes talk about.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I'm 5'4" and about 180lbs and my first week I burned anywhere from about 220 to 340 calories depending on which workout it was.
  • spiech
    spiech Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5' 7" 160 and I burned 488 cal today with t25
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm 5'4" and about 180lbs and my first week I burned anywhere from about 220 to 340 calories depending on which workout it was.

    I'm about 170 and notice the same burns. :) So 140-150 for 130 lbs sounds about right.
  • I'm 5'4 and 130. I regularly burn 325-350 on the t25 cardio/speed workouts. For core and arms I tend to burn 250-275. As a point of reference, I don't take any breaks and I always follow what Shaun t is doing. I do not do the modified versions. My heart rate always maxes out at 180ish. Though mostly stays at 160-170.
  • norabb90
    norabb90 Posts: 6 Member
    actually that's not much. I burn at least 100 calories per 10 minutes on the elliptical, 1.5 hours of bikram burns 500 calories, etc. soo that's actually a small estimate
  • That would be a HUGE waste of time for me (we just bought T25). I usually bike ride or interval train on a treadmil and burn about 165 in 30 minutes. It makes NO sense to me that T25 would be equivalent to that, as it appears much harder.