Not new to MFP but new round, need motivating friends

Hey guys. I'm Morgan and I'm 21 years old. Last year I used MFP and lost around 35 pounds. Today, because my relationship with food is so bad, I have managed to gain back all but 5 of those pounds.. I'm here again this time with a different strategy. Working out and eating healthy needs to be my life forever. I can't, I won't go back to what it was before. Anyway I'm posting on here looking for people who are looking for motivators, and are willing to help motivate me. Feel free to add me. I'd love a fresh group of friends.


  • rsdotson
    rsdotson Posts: 29 Member
    You sound a little bit like me. I was here a few months ago, lost around 17 lbs (granted I didn't lose as much as you), and then I have gained a little over half of it back within about 4 months... those months I was away from MFP.

    Feel free to add if you'd like. I'm always looking for new friends!
  • Best of luck to you. Been (and am) there w/the weight loss/gain. Cheers to us both & all similar to lose it for good.
  • bohochic29
    bohochic29 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey!! I just added you. I am also here to lose again! A few years ago I lost about 20 lbs. (3 pants sizes) I felt so good, but slowly gained it all back plus a bit more. I'm here to lose it again and keep it off this time! I'm also looking for new motivating friends. :)
  • marlea_0619
    marlea_0619 Posts: 16 Member
    I am in the same boat too! I've used MFP before, but then I got hurt and really just stopped. Now I am back, and this time for good. Will add you so we can try to stay motivated!
    Good luck!
  • mrganrshort
    mrganrshort Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you everybody! It feels good to know that I am not alone. I know that MFP works because when I stopped MFP I gained most of my weight back. I'm ready to do it again though. If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Feel free to add me! It's always great to have more motivated friends!!!
  • I just added you! I'm in the same boat. Anyone feel free to add me as well!
  • 2014NewBodyNewMe
    2014NewBodyNewMe Posts: 57 Member
    In the same boat like the rest of you I did great the first time around then i gained it all back and I can't have that. you can add me. I am always looking for new friends the can support me and me do the same.
  • karansz
    karansz Posts: 2 Member
    Like many it sounds I'm back to lose! Lost 15 lbs, then stopped MFP and have gained 10 lbs back. My goal is 20 lbs lost... here's to all of us reaching our goals and supporting one another on our journey!
  • khassidy
    khassidy Posts: 33 Member
    Let's Be friends! :)! any one can feel free to add me!
  • Added you... Anyone else feel free to add me as well! :) It's so amazing the support I have gotten from being on here.