HFLC High Fat/Low Carb relative newbie

So I've had a MFP account for a long time, but haven't used it much. I just decided to start tracking my food this week to see where I am at with my macros after 4 months of low-carbing it. I'm a No Sugar, No Grains girl, shooting for a 70% fat - 20% protein - 10% carb balance. I would love to have other HFLC friends and diaries to check out. My first introduction to HFLC was doing a Whole30 in January 2013. Throughout the year I fell off the wagon, but got back on in September with another Whole30 and have been NSNG ever since. My weight loss/regain history is long and sordid, but I am a 44 year old mother of 2, and my highest weight was 270. I have lost and regained 100 pounds twice, and then lost it one more time about 5 years ago and have managed to "maintain" (more or less, you know how it is) since then. I'm 5'8" and currently around 185#, I think. I don't really weigh myself.
