Using C25K App vs. No App When Running, Please Help!

I was just wondering if any of you started out running with the C25K app (so i mean like beginner at running) and how many of you just got out there and started jogging the best your could?

The reason I ask is because I've been using the C25K app and last time i jogged -- on Wednesday -- it stopped part of the way through a workout cause I got a phone call that stopped it i guess, so I just finished my route without it running as I pleased and stopping to walk when I felt i needed it..and I kinda enjoyed it better i think!

The thing is I don't want to hurt myself doing too much too early, so should I continue with the app or should I just start getting out there and jogging at my own leisure?

Any advise is appreciated! Thanks!


  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i hated my first c25k app, it sucked. (glitchy, no consistent voice prompts, stopping erratically) then i downloaded zombie5k, it ruled!!!

    i would recommend the program. it really keeps you on track.
  • bloodhoundlady
    bloodhoundlady Posts: 80 Member
    I use the nike running app. It is pretty good, you basically have to run on your terms but it is reliable and keeps tracks of all your runs. Which app are you using? There are quite a few free ones out there. I use the zen c25k app and it is pretty reliable and free. I don't use it everyday but use the nike app daily if I am going to run or walk.
  • lhgalant
    lhgalant Posts: 101 Member
    I know plenty of people that have used the app with great success. I have never used the app myself so I don't know exactly how the program works. For me, I just kick off the "map my run" app on my phone, turn on pandora & hit the pavement. I'm a numbers person, so I will try to run a steady mile and see what the app tells me my time then the next time I run, I'll see if I can improve that time or at least meet it. Or I might tell myself I want to run 5 minutes straight. If I do that, then next time I will challenge myself to 6 minutes, and so on. Or sometimes, it's nice to just get lost in the music, enjoy the views (I live around a lot of water) and just run and let my mind thing you know, I've ran 3 miles and I feel great. One thing I've learned is that I can run freely outside, but put me on a treadmill and I just get bored and convince myself I'm dying LOL
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    If you don't like the app, you can just follow a basic plan like one of these:

    Then listen to the music you like and enjoy!
  • TheBadToe
    TheBadToe Posts: 246 Member
    There are many many many interval trainers out there. Keep trying until you find one you like. I currently use the c25k app with endomondo.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I started running back before smartphones were as common as they are now. I just went out and ran, taking walk breaks when I need it. Ii never followed any plan with defined running and walking intervals. Just have fun with it. No need to worry about injury from pushing too hard, just listen to your body.
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    I preferred to not use an app when I started running. I mapped out a route before hand, so I knew the distance, and the quarter mile markers for a 2 mile loop. I still use this method when I am running whether a normal run (2 mile) or if I am trying to increase my distance. I can't say that I love running, but I love the results and sometimes, my body actually craves a run. So do what works for you, and know that there are days that it is going to suck and days that you are going to be great!
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    I started running with the c25k app on my phone June 2012. At the time, I hadn't run in over 12 years since the Army. I now currently average about 20 -30 miles a week. I honestly believe I would not have been successful if I hadn't taken the c25k approach. There are other apps out there. Use whichever one works for you.
  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks everybody!!!

    I am currently using the Zen Lab's C25K & I don't mind it really other than if i get a text or call it either pauses my workout or it stops it completely if it's close to the end like what happened on Wednesday, but overall I've been happy with it.

    I think I will just get out there and run on my own and see if i still continue to like it better OR if I do that and I see that I'm not getting in as good a workout (cause i use a HR monitor) i'll go back to using the app if that's pushing me harder than on my own.

    Thanks again for all your advise!
  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    Personally I really enjoyed my C25K app, it was the only thing that broke it up into small and achievable goals. I had not been able to run for 5 years when I started due to knee and foot problems. I started 70lbs overweight and it really made it easy for me. If I were to just run I wouldn't feel like I "achieved" anything, and I found it harder to push myself on my own. I used rundouble's app and I love it. i highly recommend starting out that way. I was able to complete the program on schedule within 9 weeks. I am not a capable runner where I never use to be. Good Luck!!
  • Firekeeper66
    Firekeeper66 Posts: 116 Member
    ... then i downloaded zombie5k, it ruled!!!

    i would recommend the program. it really keeps you on track.

    I agree! I love the Zombies, Run! c25k app - just add your playlist and you're ready to go! It really keeps you motivated - it's much easier to quit early with only music but with the story playing, you have to finish your run to finish the episode.

    I found it started a little slower than what I would have liked so I just ran when I felt like it (instead of walking all the time) and it was just fine.
  • sasouna
    sasouna Posts: 35 Member
    I don't have a smart phone. :ohwell: I use a C25K podcast on my mp3 player.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I did C25K before I had a smart phone. I printed out the plan. Posted it to the fridge. Memorized that days work out and then kept track with a good old fashion stop watch. Now get off my lawn.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I am a new runner wannabe and I like to get on the treadmill and do a 60min run with a 5min cool down. What I have started is walking the first 5 minutes. Then run one minute. Then walk 90 seconds. and flip flop between walking/running. I do that the entire 60 minutes. I have been able to increase my speed (walking is at 4.2mph, running is at 6mph). I average about 5mph. I have tried increasing the run time, but I'm just not there. Not sure if I'm doing it wrong. I could probably use guidance on a good program. Suggestions?