even when you blow it ...

I dreaded logging in food for the rest of my night and just sat down to do it this morning.

My evening was one giant ball of stress and I had no time to exercise (so no extra calories for me!), and my hand went straight into the kids' Cheez-it box while I made comfort food - chicken fettucine alfredo - and drank a beer. Why am I writing this? The mere practice of logging all these things into the computer has an impact on the choices we make ... once everything was entered (yes, *both* beers), I was only about 150 over my calorie goal. I'm still not proud of my choices yesterday, but it's not the end of the world and just knowing I'd have to be accountable at some point kept me moderate.

So ... today is a new day! I can't exercise today, either, but I've had my "lose-it" night and have gotten it out of my system. :)


  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    The mere practice of logging all these things into the computer has an impact on the choices we make ...

    Right?! My (adult) DS was just IMing about that last night - and we both laughed because sometimes we make choices based on what we've previously logged, since it's easier.

    Nice perspective, and YES, today is another day. It's gonna be GREAT!
  • nicoleeoff
    nicoleeoff Posts: 17 Member
    One of my biggest struggles is not letting my food choices go completely crazy after having a not so great food choice. It's like all or nothing. When I'm able to reign myself back in its a total victory! 150 is not bad at all! Way to stay positive!
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    150 over goal is not a huge deal, truly. You were probably still in an overall caloric deficit. I'm not saying it's not a huge deal to be 150 over everday-- that will add up. However you should be able to let it go easily if it was just one day.

    Being kind to ourselves during this process is important too. Do not seek perfection because you'll never get it.