30 day squat challenge and muscles resting

Ok so if your muscles need time to recover , how come people embark on 30 squat challenges ., or is because the don't use weights. I've started lifting heavy and li squat every other day because I walk funny after my squats so it is impossible to squat everyday for me... Should I just ignore those challenges and do what I am doing ? Will I get the same results?


  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    No good reason to squat everyday. If you can you're either not pushing yourself hard enough to need a recovery day, in which case you won't get the results you want OR you are sufficiently pushing yourself in which case you wouldn't be giving yourself adequate time to rebuild the muscle you broke down. Also squatting every day is probably going to start taking a toll on the menisci(shock absorbing cartilage) in your knees unless your form is absolutely immaculate. In my opinion you need at least 72 hours between leg workouts. Get in there, squat till you can barely walk, and then work on your upper body for the next 2-3 days. Your legs don't get stronger/more muscular from doing insane number of squats every single day, they grow from hard workouts coupled with proper nutrition and adequate recovery time to allow for muscular repair/hypertrophy.
  • awomaame25
    awomaame25 Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for d insight
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Yes ignore them, you will get much better results from heavy squatting vs. dozens of body weight squats daily (with only a couple rest days build in). If you did them on your "rest" days your legs wont be recovered enough for the next workout.

    I think because the challenge is just body weight that you wont need much if any recovery from them, unless you are doing 100s/day.

    I don't agree with the 72 hours rest period, 48 should be more than enough. You can work through the stiffness and soreness, just not if you have pain. Many beginner full body heavy lifting strength training routines have you squatting 3 times/week (M,W,F) Starting Strength (good book too), stronglifts 5x5 (and its variations)
  • 195to135
    195to135 Posts: 33 Member
    The squat challenge isn't for 30 days straight there is rest days included in
  • hrufener06
    I agree with MJUDD, I did the squat challenge and by day 12, my knees hurt so badly, I literally could not work out for over 2 weeks, I over did it! :(
  • KimmieCharmz
    KimmieCharmz Posts: 5 Member
    My co-worker's are taking that challenge, but I passed. I am actually doing a 30 day ab challenge, but this one is more reasonable. It starts with 5 sit ups and works it way up to 100. I can do that!!! :-)