Tips to get your mind off food?



  • lowfatveg
    lowfatveg Posts: 19 Member
    I think about food all the time :laugh: I like cooking and inventing my own dishes from things I got in the house, now I am trying to loose weight I find it fun making meals and seeing how low calorie I can make it and still be a yummy filling meal
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    A big cup of water always does the trick!
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    I keep busy. I've also found my cravings/desire for high calorie snack foods is directly related to my stress level. The more stress I'm under, the more likely I am to reach for a snack. So I do things to relax me - have a cup of tea, read a book, stay away from my family :P. It's not always successful but I think overall I'm happier and healthier because I'm teaching myself better habits and am more aware of not just what I'm eating but why I'm eating.

    I've also found that over time I've become less obsessed with food. Before I was fixated on what my next meal would be, now it's not as important. I don't feel like just because I'm hungry that I need to stop everything and eat. I know that's not helpful, but it's just an observation that I've made about myself.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    I eat every 3 hours & make sure to include protein with every meal.

    A good trick is the "apple test" to determine if you're really hungry or just bored. When you find yourself thinking about food; think about eating the most perfect apple. Does that sound appealing? If so, you're probably legitamately hungry. If not, you're bored.

    Drink some water or tea and check back in with yourself in 30 minutes. Still thinking about food? EAT.

    I could binge on apples and eat them all day, this doesnt help me hahaa!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I obviously am not going tell you to drink coffee or I might get beaten up by the community. but recently I started drinking coffee and I swear like 1 cup of black coffee (yes I like it black) keeps my hunger away for like 2 hours.. it's not intentional, but I do find it fascinating.

    Glad I didn't comment before reading... I was going to say I drink a cup of coffee in the afternoon in leiu of a snack most days. I use skim milk and splenda so it's low cal....

    (Let the trash talk begin on the artifical sweetners...:devil: )

    In fact, I think I will go have a cup....
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I know how you feel! Keeping busy is a good thing to help. If you already had enough calories and such, maybe drinking some hot chocolate or chewing gum could help. Also you can plan in little snacks throughout the day and have them when you feel hungry.
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    I obviously am not going tell you to drink coffee or I might get beaten up by the community. but recently I started drinking coffee and I swear like 1 cup of black coffee (yes I like it black) keeps my hunger away for like 2 hours.. it's not intentional, but I do find it fascinating.

    Glad I didn't comment before reading... I was going to say I drink a cup of coffee in the afternoon in leiu of a snack most days. I use skim milk and splenda so it's low cal....

    (Let the trash talk begin on the artifical sweetners...:devil: )

    In fact, I think I will go have a cup....

    I agree with the coffee! I'll drink it after lunch if I feel like snacking but I'm not really hungry.
  • skinnybythanksgiving
    Try giving up sugar and all artificial sweetners for two weeks and see if things change.
  • Gewatson84
    Gewatson84 Posts: 10 Member
    When I'm craving chocolate or something sweet I make a cup of chocolate malt ovaltine with 1%milk. I find it lasts longer than a small chocolate bar or candy which means by the time I'm done with it I'm not going to go back for more.

    Salty and crunchy cravings are a little harder to combat. Sometimes a handful of goldfish crackers will fix it, sometimes popcorn will. Sometimes I just have to give in and take 1 serving of whatever is the problem maker, close the bag/box, put it in the pantry, go outside with my bowl/plate and eat it mindfully. Making it "harder" to get to makes it easier to not get more...

    Sometimes I'm craving snacks because I'm feeling restless, for this I'll go for a walk/run. If the weather is bad I'll intensely clean something in my house.