Advice on hotel living please



  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Does the lobby have a microwave you could use? Does the joint have an ice maker? If so, a cooler with ice that you fill daily should work as a make shift fridge. I would invest in a double burner hot plate and shop only for what you plan to consume that day (unless non-parishable).

    Also, I lost 50 pounds eating out 5+ times a week. Totally doable. just count it all.

    It seems odd that you are in a hotel with so few amenities for extended stays. Maybe make nice with employees and they will let you use their facilities?
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    So starting this weekend I am going to be living away from home in a hotel Sunday evening until Friday for work. This is going to be at least a 4 month assignment and its really exciting in most ways but I'm really worried its going to be really hard to not gain weight let alone lose any.
    I can expense my evening meal to my company if I buy it in a restaurant (and can't afford to pass that up!), breakfast is also covered and there is no fridge or microwave in my room even if I did pass that option over and buy my own food elsewhere.

    I am going to join the local gym to try and increase my daily calorie limit as much as I can but that's not really a solution to the diet/nutrition problem.

    Any advice would be really appreciated, thank you.

    Do some research on the restaurants in the area. If work is going to reimburse the costs I would use them. Several restaurants I have gone to have a symbol in the menu by lower Calorie meals. Grilled chicken and fish are typically decent meals you can find almost anywhere...... If it is possible you could pick a restaurant you can walk to from the hotel :)

    I like to buy in bulk because I have 6 kids. Then I measure the dry items into daily serving ammounts for work. You can get fresh fruit to snack on.

    You can invest in an electric cooler for around $100 ( see if work will pay for it??) That would give you a lot of options for drinks and cooled items you can heat up for lunch.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member

    Heck, when I'm traveling, a lot of times, I'm in better shape because there isn't anything to do except work and workout. :p

    I really hope it ends up like that!

    I've always had the same experience traveling for work! You will be fine :)
  • kahdxoom
    kahdxoom Posts: 129
    Every week for 4 months you'll be in a hotel? I'd invest in a tiny $50 microwave then and tote it back and forth. Buy some Nordicware microwave cookware and some instant oats, microwave-in-bag rices, mac n cheese, mashed potato bowls, etc.

    Bring a cooler for your cold stuff and replenish with ice from the ice machine down the hall. Bring cold cuts, make sandwiches.

    If you must eat something out every night, portion it and put it in your cooler and save for a snack later.

    I did this for 6 months once. Small fridge & microwave in room. Then I bought a single electric burner for soups, eggs, steamed veggies, etc. Worked out well for me as I still have the burner as a fifth for my stove top!
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I know this probably isn't the advice you're looking for, but I would do some research on some of the options in the area and then go to your boss and/or HR and present some alternatives. 4 months is a LONG freaking time to be staying at a hotel (even just 5 days/week). Any respectable company would be willing to be slightly flexible with what they're willing to pay for and allow you accommodations that include at a bare minimum a mini fridge and microwave and possibly a fitness area, and reasonable reimbursements for fresh food (instead of restaurant food). This isn't a 3 day trip we're talking about here. Heck, allowing you to have some food in your room would probably even SAVE them money in the long run, depending on what kind of restaurants you're eating at. If there's not a hotel in the area with a fitness center, you could even ask them to reimburse you for part or all of your gym membership. If they're requiring you to travel, then they really should reimburse you for all of the things you would normally have at home - even if you weren't dieting, it seems incredibly unreasonable to insist upon that set-up for any of their employees unless there was absolutely no other alternative.

    If all of that is a to be you :(. You've gotten some great suggestions, though.

    *Edited for some weirdo grammar, lol.
  • healthytanya1
    healthytanya1 Posts: 198 Member
    Eat lots of fruit. You can buy a bunch and keep it in your room. That will definitely keep your calories low for the day then you can enjoy a normal and free meal for dinner.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Is intermittent fasting an option? Eating once or twice a day would give you room to enjoy the higher calorie restaurant meals.
  • anson808
    anson808 Posts: 47 Member

    Not a good idea.
  • anson808
    anson808 Posts: 47 Member
    Is intermittent fasting an option? Eating once or twice a day would give you room to enjoy the higher calorie restaurant meals.

    Doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

    If anything, eat a part of the larger calorie meal, and then eat the rest of it a little later (break it up into smaller meals).
    This should help keep your metabolism going, instead of making your body want to store fat by fasting and then eating one big meal.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I live out of hotels often and have no trouble hitting my calorie and macro goals. Just have to familiarize yourself with the nutrition data. :)
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Is intermittent fasting an option? Eating once or twice a day would give you room to enjoy the higher calorie restaurant meals.

    Doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

    If anything, eat a part of the larger calorie meal, and then eat the rest of it a little later (break it up into smaller meals).
    This should help keep your metabolism going, instead of making your body want to store fat by fasting and then eating one big meal.

    Sorry bud, but research has shown that meal timing is irrelevent for weight loss. Eating more often does not affect your metabolism.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I live out of hotels often and have no trouble hitting my calorie and macro goals. Just have to familiarize yourself with the nutrition data. :)


    Also, this might sound goofy, but I when I have stayed very near a hospital, I've eaten in the cafeteria.
    They offered low-priced, high quality food.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    for hotels, are we talking like Holiday Inn ?
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    for hotels, are we talking like Holiday Inn ?, Holiday Inn Express breakfasts are my downfall.


    Love 'em, but they screw up my blood tests when consumed daily over many months. Otherwise, I LUV 'EM! :love:

    P.S.-The cinnamon rolls are to die for! :love: Literally!
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    If you're going to basically be living out of a hotel for months, won't your company pony up for a room with a kitchenette? When I used to travel like that for work i always had a least a microwave and fridge so that I could have my own food.

    I'd press the issue's not going to cost them much more daily. I would never agree to a 4 month assignment with essentially no way to "eat at home". It's a big deal...just ask. They probably don't even realize the room doesn't have the bare necessities.

    If they say no, THEN go out and buy the mini-fridge and microwave. You can always Craig's list or put them in the "man cave" at a later date.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Is intermittent fasting an option? Eating once or twice a day would give you room to enjoy the higher calorie restaurant meals.

    Doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

    If anything, eat a part of the larger calorie meal, and then eat the rest of it a little later (break it up into smaller meals).
    This should help keep your metabolism going, instead of making your body want to store fat by fasting and then eating one big meal.

    Sorry bud, but research has shown that meal timing is irrelevent for weight loss. Eating more often does not affect your metabolism.

    Just quoting this for truth. All the truth.
  • m2boo
    m2boo Posts: 8
    A contestant just left the biggest loser last week and he travels a lot for work. He got a little foreman style grill for his hotel room and a cooler. Seemed to work great for grilling up some chicken.

    ( I know, biggest loser is unrealistic, I don't need a lecture) :P
  • lmmo1977
    Take the opportunity to have a healthy breakfast in the hotel. Put some eggs, lean meats and veggies and keep the carbs to a minimum. Make it as any other meal and by having more protein and less carbs it should keep you satiated until lunch time.

    Have a lunch based on the best choice available (always try to replace rice/bread/potato by some grilles or steamed veggies). If the hotel has a gym take advantage of it and go everyday. If does't need to be a very long session. Do some 15-20 minutes of HIIT carbio and then get some dumbbells (any gym in a hotel has at least some dumbbells) and do some squats, dead lifts, presses, etc.

    It will be fine... just make sure you log your calories as accurate as possible.
  • Cat232013
    Cat232013 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks! I feel much better about this now.

    I forgot to add that my gym membership is expensed too so that's good. In the past I know for long assignments they have put people in to apartments instead of hotels so after a bit I might try for that (I'm pretty new to this job and don't want to be too pushy and demanding early on!). I don't get to pick the hotels unfortunately because my company have a deal with a booking agency.

  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    This is one of those times when quality will matter lots. If you rely heavily on cold cuts, for instance make sure they're the clean type without nitrates/nitrites. That's the stuff that kills your heart. I eat real bacon nearly daily with 2 eggs (all organic) and my cholesterol is in the 150 range (I'm 53, this is considered excellent). My heart health is amazing. It's HOW the meat is processed that makes a difference.

    I'm going to give you a recipe suggestion to get your day off right .... high protein wrap! Carb balance tortilla with a sprinkle of cheese, 2 scrambled eggs and 2-3 slices bacon (bacon is 35 cal/2.5g fat/2.5g protein per slice). The protein will keep you going all day, you can make the bacon AND eggs in the microwave and take it on the run! good any time of day and you can try the hormel naturals hams/turkeys, veggies, etc. as well.


    ETA: Sonic has a pretty close wrap available any time too, but I hold the cheese sauce and the tots, both are too highly processed. Steak, egg, veggies and tortilla there and around 500 calories, loads of protein ... fewer synthetics than most fast food ...