
Has anyone tried this style of exercise? I used to do this kind if thing for competitive softball when I was like 15 and I was in amazing shape. That's almost 10yrs ago. I guess it's worth a shot. 20sec high intensity and 10 sec rest. I think anyone can do that so I'm going to go for it. Anyone with experience let me know thanks!


  • They had it at my gym for a while and I really loved it. You get such a good workout in less time. And even though it sucks while you're doing it, you can count the seconds to the next exercise or break. It goes by fast and you feel great after.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Yep, it's an amazing way to really up your VO2 max...and want to throw up.
  • beardedwarriortx
    beardedwarriortx Posts: 238 Member
    I honestly thought you were talking about the baseball player for the Pirates. I gotta start drinking less.
  • I do it often. My trainer calls my last set "the finisher."

    (If you talk to me and I don't answer you during "the finisher," please don't think I'm rude - I. Can't. Breathe.)
  • I do it at the gym at work if I can't cycle in. It has made a massive difference to my cycling, it might psychological, but I find the hills easier, I know I can push myself really hard and still survive.
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I do this at home on the days I feel like I want some intense cardio type exercise. I put some music on really loud and just go :smile:
  • Thanks everyone. I'm going to have my husband do all the timing for me. Army SSG he needs to whip me into shape as long as he doesn't confuse his rank with my authority we'll be just fine. :)
  • When I started Tabata I gained so much muscle and lost so much fat I was so happy definitely worth it if you ask me the workouts are so fun too!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Has anyone tried this style of exercise? I used to do this kind if thing for competitive softball when I was like 15 and I was in amazing shape. That's almost 10yrs ago. I guess it's worth a shot. 20 sec high intensity and 10 sec rest. I think anyone can do that so I'm going to go for it. Anyone with experience let me know thanks!

    I have an app on my phone called: Caynax HIIT Pro - cost $1.99 which does Tabata. For example, I would set it for 31 minutes (15 sets) with 20 or 30 seconds rest. My exercise consists of:

    90 seconds stress exercise time - leg presses
    30 seconds slow exercise time - obliques
    90 seconds - stepping
    30 seconds - obliques
    90 seconds - kettle bell swings
    30 seconds leg lifts
    90 seconds jogging on the stop
    and so on until I reach 31 minutes

    ending with 60 seconds cool down

    On my more ambitious workouts out I would do a whole body workout for 60 minutes. When I plateaued, this helped to get the weight moving again. It is extremely hard, but it allow you to use up every second of those 60 minutes without wasting time. Best $1.99 that I have spent in a long time.
  • Ms_Hiit
    Ms_Hiit Posts: 488
    Yes, love tabata and hiit style workouts. I have a good number of DVDs in the style. Would be happy to send you the titles and where you can purchase them if you are interested. PM me if you want them and I will give you a list.
  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    Lately I've been doing lots of tabata and hiit workouts on (for free) and loving it, really feel stronger all over. I've never liked exercise videos before, but I can't seem to get enough of these. I'm never sure how to log it here though--calisthenics? circuit training?
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Did it at crossfit with rowing and other exercises.

    To make TABATA effective you really have to go 'all out ' for 20 seconds(not 90%).

    I tried TABATA rowing for 20 sets( 20 sec on, 10 sec off , 10 min total) the other week.

    Almost died. lol
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Has anyone tried this style of exercise? I used to do this kind if thing for competitive softball when I was like 15 and I was in amazing shape. That's almost 10yrs ago. I guess it's worth a shot. 20 sec high intensity and 10 sec rest. I think anyone can do that so I'm going to go for it. Anyone with experience let me know thanks!

    I have an app on my phone called: Caynax HIIT Pro - cost $1.99 which does Tabata. For example, I would set it for 31 minutes (15 sets) with 20 or 30 seconds rest. My exercise consists of:

    90 seconds stress exercise time - leg presses
    30 seconds slow exercise time - obliques
    90 seconds - stepping
    30 seconds - obliques
    90 seconds - kettle bell swings
    30 seconds leg lifts
    90 seconds jogging on the stop
    and so on until I reach 31 minutes

    ending with 60 seconds cool down

    On my more ambitious workouts out I would do a whole body workout for 60 minutes. When I plateaued, this helped to get the weight moving again. It is extremely hard, but it allow you to use up every second of those 60 minutes without wasting time. Best $1.99 that I have spent in a long time.

    Hey Socajam - love this routine. Going to print and save. :-)
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Lately I've been doing lots of tabata and hiit workouts on (for free) and loving it, really feel stronger all over. I've never liked exercise videos before, but I can't seem to get enough of these. I'm never sure how to log it here though--calisthenics? circuit training?

    Under cardio, there is now an entry for Tabata Bootcamp. You can use that for basic calorie calculation.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    I agree! It needs to be done at 100% intensity to feel the full effect!! It works wonders. So many possibilities with Tabata. It can be a full body, upper body, lower body, cardio, heavy bag, or all combinations.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    All my workouts are tabata based, except for my cycling to and from work. I love it as it kicks my a55 (in a good way) but it doesn't take forever.

    Here's yesterdays kettlebell workout as an example (all tabata):

    2 handed swings
    snatches left/right
    cleans l/r
    dips/press ups
    2 handed swings

    24 mins (plus brief rests - I never rest for more than 1 min between) and I was done :)
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I love a "tabata style" DVD workout, not true tabata, that Amy Dixon does with her Breathless Body series. I have lost weight, broke a plateau once and I found after not walk/jogging in a long time, I didn't lose as much as usual in endurance, I think the pacing and cardio helped a lot.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    LOL, you guys aren't really doing the real tabata protocol. You're doing tabata style / HIIT.

    Read the actual tabata study. Unless you're at 170% VO2max for 20 secs, you're not doing tabata.
  • LOL, you guys aren't really doing the real tabata protocol. You're doing tabata style / HIIT.

    Read the actual tabata study. Unless you're at 170% VO2max for 20 secs, you're not doing tabata.

    Whatevs, We knew what they were asking.